Matakuliah Tahun : O0372 - Dasar-Dasar Produksi Siaran Radio : 2010 LIVE, ON-AIR PRODUCTION Books: “Modern Radio Production” by Hausman, Benoit, Messere, & O’Donnell: Chapter 8 Pertemuan 7 TYPICAL AIRSHIFT • On-Air production is done by three types of radio station employees: – The announcers who run a board combo – The engineers who runs a board for an announcer – A board operator at a station Bina Nusantara University 3 Duties of the ON-AIR Producer • • • • • • • Running the console Cueing disc and tapes Riding levels Selecting filler music Announcing music Reading commercial copy Reading news Bina Nusantara University 4 Duties of the ON-AIR Producer • • • • • • • Taping programs Answering the telephones Monitoring the EAS Doing general maintenance Taking VU meter readings Keeping the program locked Performing off-air production work Bina Nusantara University 5 SOUND of the STATION The primary responsibility of the On-Air Producer is to provide programming that reinforces the format and goals of the station. That includes: 1. PACE; maintaining a pace means checking yourself to ensure that your on-air segments are not too long or too short. 2. CONTENT; the content of a station is what you say and play. It sounds obvious, but it isn’t as easy as it may seems. Bina Nusantara University 6 SOUND of the STATION 3. ANNOUNCING STYLE; radio speech now reassembles conversational speech. Announcers are expected to convey the impression of one to one communication with the audience. To do that effectively, radio personalities must be well versed in the taste, interest, and a life style of the audiences that station want to attract. 4. BLENDING THE SOUND SOURCES; your blending sound sources depends on your station pace. Bina Nusantara University 7 SUGGESTION for LIVE, ON-AIR PRODUCTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CONSOLE OPERATION ESTABLISHING a ROUTINE PLANNING an ADVANCE BEING AWARE of FALSE ENDING RECUEING CARTS LISTENING to the AIR MONITOR CLEARING EQUIPMENT PLANNING for the WORST Bina Nusantara University 8 WORKING with SATELITE SERVICES •THE SATELITE FEED; the satellite acts as a relay: – It picks up the signal, amplifies it, and rebroadcast it to the earth. Satellites can perform this function because they are geostationery (parked over the equator in an order that is exactly synchronizes with the earth rotation so that the satellite always maintain the same relative position to the ground. •PROGRAMMING FROM SATELITE; contain many types of program material, such as: – Music programming in various format, networks that provides speciality programming in part time or full time talks, and information formats, services that provides short forms programming for integration into member stations existing formats. Bina Nusantara University 9 WORKING with SATELITE SERVICES HOW TO USE SERVICE MATERIAL •LIVE BROADCAST – If the material is to be broadcast live and inserted into a locally produce format, the engineering staff will have wired the input from the satellite downlink into the console. •DELAYED BROADCAST – Its the producers duty to sort trough the feeds and edit particularly useful material for the delay broadcast. The on-air personality is often responsible for recorded the feed while performing other on air duties •LOCAL INSERTION – It is include local commercials, news, weather, and locally oriented PS programming (USE THE HOT CLOCK) Bina Nusantara University 10