
4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
February 27, 2015
Dear Junior Students and Families,
Your student is scheduled to take the ACT college readiness assessment on Tuesday, March 3rd. The ACT is the state
achievement test for grade 11 public high school students. Current state legislation requires that students take the ACT
in order to graduate from high school. In spring 2014, the PSAE will test four academic subjects: reading, mathematics,
science, and writing.
All students received a copy of Taking the ACT; please be sure to review pages 3-4 of this booklet with your student to
ensure that he/she is aware of the testing and security procedures.
Students – Please be aware of and adhere to the following:
On Test Day:
 Report to Lake View by 7:45 am. You will not be admitted to the test if you are late.
 Take the following items with you:
 LVHS student ID – if you forget your ID, you will need to obtain a temporary ID from 109
 Sharpened soft lead No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens)
 A watch to pace yourself (no cell phones permitted). Your supervisor will announce when 5 minutes
remain on each test.
 A permitted calculator. Your math teachers will be distributing calculators in class for you to use on test
day. The current list of prohibited calculators can be found at
 Clothing layers for comfort. Temperature control in the testing areas can be highly variable on testing
days. Please prepare by bringing a couple of layers that can be easily added or removed for comfort
during testing.
 Report to your assigned testing location based on division.
 Once testing materials have been distributed, late students will not be allowed to enter the testing room.
 Testing will take approximately 4 hours.
The following items are prohibited in the test room:
 Cell phones or ANY electronic device other than a permitted calculator (examples include timer, media player,
headphones, iPad).
 Books, dictionaries, notes, scratch paper, or any unapproved testing aids.
 Highlight pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid.
 Reading material.
 Other items prohibited by LVHS and CPS.
Prohibited Behavior at the Test Site
You will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored if you are found:
 In possession of or using any electronic device during testing or during breaks.
 Filling in or altering ovals on a test or continuing to write the essay after time has been called on that test.
 Looking back at a test on which time has already been called.
 Looking ahead in the test booklet.
 Looking at another student’s test booklet or answer document.
Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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4015 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone 773.534.5440 | Fax 773.534.5908 |
Scott Grens, Principal | Angela Newton, Assistant Principal | Meghan Sovell, Assistant Principal | Toney Vast-Binder, Assistant Principal
Giving or receiving assistance.
Using a prohibited calculator or sharing a calculator with another student.
Using a calculator on any test other than the Mathematics Test.
Attempting to remove test materials, including test questions or answers from the test room by any means.
Using highlight pens, colored pens or pencils, scratch paper, notes, dictionaries, or any other testing aids not
approved in advance by ACT.
Not following instructions or abiding by the rules of the test site.
Exhibiting confrontational, threatening, or unruly behavior.
Creating a disturbance or allowing an alarm to sound in the test room.
Testing Locations:
Boy’s Gym
Girl’s Gym
Girls’s Gym
HR 601
HR 602
HR 603
HR 604
HR 605
HR 606
HR 607
HR 608
HR 609
HR 610
HR 611
HR 612
HR 613
Toney Vast-Binder
Assistant Principal
Honor | Ownership | Mastery | Education
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