附件一: 語言與文化週講座系列一覽表 高雄醫學大學 Becoming Intercultural: Language Education in the Global Age 主講人: Professor John Corbett Professor of Applied Language Studies, University of Glasgow, UK At Kaohsiung Medical University 演講場次 1. 主題: Writing for Scientific Journals: Language, Genre and Communities of Practices 演講內容: In this session, Prof Corbett will review recent research into research articles in English, and look at how the implicit assumptions of particular scientific communities shape the language and structure of such articles. This session is particularly targeted at those teaching and practicing scientific writing for medical journals. 在這個場次中, Corbett 教授將回顧最近有關英文論文寫作之研究,以及探討 在特定的科學領域中一些隱含的假設是如何塑造及影響文章的語言和結構。這 個演講特別著重於醫療學期刊寫作的教學與實務練習。 時間: 5 月 23 日(週三) 12:30–2:00 PM 對象: 本校全體老師(亦歡迎外校老師) 地點: 演藝廳 2. 主題: English Language Learning and Culture 演講內容: This practical session demonstrates the skills and knowledge that help transform learning about language into learning about culture. Prof. Corbett will focus on activities and project-based work that promote the interpretation of visual images and the development of ethnographic skills such as systematic observation and online interviewing. 在這場以實務為主的場次當中,Corbett 教授將示範與講述如何將語言學習轉 換為文化學習的的知識與技能,加強視覺圖像解讀和民族誌技能發展。譬如透 過系統的觀察以及網上訪問的活動。 時間: 5 月 24 日(週四) 10:15-12:00 PM 對象: 全體同學(亦歡迎外校同學) 地點: 演藝廳 附件一: 語言與文化週講座系列一覽表 3. 主題: Reader’s Development Workshop—How to lead a reading group effectively (創意閱讀運動: 如何有效帶領讀書會) 演講內容: Together with Ms. Mina Patel. This session addresses the practical issues that arise from organizing an effective reading group that is designed to promote the learning of language and reflection on culture. Prof Corbett will lead a discussion that aims to clarify the goals of reading groups, consider the practical options open to organizers, and suggest the kind of language that has to be acquired to talk about the chosen texts. Part of the session will be devoted to a practical example, using short stories as the basis for discussion. 這個場次討論組織一個有效率的讀書小組所會面臨的問題,該類型讀書小組為 設計提升語言學習與文化反思。Corbett 教授將領導讀書小組。一部分的時間 將會以一篇短篇小說為實例來進行討論。 時間: 5 月 24 日(週四) 14:00-16:30 PM 對象: 校內外老師 (全場討論以英文進行) 地點: 第一教學大樓 B1 NB116 室 4. 主題: Developing Intercultural Materials in the English Language Classroom 演講內容: Prof Corbett will discuss the issues that teachers must address if they are designing materials that combine the teaching and learning of language with the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence. In particular, he will argue that classroom materials should focus on the interpretation of visual materials (such as advertisements, art, fashion, etc) and the development of ethnographic skills, such as observation of behavior, and interviewing of informants from different cultures. Corbett 教授將討論當老師在設計結合教學和與跨文化溝通學習的材料時所需 要注意之議題。他特別主張教材應該著重於視覺材料(譬如廣告、藝術、時尚, 等) 來解讀,以及民族誌技能的發展。譬如行為觀察以及訪問來自不同文化的人。 時間: 5 月 26 日(週六) 10:00 -12:00 PM 對象: 高屏地區所有大專及高中英語教師 地點: 第三棟 E31 教室 附件一: 語言與文化週講座系列一覽表 高雄醫學大學通識教育中心文化講座系列--語言與文化週活動 本期主題:Becoming Intercultural: Language Education in the Global Age ◎ 請勾選欲參加場次 1. □ 12:30-2:00 pm Wednesday, 23rd May Topic: Writing for Scientific Journals: Language, Genre and Communities of Practices 2. □ 10:15-12:00 pm Thursday, 24th May Topic: English Language Learning and Culture 3. □ 14:00-16:30 Thursday, 24th May Topic: Reader’s Development Workshop- How to lead a reading group effectively 4. □ 10:00-12:00 pm Saturday, 26th May Topic: Developing Intercultural Materials in the English Language Classroom ◎ 報 名 資 料 姓名 性別 英文姓名 職稱 □ 男 □ 女 行動 服務單位 電話 (活動聯絡用,本欄請務必填寫) E-mail 注意事項: 1. 報名截止日期為活動前三日(如講座時間 5/23 日,截止報名日為 5/20 日), 請於期限內以 Email 方式進行報名作業,名額有限欲報名者請從速。 (1) 詳細活動內容:http://gec.kmu.edu.tw/corner (2) Email 報名:ecorner@kmu.edu.tw 通識教育中心 鍾琬媚 聯絡電話:07-3121101 分機 2259 傳真專線:07-3111739 附件一: 語言與文化週講座系列一覽表