Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Policy on Remote Network Access Title: Version Version 6 TRIM file number Short description DIT Policy on Remote Network Access Relevant to Approved by Executive Director, Department of Information Technology Responsible officer Executive Officer of Information Technology Responsible office Office of Executive Director of Information Technology Date introduced 6 March 1995 Date(s) modified Next scheduled review date 5 May 2012 Related legislation Key words Page 1 of 5 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Policy for Remote Access Connection to CSU network Introduction Scope Objectives References Responsibilities Method Records Amendment History 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 Introduction Charles Sturt University has significant IT infrastructure which in some part may be partially managed by external vendors under specific maintenance or support level agreements, or may host services which are required to be accessed by authorised staff and students from remote locations. The increasing requirement for CSU staff to access CSU services from external sites through a secure connection led to the introduction of remote access services at CSU. Currently the remote access services offered are: 1. VPN via the approved CISCO client. 2. RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol via Terminal Services 2008 Gateway 3. SSH2 The VPN service allow CSU staff and authorised vendors to securely access certain CSU services as if they were operating local to the CSU network. The Remote Desktop Protocol via Terminal Services 2008 Gateway provides a virtual windows desktop environment. The SSH service allows access to specific hosts for command line configuration. Scope This document describes the procedures used to allocate user access through various remote access services. . The policy applies to use of the remote access services provided by CSU for external access to CSU services. It outlines the parameters within which a user will operate to enable them to have, obtain and maintain access to this service. Page 2 of 5 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Objectives The objectives of this policy are; 1. To ensure only valid members of the University and valid vendors obtain and keep remote access to the University. 2. To ensure that CSU Information Technology security standards are not compromised by the use of CSU remote access services. 3. To ensure CSU remote access services offer users a method of securely accessing the available and/or required services. References All details for users who currently have, or previously had access to the University's VPN, SSH and RDP facilities are retained in central administration databases. Responsibilities 1. The Risk Assessment and Management group (RAM) is responsible for issuing security advisories to all users. 2. DIT Service Desk is responsible for managing the logging of requests for remote access 3. Manager, Service Delivery (or delegate) is responsible for authorisation of access to remote access services for staff and vendors. 4. Users of remote access services are responsible to ensure their personal computers comply with minimum security standards, (see DIT Policy on security) 5. CSU Computer Shop will record all licensing information. 6. Responsibility for the operation of the University’s remote access facilities rests with the Division of Information Technology with specific responsibility assigned to the Manager, Service Delivery Unit and the designated Operations Support Officer. Page 3 of 5 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Method 1. Eligibility for Access Access is available to Charles Sturt University’s remote access facilities to the following: all current staff and selected students of the University; Affiliated bodies of the University (such as approved Vendors) 2. Applications for VPN Access Application for VPN access is made by submission of a standard service desk request. The request must include start and end dates and the reason for access. This application is reviewed by the manager, service delivery (or delegate) who will determine suitability of request and make determination. Staff requiring VPN access must use a CSU imaged laptop or desktop which includes the current CSU approved anti virus solution as well as current CSU approved Operating System. Instructions on installing and using client software are supplied by the DIT service desk. 3. Applications for SSH access Application for SSH access is made by submission of a standard service desk request. The request must include start and end dates and the reason for access. This application is reviewed by the manager, service delivery (or delegate) who will determine suitability of request and make determination. Access to some systems may have to be enabled by Service Delivery-Networks. 4. Applications for Terminal Services access Applications for Terminal Services access is made by submission of a standard service desk request. The request must include start and end dates and the reason for access. This application is reviewed by the manager, service delivery (or delegate) who will determine suitability of request and make determination. Note that current staff and students have default access to remote Terminal services. Page 4 of 5 Division of Information Technology Policy Document No: Records 1. VPN Access The central administration database retains all relevant information for users, as well as log files detailing creation/termination of users. For VPN access this is controlled via the CSU Operators page system. VPN client application is available via CSU software downloads but is ineffective until access is authorised via Operators page. Access logs are collected by the VPN concentrator and exported to the Network Monitoring System 2. Terminal Services Access Non CSU staff and student requests for terminal services access are collected and stored by the DIT service desk. Access logs are collected by the relevant terminal server and exported to the Network Monitoring System. 3. SSH Access Requests for SSH access are collected and stored by the DIT service desk. Access logs are collected by the relevant server and exported to the log repository. Amendment History Date Author Version No Pages Description 6/3/95 M. Rebbechi 1 3 First Version 23/10/96 J. Eyles 2 3 Web Conversion 22/5/98 G. Taylor 3 3 Changed to reflect the Communications Act 11/3/00 G.Taylor 4 3 Reflect current requirements 11/3/09 B.Roberson 5 3 Include vendor access via VPN 20/4/09 L.Weston 6 4 Include SSH and Terminal services access. Page 5 of 5