
Advanced Digital Image Processing
(CE 40-823)
First Assignment
Introduction to Image Display and Manipulation
Due time: 1384/12/16
CE 40823
Spring 2006
Instructor: Dr. S. Kasaei
What to turn in:
 Source file of the program including necessary comments, as described in the sample program (you
can find the sample code at http://ce.sharif.edu/courses/84-85/2/ce823/resources/root/DIP_A_Sample.m).
 For each section, you are to turn in a brief report. Please do not include the source code but provide
me with information required to explain some parts. Your report should include the followings: a
description of the experiments theoretical background (what the reader needs to know to understand the
experiment), methodology (explanation of the used method), results (including graphic outputs of the
parts that you are asked to), and explanation of the results (justify your results and answer the questions
that might exist in the handout). The report is very important in determining your grade for the
programming assignment. Motivation and initiative are greatly encouraged and will earn extra points.
Your reports should be in .PDF format and you must send your reports to
advanced_ip@yahoo.com before the due time. Late reports will not be taken into account.
Your reports must be written in English, in size 12 "Times New Roman" font.
You must email your .m files and your report in .PDF format to: advanced_ip@yahoo.com before the
due time.
Those reports which have not the above properties may not be considered.
This assignment will introduce you to some of the basic image display techniques and image
processing routines that you will be introduced in the CE 40823 course.
Digital images can be stored in various formats. In general MATLAB image processing
toolbox supports three main types of data; unit8, uint16, and double. Also, the image types
which are supported by MATLAB can be categorized into four main classes; indexed,
intensity, binary, and RGB. Another characteristic of images is their format; BMP, HDF,
In this programming assignment, you will start performing a number of experiments using
predefined MATLAB functions. The role of these experiments is to help you get a better
understanding of the image perception.
1- Suppose you have a gray level image .Use Fourier Transform to extract the Fourier
coefficients, plot main image and its Fourier Transform.
Then reconstruct the image using the greatest 5, 10 and 20 coefficients.
2- Attain the approximation of the covariance and correlation matrix for a gray level
image; compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the image using the covariance
matrix. Describe the relation between the image and the resulted eigenvectors.
1: Use the image toolbox in Matlab.
2: Use the equations in the second chapter of your book.
3: You can use image instances in the Matlab’s image toolbox.