Question_for_Experiment 1_Phytopathology_V79No_1989.doc

Reference: Phytopathology_v79No5_1989_pp619-622
Questions refer to Experiment 1 only.
1. Objectives of study
2. Target Population
3. Response variable
4. indicate what are the different experimental units,
a. main-unit
b. sub-unit
c. sub-sub unit
5. How is a block defined?
6. how many main-unit within each block?
7. How many sub-units within each main-unit?
8. how many sub-sub-units within each sub-unit
9. present a possible layout for the experiment, indicating assignment of mainplot factor,
subplot factor and subsubplot factor.
10. what are the factors and their type: random fixed?
11. Write down the corresponding linear model
12. present the ANOVA table, sources of variation, df, ms if possible, for experiment 1
13. Authors indicate that “sub-subplot factor and interactions was analyzed as a randomized
complete block design”. Refer to table 2 – Experiment 1, discuss correctness of
calculated degrees of freedom.
14. What suggestions for alternative analysis would you give to researcher?