University of Waikato Staff Awards Research Postgraduate Supervision Excellence Award Nomination Form Please use this form for all nominations, to ensure as far as possible that full and systematic consideration can be given to all nominations. Please use a separate form for each nomination and attach additional information as required. Forward the completed form to Mike Bell, Professional and Organisational Development Unit, no later than the last Friday in October. N O MI N EE D ET A I L S Full name(s): Department(s) School/Faculty: N O MI NA TO R D E TA I LS Name: Department/School: Name: Department/School: N O MI NA TI O N PR O C ES S Faculty staff may self-nominate as long as their nomination is supported by at least one colleague, or be nominated by up to two colleagues. Those who nominate a colleague are required to write up to 200 words explaining the grounds for the nomination which should be attached to this nomination form. Staff nominated for the Award are required to attach a portfolio of supporting evidence comprising: 1. A list of all postgraduate dissertation and thesis supervisions providing the name of the student, title of the thesis, the paper and qualification under which the student was enrolled, period of enrolment in that paper and full or part-time status, and year of award. The nominee’s role on the supervision panel (chief supervisor, second supervisor, etc. The term ‘co-supervisor’ should not be used without explanation) MUST be identified. This list should assist the award committee in assessing the history of the nominee’s supervision at the University of Waikato and, (if applicable) at, or for, other institutions. 2. A list of professional development initiatives related to postgraduate research supervision at the University of Waikato and/or external to the University which the nominee has attended as a participant, or as a leader/presenter/panellist of the initiative. 3. In no more than 500 words provide a brief portfolio of supporting evidence detailing: How your supervision is supported and informed by research trends in the discipline/subject area; The application of philosophies and/or pedagogies related to postgraduate research supervision and engagement with literature on effective practice in supervision; Participation in and promotion of postgraduate research culture at the University; How you have supported the career advancement of those graduates you have supervised; Active support and mentoring for new postgraduate supervisors. D EA N’ S S U PP OR T I confirm that the nominated individual or team is suitable for an award. Dean’s name: Signature: Date: Please note that this nomination must be supported and signed by the relevant Dean. The evidence provided in support of this nomination will be used to select a Research Postgraduate Supervision Excellence Award recipient. Research Postgraduate Supervision Excellence Award Nomination Form - Staff Awards Committee – May 2016 Form SMA03