SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR 416 004 Manual No. 3 [Section 4(1)(b ((iii)] Right to Information Act 2005 Manual 3 [Section 4(1) (b) (iii)] The Procedure followed in the Decision - making process, Channels of Supervision and Accountability Sr. No. 1 2 Section of Days within which Authority Procedure is Responsible completed for that activity 10 days before S.O./ AR Administration Submission of Monthly preparation of salary attendance sheet report Sanction of 3 days before S.O./ AR/ Long leave proceeding for leave H.O.D. All Deptt Details Activity Confirmation of 15 day after staff completion of probation period Issue of various 5 days from demand certificates Recruitment Generally within 150 process days Including Advertisement, Written Examination, Interview & appointment Preparation & 6 months before the submission of date of pension case superannuation of increment Placement 90 days proposals (CAS) Issue of 5 days after selection appointment letters Abstract of 7 days after expiry of inward / outward the previous month register S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. S.O./ AR/ H.O.D. Manual 3 Sr. No. Section 3 Academic Details Activity of Days within which Authority Procedure is Responsible completed for that activity Parawise As required by Legal S.O./ AR/ information in Cell H.O.D. court case to be supplied to the law section Contracts for 15 days before S.O./ AR/ maintenance of completion of H.O.D. various previous Machinery contract Activities which 70 days Section In are to be charge performed annually Preparation of Generally within 2 Assistant notes days or as per the urgency of the matter Correspondence, Generally within 2 Assistant if required days from the receipt or as per the urgency of the matter. Letters to be put Generally within 2 Assistant up for approval days from the receipt or as per the urgency of the matter. Acceptance of Same day as Concerned Staff forms (any kind) prescribed in the schedule Publication of 15 days before the A.SO./S.O./A.R./ syllabus commencement of D.R. the course Issue of approval 2 days S.O. / AR of advertisement after following 4 5 6 Reservation Eligibility Examination due process Sending of selection panel 15 days before the date of interview S.O. / AR Approval to teachers / Principal Verification of roster registers Scrutiny of Advertisement Enrolment of names in Reservation Cell 15 days after necessary compliances 7 days from the date of proposal 3 days from the date of proposal Same day on receipt of the complete proposal S.O. / AR Supply of list of candidates, on demands Issue of final Eligibility Grant of permission for change in University/faculty, college subject, readmission Eligibility for centralized admissions 3 days S.O 15 days after the scrutiny 7 days after prescribed / date of submission is over S.O. / AR 15 days on receipt of merit list from competent authority 2 days from receipt of application S.O. / AR 7 days from receipt of application Assistant 15 days before starting of Assistant Issue of Eligibility certificate/ Migration Certificate / T.C. on demand Issue of duplicate marks statement, correction in names, passing certificates, Merit list Issue of Hall ticket D.R. D.R. Assistant S.O. / AR S.O. / AR Examination Manual 3 Result of Verification Result of Revaluation 7 8 9 Library Record Room Board of Sports Conduct of meeting for appointment of examiners for practical / oral examinations Issue of appointment letter to examiners Preparation and publication of time table Purchase of books, periodicals and journals Classification & accession of books Receipt of record including Scrutiny Sorting of record Placing of record categoriwise Inter collegiate tournament activity Group tournament Inter University tournament Coaching camp 30 days from the receipt of answer book to the section in normal course Before commencement of next examination One month before of the date of practical / oral examination Concerned Staff 15 days before the date of examination concern Assistant One month before of the date of examinations One month before the start of the academic year 15 days on receipt of books S.O./ AR. Same day Record keeper 1 hour per bundle 5 days from the receipt 45 days before the event Record keeper Record keeper 30 days for each event 30 days after group tournament 5 days for each Director Assistant Assistant Concerned Staff Concerned Staff Director Director Director for inter University tournament event Manual 3 CHANNEL OF SUPERVISION (NON-TEACHING EMPLOYEES) CHANNEL OF SUPERVISION VICE-CHANCELLOR PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR REGISTRAR DIRECTOR, B.C.U.D. F.A.O. C.O.E. DEPUTY REGISTRAR & EQUIVALENT CADRE ASSISTANT REGISTRAR & EQUIVALENT CADRE SUPERINTENDENT & EQUIVALENT CADRE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & EQUIVALENT CADRE SR. CLERK JR. CLERK Manual 3 CHANNEL OF SUPERVISION (TEACHERS ) VICE CHANCELLOR PRO. V. C. HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENTS/ DIRECTORS PROFESSOR/ READER/LECTURER NON-TEACHING STAFF ( For Non-Teaching staff Registrar will be the Disciplinary Authority )