Test 2, St 711, Dickey 1. (4 pts.) I have seven evaluators, available for a 3 day period, and 7 employees to evaluate. Evaluation takes a day so each evaluator will evaluate 3 employees, rating each on a 1 to 100 scale. Name a design that would be good for this, assuming there may be random day effects, random evaluator effects, and fixed employee effects. 2. (24 points) Lagoons (large ponds) on hog farms are used to dispose of waste and hence contain some toxic substances. There are hundreds of these farms in NC. In my lab, I want to compare 4 chemicals for purifying the lagoon water using water from actual lagoons. I expect much lagoon to lagoon variation, but not much within a lagoon. I want my results to hold for the whole state and I’ll need 20 replicates of each treatment (80 runs in all). Explain how I should collect water samples, how I should run the experiment, and which factors I would consider fixed and which random. Lay out the analysis of variance table with sources and degrees of freedom. For your design, are the confidence intervals for either of the following affected by whether or not the lagoon effects are considered random? (a) The mean for a single chemical – confidence interval affected? (yes no) (a) The difference in means between 2 chemicals – confidence interval affected? (yes no) (3) A Graeco-Latin square has lower case letters (a,b,c,d) corresponding to levels of weight and capital letters (A,B,C,D) corresponding to levels of height in an experiment in which 4 subjects (the rows) lifted the different weights to the different heights. Columns correspond to the order of lifts. The response Y is stress on the spine of the lifter. Here are the data with stress numbers Y labeled by weight and height levels.: Subject 1 2 3 4 Lift1 32 56 84 80 (a,A) (c,B) (d,C) (b,D) Lift2 44 64 92 96 (b,B) (d,A) (c,D) (a,C) Lift3 76 20 32 84 (c,C) (a,D) (b,A) (d,B) Lift4 68 64 52 100 (d,D) (b,C) (a,B) (c,A) (A) (18 pts.) List all subjects, if any, who lifted weight b to height C __________ and compute the mean stress ________ for weight b averaged over the other factors. (B) I used this code to analyze the data: proc glm; class row column height weight; model Y = row column height weight/solution; run; and got this analysis of variance table and partial (Type III) sums of squares list: DF Sum of Squares ___ ___ ___ Source row column height weight Source Model Error Corrected Total Mean Square F Value Pr > F 8764.000000 ___________ 8887.000000 730.333333 41.000000 17.81 0.0183 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 3 3 __ 3 3683.000000 1059.000000 ___________ ___________ 1227.666667 353.000000 ___________ ******** 29.94 8.61 _____ ***** 0.0098 0.0552 0.0420 0.0151 (a) (36 pts.) Fill in the 9 blanks in the output above. The means for heights A, B, C, and D were 57, 59, 80, and 65 and the overall mean 65.25. (b) (8 pts.) List all of the Type I (sequential) sums of squares, if any, that can be computed from the given information and your computations so far. Give the numbers: Type I SS for: row ________ column ________ height _________ weight _________. (c) (10 pts.) The difference in mean stress for height C versus B is 80-59=21. Assuming random subject and lift time effects, fixed height and weight effects, give the standard error __________of this difference. ANSWERS 1. A Latin Square would be great if evaluators had 7 days, but with only 3 days A Youden Square would be the next best thing with 3 rows (days) and 7 column (evaluators). Note that the rows here have a meaning so a balanced incomplete block design (where the entries in each column are randomized) would NOT capture the day effects. 2. Collect large water samples for each of 20 randomly selected lagoons. Split each into 4 parts and assign the 4 treatments randomly to the 4 parts. Lagoons are random, chemicals fixed. This of course is a randomized complete block design. ANOVA Source df Blocks Trt Error 19 (lagoons) 2 (chemicals) 38 Yes, No 3. (A) Subject 2 (4th lift). (80+44+32+64)/4 = 55. The point here, of course, is that this simple mean works because of the DESIGN, that is, the simple mean has one effect from every row and one for every column and so is automatically “averaged over the other effects”. (B) (a) Height df is 3 so model df is 3+3+3+3=12. Error df is then total df (15) minus 12 so 15-12=3 is error df and error SSq is 3(41)=123. Two missing sums of squares add up to 8764-3683-1059=4022 so we need only compute one of them directly. Either one is OK, but since height means are already computed, that one would be faster. Taking differences from the overall mean we get -8.25, -6.25, 14.75. and -0.25. We thens quare these, add them together and multiply by 4 (4 observations in each mean) getting 1299 as our height SS then 4022-1299 = 2723 is SS(weight). The mean square 1299/3 = 433 and F=433/41 = 10.56 follow. (b) Type I and Type III are the same for all orthogonal designs like this. The sums of squares do not depend on order of entry into the model so they are all the same as what they would have been if fitted last (Type I = Type III). This of course is not always the case. Since you know Type III, just fill those in here. (c) This again is an easier computation because of the balance inherent in Latin squares. The row and column effects difference out of this expression and we are left with the difference of two averages of error terms (e’s), each an average 4 e’s so the variance is 2(41)/4 = 20.5 and thus the standard error is 4.5277.