Maori & Psychology Research Unit Graduate Research Scholarships 2013 “To facilitate the professional development of Māori researchers and to continue to develop future leaders in Māori focused research and psychology”. MPRU Graduate Research Scholarships The Maori and Psychology Research Unit (MPRU) is pleased to make available scholarships valued up to $4000. Applicants who fit the criteria below are invited to apply. Criteria These are intended for students who are currently enrolled in a Honours level research paper or Directed Studies, Masters or PhD degrees in 2013 with the School of Psychology, University of Waikato. All applicants must be engaged in a research endeavour on a topic of interest to the Maori & Psychology Research Unit. Where applicable, a portion of the scholarship may be used to subsidise course fees. The scholarship must be accepted or declined and contractual paper work signed before 28th June. Application is by letter Hard copy applications must be addressed and sent to: “MPRU Graduate Research Scholarships” c/o School of Psychology Secretaries, Room K.1.12 University of Waikato, PB3105, Hamilton. For enquiries contact: Waikaremoana Waitoki Room J.1.17, Extn 6317, Email University of Waikato Applications due 5.00pm JUNE 20th 2013 2 Checklist: What to include in your application A completed coversheet (see attachment) A letter of application (see details below) A copy of your academic record Proof of enrolment A supporting statement from your supervisor or nominated supporting academic staff member Your letter of application should include: An opening biographical statement about who you are Type of enrolment programme and length of time enrolled A brief description of your research topic/activity o Research title o Aim of research o Research timeline and research outputs/milestones, including how you intend to collaborate with your supervisor in any publication or research dissemination. o Research status (what stage are you at in your research?) How your research relates to areas of interest to the MPRU (no more than 500 words). o Applicants should refer to the MPRU website for details With regards to your research, what will you have achieved by 1st December 2013? (eg., submitted thesis, conference presentation, published paper). Scholarship payments The scholarship will be held from the time of the first instalment, until 1 December 2013 when all work associated with the scholarship shall be completed. Scholarship holders will be expected to present their work at an MPRU seminar prior to 1 December 2013. Scholarship payments will be made in two instalments, 50% on taking up the scholarship, with the remainder paid after all work related to the scholarship has been completed to the satisfaction of the allocation committee and/or the student’s supervisor. 3 Announcement of the Award Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications by email no later than the 28th June. The decision of the MPRU scholarships allocation committee will be final. 4 Maori & Psychology Research Unit Graduate Research Scholarships 2013 (Cover Sheet) First Names Last Name Student ID No. Email address Postal Address Contact phone numbers: My current level of study is: Title of Research Moblie: Home: Honours student Provide a brief statement that describes the research activity you intend to use the scholarship towards and intended outputs. Name of supervisor(s) Supervisor(s) sign here I agree to the use of my details being used for promotional purposes by MPRU Yes/No Master’s student PhD student Other (please identify)