ST512 Quiz 4 SSII-2010 1) I have a 2x2 factorial with factors A and B in a completely randomized design a1b1 30 Treatment means a1b2 a2b1 24 10 a2b2 16 Each of these is a mean of 10 observations. The error mean square is MSE=90. a) The mean y11 has standard error ______ b) Compute the main effect of factor A _____ ______ and its standard error c) Compute a sum of squares for testing each of these null hypotheses: i) H0: There is no effect of A averaged over the levels of B. SSq = _______ ii) July 29, 2010 H0: The effect of A is the same at the high level of B as at the low level. SSq = _______ Page 1 ST512 Quiz 4 SSII-2010 2) An experiment is done to see how long it takes for floor finishes to wear through to expose the bare wood. The treatments are the 6 combinations of factors W and C. Factor W is type of wood flooring at two levels P=pine and O=oak. Factor C is the number of coats of a polyurethane finish applied to the wood. It is at three levels 1, 3, and 5 coats. One board with each treatment is prepared then these six boards are attached to a horizontal surface to form a six board “floor”. A machine that simulates wear passes across this “floor” over and over again until all boards are worn down to the bare wood. For each board, the experimenter records the pass number Y on which the wood is exposed. He does these in sets of six because there is some concern that the pressure exerted by the machine may vary slightly from run to run. He feels these things may affect wear from replicate to replicate, but he is certain that these replicate effects do not interact with the treatments. The entire process is repeated 4 times in all and these are the totals (of 6 Ys each) for his 4 replicates: Block Total 1 990 2 960 3 1050 4 1200 The corrected total sum of squares for all of his Y values is 21,729. a) The replicates here are blocks. Would you have known this from the description of the experiment or did I need to tell you? Briefly explain. You need to recognize a blocked experiment from the description of the experiment as requested. b) Compute the block (rep) sum of squares. c) How many observations (Y values) did the experiment have? The treatment totals can be laid out in a table. They are coats WOOD 1 3 OAK 720 624 PINE 672 600 Totals 1296 1320 5 840 744 1584 Totals 2184 2016 4200 d) Complete the degrees of freedom and sums of squares for this analysis of variance table. Source Blocks(reps) Treatments Error July 29, 2010 df Sum of Squares Page 2 ST512 Quiz 4 SSII-2010 e) Break the treatment sum of squares down into sums of squares for wood type, for coatings and for interaction wood and coating and give the respective degrees of freedom. Source Blocks W (Wood) C (Coating) W*C Error df Sum of Square MS F f) Give the F test ___ for testing the null hypothesis that the difference in wear between Oak and Pine is the same for all levels of Coats. g) Compute a sum of squares ______ for testing the null hypothesis that the difference in wear between Oak and Pine is the same with 3 coats as it is with 5 (ignoring what happens with one coat) July 29, 2010 Page 3 ST512 Quiz 4 SSII-2010 3) Give an example of a 2 by 2 factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design. Present the layout of one of the blocks. Identify the following, i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Response, Blocking factor, explain. experimental units, number of repetitions, factor A factor B Error Df, and (Research) Question of interest, why do you run this experiment? 4) July 29, 2010 Page 4