J Algebr Comb manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) On Computing Schur Functions and Series Ther eof Cy Chan ∙ Vesselin Dr ensk ∙y Alan Edelman ∙ Raymond Kan ∙ Plamen K oe v Recei v ed: date / Accepted: date Abstract W e present tw o ne w algorithms for computing all Schur functions sκ ( x1,..., xn) for partitionsκ such that|κ | ≤ N. Both algorithms ha v e the property that for nonne g ati v e arxguments 1,..., xn the output O ( n2) . is is computed to high relati v e accurac y and the cost per Schur function ∙ Computing∙ K eyw ordsSchur function∙ Hyper geometric function of a matrix ar gument Accurac y Mathematics Subject Classification —) 05E05∙ 65F50∙ 65T50 1 Intr oduction ( x1, W e consider the problem of accurately and ef ficientl y e v aluating the Schursκfunction x2,..., xn) and series thereof for nonne g ati v e ar guments xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2,..., n. This research w as partially supported by NSF Grants DMSÆ, DMSr, DMSÆ, the Singapore–MIT Alliance (SMA), and by Grant MI-1503/2005 of the Bulgarian National Science Fund. C. Chan Department of Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of T echnology , 77 Massachusetts A v enue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. E-mail: c ychan@mit.edu V. Drensk y Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulg aria. E-mail: drensk y@math.bas.bg A. Edelman Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of T echnology , 77 Massachusetts A v enue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. E-mail: edelman@math.mit.edu R. Kan Joseph L. Rotman School of Manageme nt, Uni v ersity of T oronto, 105 St. Geor ge Street, T oronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E6. E-mail: kan@chass.utoronto.ca P. K oe v Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State Uni v ersity , Box 8205, Raleigh, NC 27695, U.S.A. E-mail: psk oe v@ncsu.edu 2 Our goal is to deri v e ef ficient algorithms for computing hyper the g eometric function of an n× n semidefinite matrix ar gumentand X parameter α > 0: (α ) p Fq ( ) ( ) α α 1 ( a1) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( ap) κ (α ) ∙ (α ) ( α ) ∙ Cκ ( X ) , ∑ ∑ k= 0 κ ` k k! ( b1 ) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( bq) κ ∞ ( a1,..., ap; b1,..., bq; X ) = A) where the summation is o v erpartitions all κ =( κ 1, κ 2,... ) of k = 0, 1, 2,... ; ( ) α ( c) κ ≡ ∏ (c (i 1) / α + j 1) B) (i, j )2 κ (α ) is the g ener alized P oc hhammer symbol , and Cκ ( X ) is the J ac k function . The latter is a (α ) ( ) =( tr( X )) k [19, generalization of the Schur function and is normalized so∑that C X κ` k κ (α ) (α ) 25, 31]. The ar gument X in A) is a matrix for historical reasons only;Cκ and pFq are ≥ 0, i = 1, 2,..., n, of X. scalar -v alued symmetric functions in the eigen xvi alues The practical importance of computing the h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument stems from f ar reaching applications of multi v ariate statistics, where it pro vides a closed-form e xpression for the distrib utions of the eigen v alues of the classical random matrix ensembles—W ishart, Jacobi, and Laguerre [27]. These di strib utions, in turn, are needed in critical statistical tests in applications ranging from genomics [29] to wireless communications [10, 20, 30], finance [16], tar get classification [18], etc. Despite its enormous practical importance, only limited progres s has been made in the computation of this function since the 1960s. The problems with its computation come from tw o sources: A) it con v er ges e xtremely slo wly , and B) the straightforw ard e v aluation of a single Jack function is e xponential [6]. The frustrations of man y researchers with the lack of ef ficient algorithms are long standing and well documented [2, 13, 15, 17, 26˜]. The recent progress in computing the h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument has focused on e xploiting the combinatorial properties of the Jack function leading to ne w algorithms which are e xponentially f aster than the pre vious best ones (see Section 2 for an o v ervie w). Interestingly , the computational potential of the combinatorial properties of the Jack function had been missed for quite some time. It is thus our hope to dra w the attention of the combinatorics community to this problem and its f ar reaching practical applications. > 0y Although the h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument is defined for α an and there are corresponding theoretical interpretations [7], most applications focus α = 1 on and α = 2 only . This is lar gely because these v alues correspond to the distrib utions of the eigen v alues of comple x and real random matrices, respecti v ely . ( 1) In this paper we focus on Cκ ( X ) is a normalization α = 1. In this case the Jack function of the Schur functionsκ ( x1,..., xn) (see C) in Section 2 for the e xact relationship). One w ay to compute the h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument in practice is to truncate the series A) fork ≤ N for some suf ficiently lar ge N. Sincesκ ( x1, x2,..., xn) = 0 if κ n+ 1 > 0, our goal is thus to compute, as quickly and accurately as possible, all Schur functions corresponding to partitions N. κ in not more thann parts and size not e xceeding Denote the set of those Schur functionsSby N, n : S N,n ≡ { sκ ( x1,..., xn) | κ =( κ 1,..., κ n) , |κ | ≡ κ 1 + ∙ ∙ ∙+ κ n ≤ N} . The analysis in [6] suggests that computing e v en a single Schur function accurately and ef ficiently is f ar from tri vial. W e elaborate on this briefly . There are se v eral determinantal e xpressions for t he Schur function (the classical definition as quotient of alternants, the Jacobi–T rudi identity , its dual v ersion, the Giambelli 3 and Lascoux–Prag acz determinants). Each one w ould seemingly pro vide an ef ficient w ay to compute the Schur function v ery ef ficiently . The problem with this approach is that the matrices in v olv ed quickly become ill conditioned as the sizes of the matrix ar gument ( n) and the partition |(κ |) gro w . This implies that con v entional (Gaussian-elimination-based) algorithms will quickly lose accurac y to roundof f errors. The loss of accurac y is due to a phenomenon kno wn as —loss of significant digits due to subtracsubtr active cancel lation tion of intermediate (and thus approximate) quantities of similar magnitude. According to [6], the loss of accurac y in e v aluating the determinantal e xpressions for the Schur function can be arbitrarily lar ge in all b ut the dual Jacobi–T rudi identity . In the latter the amount of subtracti v e cancellation can be bounded independent of the v alues of the input ar guments xi . By using e xtended precision one can compensate for that loss of accurac y leading to an algorithm that is guaranteedto be accurate and costsO (( n|κ | + 3 1+ 1 κ 1 ) ( |κ | κ 1 | ρ ) ) . Subtraction is the only arithmetic operation that could lead to loss of accurac y; multiplication, di vision, and addition of same-sign quantities al w ays preserv es the relati v e accurac y . In this paper we present tw o ne w algorithms for computing the Schur function. Both algorithms are subtraction-free, meaning that both are guaranteed to compute the v alue of the Schur function to high rela ti v e accurac y in floating point arithmetic. Both are also v ery ef ficient—the cost per Schur function, when computing all Schur functions in S t he N,n,set is O ( n2) . This represents a major impro v ement o v er the pre vious best result in [6] in the sense that no e xtended precision arithmetic is required to achie v e accurac y and the cost of computing O (( n|κ | + κ 13)( |κ |κ 1) 1+ ρ )) to O ( n2) . a single Schur function is reduced from While both our ne w algorithms ha v e the same comple xity and accurac y char acteristics, each is significant in its o wn right for the follo wing reasons: – The first algorithm implements the classical definition of the Schur function as a sum of monomials o v er all semistandard Young tableaux. Since the coef ficients in this e xpression are positi v e (inte gers), such an approach is subtraction-free, thus guaranteed to be accurate. The full e xpression of the Schur function as a sum of monomials contains e xO ( n|κ | ) [6]) thus the similarly e xponential cost of the pre vious ponentially man y terms algorithms based on it [6]. W e use dynamic programming and e xploit v arious redundancies to reduce the cost to O ( n2) per Schur function. This approach is only ef ficient if all Schur functions in the set S N,n are computed, b ut (unlik e the second algorithm) the ideas may generalize be yond α = 1. – The second algorithm represents an accurate e v aluation of the e xpression of the Schur function as a quotient of (generalized, totally nonne g ati v e) Vandermonde determinants. Since virtually all linear algebra with totally nonne g ati v e matrices can be performed ef ficiently and in a subtraction-free f ashion [22, 23], this leads to an accurate algorithm for the e v aluation of indi vidual Schur functions at the cost of only O( n2κ 1) each, or 2 O ( n ) each if all ofS N,n is computed. This paper is or g anized as follo ws. W e present background information and surv e y e xisting algorithms for this problem in Section 2. Our ne w algorithms are presented in Sections 3 and 4. W e dra w conclusions and outline open problems in Section 5. W e made softw are implementations of both our ne w algorithms a v ailable online [21]. 1 Hereρ is tin y and accounts for certain logarithmic functions. 4 2 Pr elimi naries Algorithms for computing the h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument for specific v alues ofp, q, andα can be found in [1, 3, 4, 14, 15]. In this section we surv e y the approach of K oe v and Edelman [24] which w orks for an y α > 0. W e also introduce a fe w impro v ements and set the stage for our ne w algorithms in the caseα = 1. W e first recall a fe w definitions that are rele v ant. Gi v en a partition κ and a point( i , j ) in the Young diagram ofκ (i.e., i ≤ κ 0j and j ≤ κ i ), the upper and lo wer hook lengthsat ( i , j ) 2 κ are defined, respecti v ely , as: _ 0 hκ ( i , j ) ≡ κ j i + α ( κ i j + 1) ; 0 hκ_ ( i , j ) ≡ κ j i + 1 + α ( κ i j ) . The products of the upper and lo wer hook lengths are denoted, respecti v ely , as: _ Hκ ≡ _ ∏ (i, j ) 2 κ hκ ( i , j ) H_κ ≡ and ∏ hκ_ ( i , j ) . (i, j )2 κ W e introduce the “Schur” normalization of the Jack function (α ) Sκ ( X ) = α H_κ |κ | | (α ) κ |! Cκ ( X ) . C) ( 1) This normalization is such that Sκ ( X ) = sκ ( x1,..., xn) [31, Proposition 1.2]. (α ) The h yper geometric function of a matrix ar gument in terms Sκ ( Xof) is: (α ) pFq α α ( a1) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( ap) κ α k (α ) ∙ S ( X). (α ) (α ) ∙ ∑∑ H_κ κ k= 0 κ ` k ( b1) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( bq) κ ( ) ∞ ( a1,..., ap; b1,..., bq; X) = ( ) D) (α ) Denote the coef ficient in front Sof κ ( X ) in D) by: α α ( a1) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( ap) κ α |κ | . (α ) (α ) ∙ ( b1) κ ∙ ∙ ∙( bq) κ H_κ ( ) Qκ ≡ ( ) 0 Let the partitionκ =( κ 1, κ 2,..., κ h) ha v e h = κ 1 nonzero parts. When κ i > κ i + 1, we define the partition: κ ( i ) ≡ ( κ 1, κ 2,..., κ i 1, κ i 1, κ i + 1,..., κ h) . E) The main idea in the e v aluation of D) update is to the κ term in D) from terms earlier in (α ) the series. In particular , we update Qκ from Qκ ( h) andSκ ( x1,..., xn) from Sµ ( x1,..., xn 1) , µ ≤ κ. In order to mak e the Qκ update as simple as possible, we first e xpress H_κ in a w ay that 0 does not in v olv e the conjugate partition, : κ H_κ = h ∏∏ r = 1 c= 1 h = κr 0 r + 1 + α (κr κc c) _ κj r ∏∏ ∏ (j r + 1 + α (κr c) ) r = 1 j = 1 c= κ j + 1 + 1 = α |κ | h j ∏ ∏ j= 1r= 1 _ j r+ 1 α + κr κj _ , κ j κ j+ 1 5 where ( c) t = c( c + 1) ∙ ∙ ∙( c + t 1) is the r aising factorial, the uni v ariate v ersion of the Pochhammer symbol defined in B). Defining κ˜ i ≡ ακ i i we obtain: κ ( h) h 1 1 H_ κ˜ j κ˜ h = . ∏ ˜ + H_κ 1 ακ h α κ˜ h + 1 j= 1 κ j F) Using F), Qκ can beupdatedfrom Qκ ( h) as p h 1 ∏ j = 1( a j + κˉ h) κ˜ j κ˜ h , α ∙ ∙ Qκ = Qκ ( h) ∙ q ∏ ˜ ˉ + 1 ( + ) b κ˜ h + 1 ∏ j = 1 j κ h ακ h α j= 1 κ j G) whereκˉ h ≡ κ h 1 hα 1 . (α ) The Jack functionSκ ( X ) can be dynamically updated using the formula of Stanle y [31, Proposition 4.2] (see also [24, C.8)] and C)): Sκα ( x1,..., xn) = ( ) (α ) Sµ ∑ µ | / µ| ( x1,..., xn 1) xnκ σκµ , H) where the summation is o v er all partitions µ ≤ κ such that the sk e w shape κ / µ is a horizontal strip (i.e., κ 1 ≥ µ1 ≥ κ 2 ≥ µ2 ≥ ∙ ∙ ∙ [32, p. 339]). The coef ficients σκµ are defined as h_µ ( i , j ) hκ_ ( i , j ) = I) σκµ ∏ _ ∏ µ , ( i , j ) 2 κ hκ ( i , j ) ( i , j ) 2 µ h_ ( i , j ) 0 0 ( i ,all where both products are o v er j ) 2 κ such thatκ j = µ j + 1. F orα = 1, clearly σ, κµ = 1 for all κ and µ . Once again, instead of computing the coef ficients σκµ in H) from scratch, it is much more ef ficient to start with σκκ = 1 and update the ne xt coef ficient i n the sum H) from the 0 0 pre vious ones. T o this end,µ let be a partition such that κ j = µ j for j = 1, 2,..., µk 1, and κ / µ be a horizontal strip. Then we update σκµ ( k) from σκµ using: σκµ ( k) σκµ k = _ hκ ( r, µk) k 1 h_µ ( r, µk) = ∏ κ ∏ _ r = 1 h_ ( r, µk ) r = 1 hµ ( r, µk ) k k 1 µ˜ k µ˜ r µ˜ k + α µ˜ k r∏ µ˜ r µ˜ k =1 1 + κ˜ r ∏ α = r 1 + κ˜ r 1 , ˛) which is obtained directly from I). (α ) W e use H) to compute Sκ ( x1,..., xi ) for i = h + 1,..., n. F ori = h, the result of Stanle y [31, Propositions 5.1 and 5.5] allo ws for a v ery ef ficient update: Sκα ( x1,..., xh) =( x1 ∙ ∙ ∙xh) κ h ∙ Sκα ( ) ( ) κ hI ( x1,..., xh) ∙ κh h h ∏ ∏ j = 1 i= 1 h i + 1 + α (κi j ) , i + α ( κ i j + 1) ˚) whereκ κ hI ≡ ( κ 1 κ h, κ 2 κ h,..., κ h 1 κ h) . The ne w results in this section comprise of the updates G) and ˛), which are more ef ficient than the analogous ones in [24, Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2]. These ne w updates do not require the conjugate partition to be computed and maintained by the algorithm and cost 2( p + q) + 4h and 9k, do wn from (2p + q) + 11κ h + 9h 11 and 12k + 6µk 7, respecti v ely . Additionally , the use of ˚) reduces the cost of an e v aluation of a truncation of A) by a f actor of about N/ 2. 6 3 The first algorithm In this section we present the first of our tw o ne w algorithms for computing all Schur funcS N,n. This algorithm is based on the classical definition of the Schur function tions of the set [32, Section 7.10]: sκ ( x1,..., xk) = XT , ∑ T 2 Aκ where the summation is o v er the set Aκ of all semistandardκ -tableauxT filled with the c c , 2,..., k. Also, X T = x11 ∙ ∙ ∙xkk , and( c1,..., ck) is the content ofT . Extending the numbers 1 notation, let: m T sκ ( x1,..., xk ) = X , ∑ T 2 Aκ ,m where the summation is o v er theAset κ ,m, which equalsAκ with the additional restriction that k does not appear in the first m ro ws. Note thatsκ ( x1,..., xk) = s0κ ( x1,..., xk) andsκ ( x1,..., xk 1) = skκ ( x1,..., xk) . 1 Lemma 1 The following identity holds for allm κ s ( x1,..., xk ) : 1 ( x1,..., xk) = sm κ _ sm if κ m = κ m+ 1; κ ( x1 ,..., xk ) , 1 m ∙ ( ,..., ) + ( ,..., ) , sm x x x s x x otherwise , 1 1 k k k κ ( m) κ wher e the partition κ ( m) is defined as inE) . Pr oof In the first case κ( m = κ m+ 1), no k is allo wed in themth ro w of T because of the strictly increasing property of each columnTof . Therefore, the restriction that no k appear in the firstm 1 ro ws ofT is equi v alent to the restriction that no in the first k appear m ro ws of T , andAκ ,m 1 = Aκ ,m. In the second case, there are tw o possibilities for the T 2 Aκ ,m 1. If the entry κ -tableau in position ( m, κ m) is not equal tok, then none of the entries in themth ro w can equalk due to the nondecreasing nature of each ro w . Thus, the tableaux fitting this description are e xactly the set Aκ ,m. If the entry in position( m, κ m) is equal tok, then remo v al of that square of the tableau clearly results in an elementAof Aκ (in κ ( m) ,m 1. Further , for e v ery tableau m) ,m 1 , the addition of a square containing k to the mth ro w results in a v alid semistandard tableau Aκin ,m 1. The tableau retains its semistandardness because e v ery element w (and in the mthinrothe entire table as well) can be no lar ger kthan , and e v ery element inκthe mth column abo v e the Aκ (in ne w square can be no lar ger kthan1 due to the restriction that e v ery tableau m) ,m 1 cannot ha vkein the firstm 1 columns. W eha v ethus constructeda bijection f mapping Aκ( m) ,m 1 to the set (call it B) of tableauxin Aκ ,m 1 where the entry in position ( m, κ m) equalsk. Clearly ,for each T 2 Aκ ( m) ,m 1, X f ( T ) = X T ∙ xk, so∑T 2 B XT = ∑T 2 Aκ ( m) ,m 1 X T ∙ xk. Combining these tw o possibilities T for2 Aκ ,m 1, we obtain 1 ( x1,..., xk) = sm κ concluding our proof. ∑ T 2 Aκ ,m XT 1 T = ∑ X T 2 Aκ ,m = m sκ ( x1,..., + ∑ X T 2 Aκ ,m 1 T ∙ xk ( m) m 1 xk) + sκ ( m) ( x1,..., xk) ∙ xk , ut 7 Our algorithm, based on Lemma 1, is v ery simple. S Nin Algorithm 1 The following algorithm computes all Sc hur functions ,n. κ1 sκ = x1 if κ 2 S N,1 and sκ = 0 otherwise for all κ 2 S N,n initialize for k = 2 to n (Loop 1) for m = k down to 1 (Loop 2) for all κ 2 S N,k such that κ m > κ m+ 1, in reverse lexicographic order sκ = sκ + sκ ( m) ∙ xk endfor endfor endfor After the first line Algorithm 1, the v ariablessκ contain sκ ( x1) . During each iteration of Loop 1, the v alues stored in sκ for κ 2 S N,k are updated fromsκ ( x1,..., xk 1) = skκ ( x1,..., xk) to sκ ( x1,..., xk) = s0κ ( x1,..., xk) . During each iteration of Loop 2, the v alues m 1 ( x1,..., xk) . in sκ for κ 2 S N,k are updated from sm κ ( x1 ,..., xk ) to sκ The last line of the algorithm implements Lemma 1. Since the partitions are processed in re v erse le xicographic order sκ ( m), will ha v e already been updated for each κ when this 1 line is e x ecuted. Thus, at the time ( ,..., ) , and sκ is sκ is updated,sκ ( m) containssm x x 1 k κ ( m) m 1 ( x1,..., xk) . Our algorithm updates the Schur functions updated fromsm κ ( x1,..., xk) to sκ “in place” using a single memory location for each partition. O ( n2) per Schur function, we must be able In order to complete the algorithm i n time to lookup the memory location of in constant time for each sκ ( m) κ 2 S N,n and 1≤ m ≤ n. { } In our implementation, we k eep al l of the Schur v ariables sκ κ 2 S N,n in an array and use a lookup table of size|S N,n| ∙ n to find the appropriate array inde x for each sκ ( m) . Since this lookup table is in v ariant o v er all possible xinputs 1 ,..., xn, we simply precompute it (or load it from disk) and k eep it in persistent memory for future calls to our algorithm. It is also possible to compute the inde x es ofsκeach ( m) on the fly rather than ha ving them O ( |from S N,n| ∙ stored in a lookup table. This modification reduces the memory requirement n) to O ( |S N,n|) , b ut increases the time comple xity by a f actornofto O ( n3) per Schur O notation (for time comple xity) is function. In practice, the constant hidden by the big_ N we ha v e found greatly increased when computing indices on the fly; therefore,nsince the lookup table approach to be much more ef ficient. Further discussion of implementation issues and MATLAB code for both methods are a v ailable online [21]. 4 The second algorithm Our second algorithm is based on the e xpression of the Schur function as a quotient of totally nonne g ati v e generalized Vandermonde alternants: sκ ( x1,..., xn) = where j 1+ κ n G ≡ xi j+ 1 _ni , j = 1 detG , detVn,n j 1 n _i , j = 1 and Vn,n ≡ xi aren × n generalized and ordinary Vandermonde matrices, respecti v ely . Sincesκ ( x1, x2,..., xn) is a symmetric polynomial, we can assume that s are sorted xi ’ the in increasing order: 0≤ x1 ≤ x2 ≤ ∙ ∙ ∙ ≤ xn. This choice of ordering mak es G and Vn,m 8 totally nonne g at i v e [9, p. 76] thus the methods of [23, Section 6] can be used to e v aluate with guaranteed accurac y in O ( n2κ 1) time. The matricesG and Vn,m are notoriously ill conditioned [11] meaning that con v entional Gaussian-elimination-based algorithms will quickly lose all accurac y to roundof f [6]. The contrib ution of this section is to sho w ho w to eliminate the remo v able singularity at = j , and to arrange the computations in such a w ay that the cost per Schur function xi = x j , i 6 is only O ( n2) when e v aluating allSofN,n. It is con v enient to see G as a submatrix of the rectangular Vandermonde matrix j 1 n,m _i , j = 1, Vn,m ≡ xi m = n 1 + κ 1, consisting of columns +1 κ n, 2 + κ n 1,..., n 1 + κ 1. Consider the LDU decomposition , whereL is a unit lo wer triangular Vn,n 1+ κ 1 = L D U n × n matrix, D is a diagonaln × n matrix, andU is a unit upper triangular n × ( n 1 + κ 1) matrix. The critical observ ation here is that the v alue G ofisdet unaf fected by L, namely detG = detD ∙ detUˉ , whereUˉ is the (n × n) submatrix ofU consisting of its columns+1κ n, 2 + κ n 1,..., n 1 + κ 1. = detVn,n, thus Ho we v er , Ddet sκ ( x1, x2,..., xn) = detUˉ . ˘) The e xplicit form ofU is kno wn [8, Section 2.2], [33, eq. B.3)], allo wing us to write ˘)also as: n , sκ ( x1,..., xn) = det_ hi j + κ n j + 1 ( x1,..., xi ) _ i, j = 1 wherehk , k = 1, 2,..., are the complete symmetric polynomials and, by def hault, k ≡ 0 for k < 0. In order to apply the algorithms of [23] to e v aluate ˘), we need the gonal decombidia positionof U , which has a particularly easy form: 8 1 x1 x1 > > 0 1 x2 > > > < BD (U ) = 0 0 1 > > > > > : 0 0 0 ... x1 x1 x1 ... x2 x2 x2 ... x3 x3 x3 .. . 1 xn xn 9 > > > > > = . > > > > ... > ; ... ... ... −) F or e xample, for n = 3, m = 4 [22, Section 3]: 2 3 2 1 x1 3 2 1 x1 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 x1 1 x2 7 6 1 x2 7 6 1 0 7 . U = 4 0 1 0 05 6 6 6 6 1 x3 7 1 07 1 07 4 54 54 5 0010 1 1 1 Therefore computing the Schur function consists of using Algorithm 5.6 from κ[23] 1 times to remo v e the appropriate κ 1 columns inU and obtain the bidiagonal decomposition of Uˉ . The determinant ofUˉ , i.e., the Schur function, is easily computable by multiplying out the diagonal of the diagonal f actor in the bidiagonal decomposition Uˉ . of The total cost isO ( n2κ 1) . In this process of computing sκ ( x1,..., xn) a total of κ 1 (intermediate) Schur functions Oof ( n2) each. are computed, therefore all funct ions inSthe N,n can be computed at the cost 9 5 Open pr oblems It is natural to ask if the ideas of this paper can e xtend be yond α = 1 and in particular to = 2, the other v alue of of major practical importance [27]. α α None of the determinantal e xpressions for the Schur function are belie v ed to ha v e ana= 1, thus we are sk eptical of the potential of the ideas in Section 4 to generalize. logues forα 6 = 1 and we return to our original idea in The results of Section 3 may e xtend be αyond de v eloping Algorithm 1 to e xplain. S N,n ordered in Consider the (column) v ector s( n) consisting of all Schur functions in ( n 1) re v erse le xicographic order s. Let be the same set, b ut n on 1 v ariablesx1,..., xn 1. Then s( n) = M s( n 1) whereM is an|S N,n| × |S N,n 1| matrix whose entries are inde x ed by partitions Mµν and= | | | x µ ν if µ / ν is a horiz ontal strip and 0 otherwise. The contrib ution of Section 4 w as to recognize thatM consists of blocks of the form 2 1 3 1 x 7 A= 6 6 x2 x 1 7 . 4 3 2 5 x x x1 SinceA 1 is bidiagonal: A 1 2 1 3 1 x 7, = 6 6 x 1 7 4 5 x1 gi v en a v ector (callz),it the matrix-v ector product y = Az can be formed in linear (instead of quadratic) time by solving instead the bidia gonallinear systemA 1y = z for y. This w as our original approach in designing Algorithm 1. Ultimately we found the much more ele g ant proof which we presented instead. The question is whether this approach can be generalized to other v αalues . Unfortuof nately the matrixA in general has the form: 2 (α ) A (α ) whereai j = 1 1 = 6 1 2 6 ( x 4 1 3 2! α + 1) 3! x ( 1 + α )( 1 + 2α ) xi j ( i j )! i 3 1 1 1 2 ( + 1) x α 2! 1 1 1 7 7 5 j 1 ∏k= 0 ( kα + 1) , i > j . ( = 1 thus the approach of Section 3 cannot be The matrix A ) 1 is not bidiagonal forα 6 ( ) carried o v er directly . One could consider e xploiting the T oeplitz structure form a A α to of (α ) 2 matrix-v ector product with it in O( k log k) instead ofk time (assumingA is k × k) [12, p. 193]. Current computing technology , ho we v er ,Nlimits to about 200 and since k ≤ N, this approach does not appear feasible in practice at this time. (α ) Ackno wledgementsW e thankJame s Demmel for posing the problem of computingthe Schur function accurately and ef ficiently [5, Section 9.1B)] as well as Iain Johnstone and Richard Stanle y for man y fruitful discussions during the de v elopment of this material. 10 Refer ences 1. 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