Topological Defect Formation and Dynamics in Ion Coulomb Crystals Tanja E. Mehlstäubler K. Pyka, J. Keller, H. L. Partner, T. Burgermeister, D.M. Meier, K. Kuhlmann Center for Quantum Engineering and Space Time Research (QUEST) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig Ramil Nigmatullin, Alex Retzker, Martin Plenio, Adolfo del Campo, Wojciech Zurek Universität Ulm, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Los Alamos NL iQSim13 – Brighton, December 2013 QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research Short History of the Lab... 2010 2009 This Talk: results 2012/13 2011 Motivation Instability of frequency standard: 1 Q T 1 c t NA with Q t: averaging time 3x10-15 @1s NA: number of atoms t = 150 ms n: linewidth clock laser multiple ions? 100 days 1 day Motivation Precision Spectroscopy on many ions ? unite Al+/Mg+ QL-clock Multi-ion clocks Entangled ion clocks single Yb+-ion ? 2D Paul ion traps Axial micromotion? Radial direction: URF ! UDC UDC URF ! S0 P0 Challenges On-axis micromotion e.g. Al+ clock → n/n = -3×10-17 over l=3 µm observed (1) (1) C. W. Chou et al., PRL (2010) 070802 trap On-axis rf trap fields FEM calculations of RF-potential GND URF Tolerance on notches Finite length effect on rf field 10-18 10-18 N. Herschbach et al., Appl. Phys. B (2012) Scalable ion clock with high control of ion motion Compensated micromotion in all 3D 3D laser access Separated loading and spectroscopy segment RF extra compensation layer RF almost ideal quadrupole trap: Loss factor L = 1.2 Trap Prototype (Rogers 4350B) Trap stack with OFHC Cu Foil aligned under Zeiss microscope < 20µm Optocast 3410 Gen2: UV+heat cured Pyka et al., Appl. Phys.B (2013) Trap Prototype (Rogers 4350B) 200µm 2mm lasered electrodes Trap stack with OFHC Cu Foil low pass filter (RC)-1 = 110 Hz x 2p non magnetic SMD resistors+capacitors (Kester solder) bonded gold wires d= 30µm Pyka et al., Appl. Phys.B (2013) High-end trap „High-accuracy optical clocks with trapped ions“ Finland (MIKES), Czech Republic (CMI), United Kingdom (NPL), Germany (PTB/QUEST) laser machined ALN ceramic wafers: improved thermal conductivity: 160 Wm-1K-1 mechanical stability higher breakdown threshold Temperature Sensor First Test of the Prototype Trap with 172Yb+ ! New experiment to test and evaluate traps and Coulomb crystals • with Yb+: life time of several days observed 1. Shuttling of ions 1 2 3 2. 172Yb+ Coulomb crystals Measuring Micromotion in 3D - Setup 3D laser access! Photon-Correlation Spectroscopy S/Smax = 0.01 EDC = 0.9 mV/mm x ~ 50 nm Test: move ion in radial rf potential ! 2nd order Doppler shift / Time dilation: v2 2 8.5 1020 2c Axial Micromotion in Rogers Trap move ion along trap axis: Time dilation shift: Ekin 10 18 mc² DC Stark-shift ! √ Sensitivity < 10-19 demonstrated 12 ions stored with time dilation shift below 10-18 √ Pyka et al., Appl. Phys.B (2013) Coulomb crystals in well-controlled environment Linear Zigzag Helix ca. 80 ions Topological Defect Formation in Ion Coulomb Crystals Landa, H., Marcovitch, S., Retzker, A., Plenio, M. B., Reznik, B. “Quantum Coherence of Discrete Kink Solitons in Ion Traps”, PRL 104, 043004 (2010). • Quantum information • Soliton physics in Coulomb crystals Topological Defect Formation in Ion Coulomb Crystals Landa, H., Marcovitch, S., Retzker, A., Plenio, M. B., Reznik, B. “Quantum Coherence of Discrete Kink Solitons in Ion Traps”, PRL 104, 043004 (2010). C. Schneider, D. Porras, and T. Schaetz, Rep. Prog. Phys. 75, 024401 (2012). exp. kinks? Del Campo, A., De Chiara, G., Morigi, G., Plenio, M. B., Retzker, A. “Structural Defects in Ion Chains by Quenching the External Potential: The Inhomogeneous Kibble-Zurek Mechanism”, PRL 105, 075701 (2010). Kibble-Zurek? Ion Coulomb Crystals 1D 2D 3D Trap Potential Symmetry breaking phase transitions What happens when a system changes from one equilibrium condition to another? • Examples for phase transitions: - water freezes to ice - ferro-magnetism para-magnetism - metal superconductor - early universe Higgs field Nature Physics 7, 2 (2011) doi:10.1038/nphys1874 Symmetry breaking in ion Coulomb crystals Rotational symmetry Mirror symmetry defects 1: Fishman et al., PRB 77, 064111 (2008) 2nd order phase transition1 Examples for defects in other systems Griffin, S. M. et al., Phys. Rev. X 2, 041022 (2012) - ferro-electric domains in solid state systems (manganites) - early universe: appearance of domains? The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism 1976: Tom Kibble postulates the appearance of domains in the early Universe 1985: Wojciech Zurek proposes to test cosmology in super-liquid helium universal theory applicable to all 2nd order phase transitions Chuang et al., Science (1991) Ruutu et al., Nature (1996) Sadler et al., Nature (2006) Weiler et al., Nature (2008) Griffin et al., Phys. Rev. X (2012) liquid crystals super-liquid helium Bose-Einstein condensates superconductors The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism 1976: Tom Kibble postulates the appearance of domains in the early Universe 1985: Wojciech Zurek proposes to test cosmology in super-liquid helium universal theory applicable to all 2nd order phase transitions → test in laser-cooled ion Coulomb crystals! • high sensitivity to control parameter • well-defined critical exponents • high control of environmental parameters The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism system size The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism system size The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism system size test of KZM with defined n, z del Campo et al., PRL 105, 075701 (2010) Fishman et al., PRB 77, 064111 (2008) The Kibble-Zurek Mechanism Prediction of KZM Power law scaling of defect density: test of KZM with defined n, z Inhomogeneous Systems • harmonic trap: position dependent transition Inhomogeneous Systems • harmonic trap: position dependent transition • moving transition front • compare vF with vSound „Causality enhancement“ Inhomogeneous Systems „Causality enhancement“ ln[d] ln[d] finite size - 3 regimes simulation of 30 ions -ln [tQnax] -ln [tQnax] • homogeneous KZM • inhomogeneous KZM • max. 1 defect doubled: Saito et al., Phys. Rev. A 76, 043613 (2007) Dziarmaga et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 115701 (2008) Monaco et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 180501(R) (2009) Non adiabatic radial quenches • confinement to 2D: nt1/nt2 = 1.3 • mixer nonlinearity corrections to tQ,eff • monitor radial frequencies Radial trap frequencies Different types of defects Localized kink for Extended kink for • same statistics, lower losses Examples of kink creation Stability of topological defects! Peierls-Nabarro Potentials: Creating stable topological defects for KZM! Shallow ramps: Odd kink Deep ramps: extended kink • Same statistics for d < 1 • Collision limited lifetime: ca. 1.6 s • Spontaneous kink creation rate: 1 every 67 s Understanding kink dynamics – short time scales • Kink losses at short time scales – simulations! Simulations for different friction parameters - Kibble-Zurek • Friction independent kink creation rate → underdamped regime! filled symbols: created empty symbols: surviving Pyka et al., arXiv:1211.7005 (2012) Test of Kibble-Zurek Scaling light grey: simulations • Theory: 8/3 2.67 • Simulations: 2.63 ± 0.13 • Experiment: 2.7 ± 0.3 Pyka et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2291 (2013) Test of Kibble-Zurek Scaling light grey: simulations • Theory: 8/3 2.67 • Simulations: 2.63 ± 0.13 • Experiment: 2.7 ± 0.3 Pyka et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2291 (2013) Ulm et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2290 (2013) Kink Motion Motion of Kinks - Simulations PN potential / kB mK odd kink x / µm quench PN potential / kB mK extended kink x / µm Motion of Kinks - Experiment motion of localized kink motion of extended kink Influence of Mass Defects Mass defects Defect scaling with molecules YbOH+ Mass defects Spatial distribution of kinks two kinks – kink interaction! Mass defects Spatial distribution of kinks extended kink: two kinks: odd kink: Mass defects: kink creation rate + stability Created kinks Detectable kinks ! Deterministic Control of Kinks with Mass Defects & Electric Fields Oscillation and stabilization by mass defects Credit: R. Nigmatullin Oscillation and stabilization by mass defects Credit: R. Nigmatullin Oscillation and stabilization by mass defects Experiment Electric Fields and Mass Defects Creating a kink without a quench! time E-field ramp Creating Kink & Anti-Kink! E-field ramp Partner et al., New J. Phys. 15, 103013 (2013) Summary • created stable types of kinks by adiabatic quenches • demonstrated different stability and motional properties • deterministic creation and control of kinks via mass defects Outlook • Soliton physics with laser cooled ions defects behave like quasi-particles Entanglement generation using kink solitons: Landa et al., arXiv:1308.2943(2013) Trapping of 2D & 3D kinks: Mielenz et al., PRL (2013) Long coherence times of localized internal modes: Landa et al., PRL (2010) Outlook • Soliton physics with laser cooled ions defects behave like quasi-particles Entanglement generation using kink solitons: Landa et al., arXiv:1308.2943(2013) Trapping of 2D & 3D kinks: Mielenz et al., PRL (2013) Long coherence times of localized internal modes: Landa et al., PRL (2010) Outlook • Soliton physics with laser cooled ions defects behave like quasi-particles • investigation of heat transport optical frequency standard • quantum thermodynamics Bermudez, A., Bruderer, M. & Plenio, M. B. PRL (2013) Two-Species System In+ / Yb+ g = 194 MHz 115In+ 1P 1 159 nm g = 360 kHz 3P 1 230.5 nm 3P 0 172Yb+ g = 0.8 Hz 236.5 nm 1S , 0 411 nm 23 Hz t ~ years! F = 9/2 Spectroscopy Lasers Keller et al., Appl. Phys. B (2013) Stable Laser System n < 1Hz! Ground-State Cooling of Coulomb Crystal + Precision Spectroscopy + Mode Structure of mixed crystals (In+ & Yb+) 4 x 10-16 411 nm The Experimentalist Team: Lin Yi T.E.M. Kristijan Jonas Keller Karsten Pyka Tobias Burgermeister Kuhlmann Keshav Thirumalai Heather Partner David Meier In cooperation with: visiting scientists: Funding: E. Peik, P. O. Schmidt L. Yi, S. Ignatovich European Network „Ion Traps for Tomorrow's Applications“ DPG bilateral grant with RFBR EMRP JRP„Optical Clocks with Trapped Ions“ Stepan Ignatovich (visiting scientist, detail)