Title: Purchases using internet bidding group (such as EBay). Objectives: This policy outlines the process required for the procurement of goods and/or services through internet bidding groups to ensure that the procurement is in accordance with University policies and procedures, and meets Audit requirements. Issues: With the increased use of the internet by various suppliers, it is inevitable that the University will be forced to procure future goods and/or services via the internet. Some of that procurement may involve bidding for goods and/or services and not the traditional quotation and selecting the best product. Policies: Items up to the value of $1,000.00 (GST inclusive) may be purchased these groups, after an initial investigation with regular suppliers has been conducted. The purchaser must ensure that the seller is reputable, based upon the group’s buyer feedback. Due to the lack of security for internet bidding groups, the University’s credit cards are not to be used for procuring items from these groups. Procedures: 1. The staff member must conduct an initial investigation with regular suppliers and obtain quotes for the goods and/or services. This step will ensure that the University obtains “value for money”. 2. If the items required are subject to special approval, eg computers , audio visual, books etc., then the staff member should arrange prior approval before seeking the goods and/or services from the internet. 3. Once the above two steps have been satisfied, the staff member can then search for the required item on internet bidding groups. If a suitable item is found, the staff member can then make a bid for the item, after checking that the seller is a reputable seller based on the group’s buyers feedback system. 4. If the bid is successful, the staff member must use their own credit card to pay for the item(s). The staff member must ensure that they receive a tax invoice or payment advice. 5. Reimbursement can be claimed upon the completion of a purchase requisition attaching the tax invoice or payment advice, quotation(s) from regular suppliers and an indication that the goods and/or services have been received. 6. In cases where a tax invoice is not received, the total cost of the purchase will be charged to the Faculty/School/Division with no input tax claimable. Responsibilities: Staff member will be responsible for undertaking an investigation into the pricing of the goods and/or services required, obtaining prior approval for items that may such approval, deal only with a reputable seller on internet bidding groups, use their credit card for payment, obtain a tax invoice or payment advice, acknowledge receipt of goods and/or services and complete a purchase requisition. Purchasing will be responsible for the processing of the purchase requisition in accordance with CSU policies and procedures. AP will be responsible for the payment to proceed following approval from Purchasing. Approval: Director of Financial Services 24/9/04 Prepared by: Finance Manager Payables