DISTRIBUTED EDUCATION FACILITIES Student Evaluation Your thoughtful replies to the following questions will help the Distributed Education Facilities improve your educational experiences. Your answers are considered confidential. Your identity will be protected. Your responses will be used by the Distributed Education Facilities, VPCIO and Provost Office to make improvements in technology and in course delivery. Please place the completed survey in the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope. Thank you. SECTION I: student information Did you take this workshop/class for credit or non-credit? ____credit ____non-credit Is this the first time you took a DL (Distance Learning) workshop/class? ____yes ____no At which location were you registered to take the class? Location: ______________________________________________________________________ SECTION II: course and instructor information Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements using the following scale: 1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Disagree 4=Strongly disagree NA=Not Applicable 1. I believe the DL workshop was a positive experience….……………… 1 2. The communication tools were easy to use (microphone, camera, E-mail, FAX, document camera, etc..)………………………………… 1 3. The teaching/learning tools (video, supplemental material, etc.) were available and beneficial……………………………………………….. 1 4. My interest in the subject has increased as a result of taking this workshop…………………………………………………………….… 1 5. I was able to understand the ideas and concepts taught in this workshop via the distance learning methodolgy……………………………… 1 6. I increased my professional networking contacts……………………. 1 7. The instructor used the technology effectively to engage the students. 1 8. The instructor used the technology effectively to communicate the learning objectives……………………………………………………. 1 9. The evaluative criteria used by the instructor was fair and appropriate 1 10. The instructor was organized and enthusiastic when teaching in D/L... 1 11. The instructor was open to questions…………………………………. 1 12. The instructor was knowledgeable of the workshop content…………. 1 13. The instructor’s course outline/syllabus clearly defined the material to be covered during the workshop…………………………………… 1 GO/EdSpSer/Evaluations 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 3 4 NA 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 NA NA NA NA NA 2 3 4 NA SECTION III: for students at sites distant from the instructor Compared to similar workshops that you have taken on-campus (traditional classroom), how likely were you in a DL setting to: 1=Much More Likely 3= About the Same 5=Much Less Likely 2=Somewhat More Likely 4=Somewhat Less Likely 6=NA=Not Applicable ….search for answers to your questions rather than ask the instructor or other students……………………………………………………. ….ask for clarification when you didn’t understand something………. ….discuss the ideas and concepts taught in this workshop with other students…………………………………………………………….. ….interact with the instructor…………………………………………. ….interact with other students………………………………………… ….feel motivated to learn……………………………………………… ….concentrate on the course material…………………………………. ….use electronic resources…………………………………………….. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 NA NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 SECTION IV: questions To better understand the strength and weaknesses of DL workshops/classes, please respond briefly to the following questions. Why did you take this workshop (e.g. personal development, professional development, interest, etc.)? What did you like best about the workshop? What did you like least about the workshop? Please comment on the technology used. Other comments? Other topics we should consider for future workshops? GO/EdSpSer/Evaluations