ST 524 Homework 6 1. NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 10/30/08 A two-factor experiment, involving five levels of nitrogen and three rice varieties was conducted by the department of Agronomy, IRRI, at Maligaya Experiment Station, Nueva Ecija, in the 1965 wet season. A randomized block design with four replicates was used. Varieties and Nitrogen levels are fixed-effect factors. Data N level (kg/ha) Block I 0 40 70 100 130 3.852 4.788 4.576 6.034 5.874 0 40 70 100 130 2.846 4.956 5.928 5.664 5.458 0 40 70 100 130 4.192 5.250 5.822 5.888 5.864 a) Grain Yield (t/ha) Block Block II III Variety 6966 2.606 3.144 4.936 4.562 4.454 4.884 5.276 5.906 5.916 5.984 Variety PI215936 3.794 4.108 5.128 4.150 5.698 5.810 5.362 6.458 5.546 5.786 Variety Milfor 6(2) 3.754 3.738 4.582 4.896 4.848 5.678 5.524 6.042 6.264 6.056 Block IV 2.894 4.608 3.924 5.652 5.518 3.444 4.990 4.308 5.474 5.932 3.428 4.286 4.932 4.756 5.362 Field layout Block I Block II Block III Block IV V3N2 V3N0 V2N4 V2N3 V1N3 V1N0 V1N1 V2N2 V2N0 V1N2 V1N3 V3N0 V2N1 V1N3 V3N1 V3N3 V3N2 V3N4 V3N0 V1N2 V3N2 V2N2 V3N1 V2N1 V1N4 V3N4 V2N0 V1N1 V1N2 V2N2 V1N0 V1N3 V2N1 V2N4 V1N4 V3N2 V1N1 V1N2 V1N0 V2N0 V1N4 V3N1 V3N1 V2N4 V2N3 V1N0 V1N1 V3N3 V2N3 V3N3 V2N2 V2N1 V2N4 V3N0 V1N4 V3N4 V3N3 V2N0 V2N3 V3N4 Run analysis of variance proc glm data=rice; class block n_level variety; model yield = block n_level | variety; output out = outglm r = residual p = pred student = studentresid ; *lsmeans n_level/ stderr out=outlsmn; *lsmeans n_level*variety/ stderr out=outlsmn2; run; b) Find a meaningful decomposition of Nitrogen effect. Test of hypothesis. 1. Graph interaction means vs Nitrogen Levels likely indicates a quadratic response. 2. Fit a quadratic polynomial for N, and check significance of remaining polynomial terms (LOF). Use sequential SS - Type I SS. 3. Run a mean separation procedure to analyze significance for variety. 4. Conclusion. proc glm data=two; class block LOF variety; model yield = block n_level n_level*n_level LOF variety variety*n_level variety*n_level*n_level variety*LOF /ss1; means variety/lsd tukey bon waller; run; Hypothesis Model: y N N 2 dev _ quad N *Var N 2 *Var dev _ quad * ijk ... k j 1 i 2 i i 5j i j 6j i j ijk ij Block effect : 3 df Variety effect: 2 df N effect: 4 df o N linear ,1 df , H o : 1 0 o N quad, 1 df , H o : 2 0 Tuesday September 18, 2007 Homework 4 1 ST 524 Homework 6 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 10/30/08 o LOF 2 df , H o : 3 4 0 N*Variety, 8 df o N linear*Variety, 2 df , o N quad*Variety, 2 df , o N dev.quad*Variety, 4 df , H o : 51 52 53 0 H o : 61 62 63 0 H o : dev.quad * 0 ij c) Alternative approach, if willing to explore the quasi significance of variety*N_level proc glm data=two; class block LOF variety; model yield = block variety n_level n_level*n_level n_level*n_level*n_level n_level*n_level*n_level*n_level variety variety variety variety * * * * n_level n_level*n_level n_level*n_level*n_level n_level*n_level*n_level*n_level /ss1 solution; run; Model: y N N 2 N 3 N 4 N *Var N 2 *Var N 3 *Var N 4 *Var ijk ... k j 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i 5j i j 6j i j 7j i j 8j i j ijk Block effect : 3 gl Variety effect: 2 gl N linear 1 gl , H o : 1 0 N quad 1 gl , H o : 2 0 N cubic 1 gl , N dev. cubic 1 gl , N linear*Variety 2 gl , H o : 51 52 53 0 N quad*Variety 2 gl , H o : 61 62 63 0 N cubic*Variety 2 gl , H o : 71 72 73 0 N quad*Variety 2 gl , H o : 81 82 83 0 H o : 3 0 H o : 4 0 d) Is Variety effect significant? Test of hypothesis. e) f) H o :1 2 3 0 Are the ANOVA assumptions met? Conclusions. 2. The following table presents the yield of Irish potatoes in the Gibbs Farms, Portsmouth Sandy Loam Data BLOCKS K pH level Acid 30 Acid 50 Acid 70 Neutral 30 Neutral 50 Neutral 70 Alkaline 30 Alkaline 50 Alkaline 70 Standard (70-60-30) Check a) trtid I II III IV V T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 203 188 199 190 191 203 203 196 216 157 50 192 178 179 194 193 211 196 199 203 167 92 163 175 193 196 187 184 192 193 230 172 90 167 196 183 175 200 203 192 194 169 158 97 198 192 188 180 194 187 193 205 192 158 88 Run analysis of variance. proc glm data=potato; Tuesday September 18, 2007 Homework 4 2 ST 524 Homework 6 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 10/30/08 class block trtid; model yield = block trtid; output out = outglm r = residual p = pred student = sres ; lsmeans trtid/ pdiff adjust=tukey stderr out=outlsmn; run; b) Find a meaningful decomposition of Treatments effect. Test of hypothesis. **** 2 controls + k_level pH k_level*pH proc glm data=potato; class block pH k_level trtid; model yield = block trtid; output out = outglm r = residual p = pred student = sres ; run; a) Compare Alkaline vs Acid pH ************; 1 2 3 3 7 8 9 3 b) Compare Neutral vs average of (Alkaline, Acid) pH 1 2 3 3 7 8 9 3 2 4 5 6 3 c) K linear 3 6 9 3 1 4 7 3 d) Deviations from linear K 1 4 7 3 3 6 9 3 2 2 5 8 3 1 3 7 9 e) Interaction effect K linear*(Alkaline vs Acid pH) f) Interaction effect K dev_from_linear*(Alkaline vs Acid pH) 7 9 2 8 1 3 2 2 g) Interaction effect K linear*(neutral vs (Alk, Acid) pH) 3 9 2 6 1 7 2 4 Interaction effect K dev_from_linear*(neutral vs (Alk, Acid) pH) 7 9 2 8 1 3 2 2 4 6 2 5 2 h) Standard vs Check 10 11 i) Controls vs Factorial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 contrast "acid vs alc " contrast "neutral vs ( acid, alc)" contrast "k_devLin" contrast "k_linear" contrast "k_linear* (acid vs alc)" contrast "k_devLin*(acid vs alc)" contrast "k_lin *(neutral vs (acid,alc))" contrast "k_devlin *(neutral vs (acid,alc))" contrast "Standard vs check" contrast "control vs factorial" *lsmeans trtid/ stderr out=outlsmn; a. b. 9 10 11 2 trtid -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0; trtid 1 1 1 -2 -2 -2 1 1 1 0 0; trtid 1 -2 1 1 -2 1 1 -2 1 0 0; trtid -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 0 0; trtid 1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0; trtid -1 2 -1 0 0 0 1 -2 1 0 0; trtid -1 0 1 2 0 -2 -1 0 1 0 0; trtid 1 -2 1 -2 4 -2 1 -2 1 0 0; trtid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1; trtid 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -9 -9; Are the ANOVA assumptions met? Conclusions. - You may consider the effects of the inclusion of controls in the analysis of variance. See residual plot. Note: An alternative way to check for heterogeneity of variances is to plot residual vs predicted , as in the regular residual vs predicted plot, we should look for patterns in the distribution of the points along the x-axis (y-axis). Tuesday September 18, 2007 Homework 4 3 ST 524 Homework 6 NCSU - Fall 2008 Due: 10/30/08 3. Reference: Tuesday September 18, 2007 Homework 4 4