Quantum Simulation of the Haldane Phase 19.12.2013 HUJI Alex Retzker Sussex Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions, 2013 Itsik Cohen Accepted to PRL BOSCH UND SIEMENS HAUSGERÄTE GRUPPE MAGIC - Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling V z 1 F. Mintert and C Wunderlich, PRL 87, 257904 (2001); 0 B MAGIC - Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling MAGIC δz |1 Use microwave instead of laser light F. Mintert and C Wunderlich, PRL 87, 257904 (2001); |0 B Short Qubit coherence time Ramsey experiment T ≈ 5 ms F=1 F=0 mF=-1 mF=0 mF=0 mF=+1 Hahn Echo: Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 5 Background Carr Purcell – CP Spin echo decay A sequence of echos, i.e., of π pulses focuses the polarization for a long time z y x Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 6 Carr Purcell – CP: Spin echo decay A sequence of echos, i.e., of π pulses focuses the polarization for a long time z z y x π+δΦ 2 δΦ y x Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 7 Composite pulses z é q ù Goal: Rf (q ) = exp ê -i s f ú ë 2 û é q (1+ e ) ù Real pulse: Mf (q ) = exp ê -i sf ú 2 ë û but: Mf (2kp ) = ±R(2kpe ) y x And now we can use the Suzuki Trotter decomposition The optimization is on operations not on memory but theoretically the difference is very small. Torosov & Vitanov, PRA 87, 043418 (2013). Kyoseva & Vitanov arxiv:1310.7145. Wang et al., arxiv: 1312.4523 Kenneth R. Brown, Aram W. Harrow, and Isaac L. Chuang, PRA 70, 052318 (2004) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 8 Coherent control Timoney et, al., 2007 Montangero et,. Al. PRL 99, 170501 (2007) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 9 Search for a stable qubit 0 No dephasing but no coupling Can we somehow construct two ‘good’ qubit levels? 1 0' 1 Coupled but strongly dephased Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 10 Dynamical Decoupling: take I B 1 w0 D 1 Dephasing(T2) Rate: Flipping(T1) Rate: Dephasing(T2) Rate: +second order B effects Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 11 Dynamical Decoupling: take II 0 Flipping(T1) Rate: + Relative phase fluctuations +1 u 0' -1 Dephasing(T2) Rate: D 0' +second order B effects d Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 12 Ramsey measurement results N. Timoney, I. Baumgart, M. Johanning, A. F. Varon, M. B. Plenio, A. Retzker & Ch. Wunderlich. Nature 476 (2011) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 13 Rabi Oscillation of the Sussex group S. C. Webster, S. Weidt, K. Lake, J. J. McLoughlin, and W. K. Hensinger. PRL 111, 140501 (2013) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 14 Generalisation to N levels General conditions: Dj J Z Di = 0 for each i,j Robustness to external noise H d Di = 0 for each i Robustness to control noise Level structure of the calcium ion. N. Aharon, M. Drewsen, and A. Retzker, PRL 111, 230507 (2013) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 15 Generalisation to N levels N. Aharon, M. Drewsen, and A. Retzker, PRL 111, 230507 (2013) Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 16 The Boulder Scheme C. Ospelkaus, et. al., PRL 101, 090502 (2008) C. Ospelkaus, et. al., Nature 476, 181 (2011) Oxford group D.P.L Aude Craik, et al., arxiv: 1308.2078 Magnetometry locking the signal to the frequency of the pulses(Rabi frequency) Kotler et al., Nature, 473 (2011) Magnetometry locking to the frequency and not the Rabi frequency I. Baumgart, J.-M. Cai, A. Retzker, M. Plenio, and Ch. Wunderlich, In preparation Magnetometry dWg » 0.47Hz / Hz I. Baumgart, J.-M. Cai, A. Retzker, M. Plenio, and Ch. Wunderlich, In preparation The Haldane Phase in the S=1 XXZ Antiferromagnetic chain H = åS S + S S + lS S + D ( S i i+1 x x i i+1 y y i i+1 z z ) i 2 z l>0 i Flip flops Neel Order Invariant under global rotations around z and global spin flips a Ostring = lim i- j ®¥ s ija j-1 æ ö a a a a s ij = -Si Exp çip å Sl ÷ S j è l=i+1 ø The Haldane Phase in the S=1 XXZ Antiferromagnetic chain H = åS S + S S + lS S + D ( S i i+1 x x i i+1 y y i i+1 z z ) i 2 z i Finite energy gap, short range correlations. (Haldane, 1983) Nonlocal string order parameter (Tasaki and Kennedy, 1987) Symmetry protected double-degeneracy of the entanglement spectrum (Pollmann et at., 2010) Spin degrees of freedom u 0 D 0' +1 0' d -1 This setup only kills external magnetic noise, but is not robust to power fluctuations The decoherence free subspace: We have to work in a decoherence free subspace DD , ud , du Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 24 The H = å Sxi Sxi+1 + Syi Syi+1 term i u 0 +1 u u 0' -1 D d Analogous to a red/blue sidband interaction Flip flops will happend automatically if we start in the DFS Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 25 Two-qubit gate almost: Gets into a fully entangled state in the middle; Schmidt number 3 The effective Hamiltonian – single qubit u u u D u D For zero temperature Sz - S 2 z d d Has no effect For a thermal state + b bSz Has no effect Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 27 The effective Hamiltonian – two qubit u u u u D d Virtual phonon u u D d Sussex I 19.12.2013 I Folie: 28 The effective Hamiltonian – the D term H = D (S ) i 2 z W 0 0 Dr 2 r 0 Dr 0 =( u - d )/ 2 Wr +1 0' -1 W W 2 » u u + d d )= Sz ( 2D r 2D r 2 r 2 r The effective Hamiltonian – the λ term H1 = a S S = i j x x H = lS S i i+1 z z a i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 S+ S- + S+ S- + S+ S+ + S- S- ) ( 4 By adding a term of the form: H 2 = w Sz a i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 H1 = ( S+ S- + S+ S- + S+ S+ + S- S- ) = 4 a i i+1 i i+1 = ( Sx Sx + Sy Sy ) 2 The effective Hamiltonian – the λ term H = lS S H1 = a ( S S + S S i j x x i j y y By adding a term of the form: H 2 = w ( cosJ Sz -sin J Sy ) z x y ) i i+1 z z The effective Hamiltonian – the λ term 0 Wy d d H 2 = W y Sy In the interaction picture Wy +1 0' -1 H = lS S i i+1 z z Reaching the Haldane phase All the transitions are second order and thus hard to cross To break the symmetries we add the term: H = -hå(-1) S i i i z Detecting the Haldane phase 1) String order: 2) Double degenrate entanglement spectrum 3) Gap and exponentialy decaying correlation function Thanks a lot for your attention! Open postdoc and PhD positions ISF CIG Career integration grant BOSCH UND SIEMENS HAUSGERÄTE GRUPPE