Guidelines and Eligibility Document

Faculty and Division Awards
Guidelines and Eligibility
Staff Award Categories
Professional and General
Academic Excellence
Leadership Excellence
Leadership Excellence
Performance Excellence
Professional Excellence
Research Excellence
Research Supervision Excellence
Teaching Excellence
1. Individual or teams are identified by Managers or Supervisors during the Employee
Development and Review process. NOTE: A separate application should be made for the
Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence (Refer to Award website for further information)
2. Manager or Supervisor completes attached nomination form, identifying the award category,
ensuring that performance is satisfactory and meets eligibility criteria
Nomination of Award is provided to Head of School or Director for statement of endorsement
4. Signed form from Head of School or Director is submitted to the relevant Executive Dean,
Executive Director, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor
5. The Executive Dean, Executive Director, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor will
review each nomination and determine the award recipients for either individual or team
6. The Executive Dean, Executive Director, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor notify
their respective teams and individual award recipients
7. Formal announcement of award recipients made from Executive Dean, Executive Director,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor to all staff within the Faculty or Division.
8. Successful Award recipient forms are forwarded to Human Resources for presentation at the
Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence ceremony by 6 June
Awards are open to all Academic and General staff who currently hold a continuing or fixedterm appointment at CSU, and have successfully completed probation
Awards do not apply to, honorary, visiting, adjunct or executive staff
An individual staff member cannot receive an individual award and a team award for the same
achievement in any year
Faculty and Division Award Nomination
Faculty and Division Awards
Nomination Form
Full Name or Name of Team
members (please list)
Position Title or Team name
Award Category: Please
select relevant category
Academic Excellence
Leadership Excellence
Professional Excellence
Research Excellence
Research Supervision Excellence
Teaching Excellence
Professional and General
Leadership Excellence
Performance Excellence
Please outline the reason for the nomination. You should include what has been achieved and how
this has enhanced the Faculty, Division or University:
Endorsement from Head of School or Director
Statement from Head of School or Director to support the nomination:
Nomination Checklist
1. Nomination meets relevant guidelines, eligibility criteria, performance of individual/s is
satisfactory and documentation to support nomination is attached
2. Nomination form sent to Head of School or Director for statement of endorsement
3. Once endorsement from Head of School or Director has been finalised, the completed
nomination form is sent to Executive Dean, Executive Director, Deputy Vice-Chancellor or
4. Successful Award recipient/s approved by Executive Dean, Executive Director, Deputy ViceChancellor or Vice-Chancellor and is forwarded to Human Resources: by 6 June to be formally presented at the Vice-Chancellor's
Awards for Excellence ceremony
Authorisation of Award recipients (Executive Dean, Executive Director, Deputy Vice Chancellor
or Vice-Chancellor to authorise award recipients)
Faculty and Division Award Nomination