15 DCEC 20 CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY DUBBO CAMPUS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE (CEC) Minutes of the meeting of the Dubbo Campus Environmental Committee (CEC) held on 25 November, 2015 at 10:30am by videoconference and face-to-face. PRESENT Jean Brain Liz Laidlaw Ed Maher Ben Moore Kay Owens Matthew Rae Cathy Smith Narelle White Melissa Britnell (Presiding Officer) School of Indigenous Australian Studies Centre for Indigenous Studies CSU Green – Wagga Wagga Campus DFM SOTE Student representative Office for Students Student Central Office of Head of Campus (Minutes Secretary) APOLOGIES Lynton Auld Maria Bennet Wendy Pope Gretel Purser Sandra Stewart Nigel White Dubbo City Council Faculty of Education School of Nursing, Midwifery & Aboriginal Health Wellington Council Division of Student Learning Dubbo College – Senior Campus IN ATTENDANCE N/A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY The Presiding Officer opened acknowledgement of Country. the meeting with the following traditional “I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri, Ngunawal, Gundungurra and Biripai (or Biripi) peoples of Australia, who are the traditional owners and custodians of the lands on which CSUs campuses are located, and pay respect to their Elders both past and present.” 1. INTRODUCTION (Agenda item 1) The Presiding Officer opened the meeting and welcomed all present. 2. MEMBERSHIP (Agenda item 2) 2.1 Terms of Reference Ed Maher reported that the new terms of reference for the committee were being fine-tuned. He advised that a name change to Campus Environmental Sustainability Committee would be the main change. When the draft was finalised it would be distributed for adoption at the Date: 25 November 2015 15 DCEC 21 next meeting of the committee. 2.2 New Members Jean Brain introduced and welcomed two new members to the committee, Matthew Rae, student representative, and Catherine Smith, student liaison officer with the Office for Students. DCEC 15/08 The Dubbo Campus Environmental Committee agreed that all items on the agenda for the meeting held on 25 November 2015 be starred. *3. STARRING OF ITEMS (Agenda item 3) Starring of agenda items was unnecessary as the Environmental Committee agreed to discuss all items on the agenda for the meeting of the Environmental Committee, 25 November, 2015. DCEC 15/09 The Dubbo Campus Environmental Committee agreed that all items on the agenda for the meeting held on 25 November 2015 would be discussed. 4. DCEC 15/10 MINUTES (Agenda item 4) The Campus Environmental Committee agreed to adopt the minutes of the Environmental Committee meeting held on 1 September 2015 as a true and correct record. 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5.1 Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity Garden update (Item number 4.1, 11 March 2015; Item number 4.1, 1 June 2015; Item No 4.1, 1 September 2015 meeting, refers) (Agenda item 5.1) Jean Brain advised that work had begun on drafting the three new signs for the Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity Garden. The drafts would be distributed to the committee for feedback prior to the next meeting. In order to expand community involvement in the Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity Garden the meeting agreed to approach Robert Salt, Indigenous Student Liaison Officer, to assess his interest in becoming part of the committee. Robert has a number of ideas for the use of the garden including expanding the plantings to include plants from regions where our indigenous students originate. 5.2 Learning in Future Environments Index (LiFE) (Item No 4.4, 11 March 2015; Item No 4.4, 1 June 2015; Item No 4.4, 1 September 2015 meeting; refers) (Agenda item 5.2) Ed Maher provided a brief outline of the LiFE project for the new members of the committee, outlining that it is a system developed specifically for tertiary education institutions involving approximately 70 universities and colleges across Australia and the UK that allows these groups to measure sustainability management and plan for improvements. One of the main objectives of the program was to help organisations expand their area of impact outside of the traditional focus of minimising campus footprints by looking at proactive opportunities Date: 25 November 2015 15 DCEC 22 that exist in the areas of learning, teaching and community engagement. Further information about the LiFE program can currently be found and will continue to be updated on the CSU Green website. You can access this via the following links: Intro to LiFE and VC’s video message How will LiFE work at CSU? Info on consultation sessions, including upcoming and previous sessions and image gallery. Ed Maher reported that the LiFE program was continuing their consultation phase with key stakeholders including DVC Research, Development & Industry, Prof Mary Kelly. 5.3 CSU Walk from Main Campus to Dental Clinic incorporating cultural significant sites on Troy Reserve (Item number 4.6, 11 March 2015; Item No 4.6, 1 June meeting; refers) (Agenda Item 4.5) This item to remain on agenda to be progressed after completion of the biodiversity area. 5.4 CSU Green Award Nomination (Agenda item 5.4) Standing agenda item. 5.5 Dubbo Sustainable City Expo & Science Festival (Agenda item 5.5) The meeting agreed to begin planning for involvement in the 2016 event by garnering support, commitment and resources from various potential partners including CSU Marketing, CSU Green, Faculties of Engineering and Science. Melissa to research date for next year’s event and possible themes. 5.6 Other Matters Arising (Agenda item 5.6) Jean Brain agreed to approach student, Nicky Baggott, to ascertain her interest in participating in the committee as a second student representative. *6. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Agenda item 5) The Presiding Officer reported that the Sustainability Advisory Group had met last week and asked Ed Maher to provide an update of the main areas of discussion Employee Development and Review Scheme Ed Maher reported that HR was working on improvements to the the Employee Development and Review Scheme which are to go live in 2016 via an online portal. The proposed changes will provide staff with greater guidance on the identification of work objectives and development opportunities. An invitation has been made for CSU Green to review and comment on the extent of existing linkages made to sustainability and to recommend any suggestions to enhance this. Carbon Neutrality Ed Maher reported that work was continuing with a Carbon specialist for Carbon Neutrality and that the timeframe for the University was Quarter 1, 2016. Part of this process will require CSU to purchase carbon offsets. A set Date: 25 November 2015 15 DCEC 23 of guiding principles had been developed to help guide how offset options will be selected – including alignment with CSU values, international partners and engagement opportunity. For instance, projects that offer social as well as environmental benefits will be looked upon favourably. Other updates were part of the matters arising and general business. 7. GENERAL BUSINESS 7.1 Audit of Waste Management in Residental Life The meeting discussed how best to progress a Waste management audit of the Dubbo Residences. Ed Maher advised that RES Life has a peer to peer training program on recycling correctly which has been successful. It was agreed to incorporate this training on Dubbo campus during or soon after O week and Ben Moore was nominated to progress this project via James Kelly (Res Life). 7.2 Planning 2016 A number of projects for 2016 were identified as part of the matters arising and general business of the meeting. Grants to apply for should be discussed at the next meeting. 7.3 Any further business 7.3.1 Climate Change Kay Owens advised that a Climate Change March was scheduled for this Sunday, 29 November in Dubbo and all were invited to attend. 7.3.1 Recycling Kay Owens once again raised concerns over lack of recycling bins within classrooms. The Presiding Officer directed Kay to work with Ben Moore on appropriate placement of waste and recycling stations to ensure maximum use by students. 7. URGENT BUSINESS (Agenda item 7) There were no items of urgent business. 8. NEXT MEETING (Agenda item 9) The next meeting of the Dubbo Campus Environmental Committee (CEC) will be held on a date to be confirmed in 2016. CLOSURE As this was the last meeting of 2015, the Presiding Officer thanked everybody for their contribution to the committee in 2015 and noted the momentum that was continuing to build. Particular note was made of Ed Maher for his assistance to the committee. Date: 25 November 2015 15 DCEC 24 At 11:30am the Presiding Officer thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed. Signed as a true and correct record. ____________________________ Presiding Officer Date: 25 November 2015 / / <date> 15 DCEC 25 CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY ACTION SHEET DUBBO CAMPUS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE 25 NOVEMBER 2015 Item No. Item 5.1 Title Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity Garden Action Draft signage to acquit grass roots grant and distribute to committee for feedback. By Whom Jean Brain Item 5.1 Reconciliation and cultural diversity garden Ask Robert Salt to join committee. Jean Brain Item 5.5 Dubbo Sustainable City Expo & Science Festival Garner support for 2016 event from potential partners including CSU Marketing, CSU Green, Faculties of Engineering and Science. Liz Laidlaw; Jean Brain Item 5.5 Dubbo Sustainable City Expo & Science Festival Research date for next year’s event and possible themes. Melissa Britnell Item 5.6 Student representative on committee Approach Nicky Baggott to gauge her interest in becoming a member of the environmental committee. Jean Brain Item 7.1 Audit of Waste Management in Residential Life Approach James Kelly for assistance in incorporating peer to peer training program on Dubbo Campus Ben Moore Date: 25 November 2015 By When By next meeting Around O week 2016 15 DCEC 26 DUBBO CAMPUS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING Members: 16 Quorum: 8 Members: School of Indigenous Australian Studies School of Indigenous Australian Studies CSU Green (Wagga Wagga Campus) CSU Green (Wagga Wagga Campus) CSU Green (Wagga Wagga Campus) DFM Student Central School of Nursing, Midwifery & Aboriginal Health Faculty of Education Division of Student Learning Office for Students SOTE Student Representative Community Representative Community Representative Community Representative Jean Brain (Presiding Officer) Liz Laidlaw Ed Maher TBA Nicola Smith (Maternity Leave) Ben Moore Narelle White Wendy Pope Maria Bennet Sandra Stewart Catherine Smith Kay Owens Matthew Rae Nigel White (Dubbo College Senior Campus) Gretel Purser (Wellington Council) Lynton Auld (Dubbo City Council) Right of Audience and Debate: Other: Office of Head of Campus Date: 25 November 2015 Melissa Britnell (Minutes Secretary)