Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Policy on Visitors Version Version 3 TRIM file number Short description DIT Policy on Visitors Relevant to Approved by Executive Director, Division of Information Technology Responsible officer Executive Officer of Information Technology Responsible office Office of Executive Director of Information Technology Date introduced 1 August 2006 Date(s) modified 25 July 2007 3 April 2012 Next scheduled review date 3 April 2013 Related legislation Key words Page 1 of 4 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Policy for DIT visitors to CSU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction ............................................................................................. 2 Scope ..................................................................................................... 2 Objectives ............................................................................................... 2 Timing ..................................................................................................... 3 References ............................................................................................. 3 Responsibilities....................................................................................... 3 Method.................................................................................................... 3 Author History ......................................................................................... 4 1. Introduction From time to time, it may be necessary to host visitors to the work areas of the Division. These visitors may be potential students or employees, or they may be official visitors of the University. It is essential that ad hoc visits to the Division are not made and that all visitors are approved by Management prior to their visit. This will ensure that unauthorised visitors are not allowed access to the Division. This policy details the steps to be followed when hosting a visitor who is not an official University visitor. This policy does not apply to work experience/placement students, for whom a separate policy is in place. 2. Scope This policy applies to all visitors to the Division of Information Technology who are not a part of an official University hosted program. 3. Objectives The objectives of this policy are: 1. To ensure that all visitors to the Division are bona fide and supervised. 2. To ensure that all visitors to the Division are approved and known to Management prior to their arrival. Page 2 of 4 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: 4. Timing This policy shall be adhered to at all times. 5. References Nil 6. Responsibilities 1. It is the responsibility of all Divisional staff to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for visitors prior to their attendance. 2. It is the responsibility of the hosting staff member to ensure that the visitor is supervised at all times. 3. It is the responsibility of the hosting staff member to ensure that all who need to be, are informed of the visitors intended visit. 4. It is the responsibility of the hosting staff member to ensure all visiting workers/contractors need to have followed the relevant induction and compliance processes of the university. Particular reference should be made to DFM processes for contractors doing physical work on campus. 7. Method The DIT host will manage the visitor. 8. Records The hosting DIT staff member will be responsible for keeping relevant records of any visits (eg emails etc). Page 3 of 4 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: 9. Author History Date Author 27/9/99 Sue Boyton 25/7/07 P Sefton 3/4/12 Policy Review Team Version 1 2 3 No. Pages 4 4 4 Page 4 of 4 Description Original Updated to new style Review and update