2016 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning: Guidelines 1. PURPOSE 1.1 2. To recognise learning and teaching support programs and services that make an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the quality of the student experience of higher education. One award is offered annually and is open to program teams from faculties. The programs and services that receive these awards must have demonstrated their effectiveness through rigorous evaluation. CATEGORIES There are eight Program Award categories as follows: 2.1 WIDENING PARTICIPATION encompassing approaches to learning and teaching which enhance student access, widen participation, and support progression. 2.2 EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS encompassing partnerships between universities, and universities and other organisations such as schools, professional bodies, businesses and industries - in collaborative approaches to learning and teaching. 2.3 THE FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE encompassing the academic and social transition to higher education, learning and teaching within large student groups, and the quality of the first year student experience. 2.4 FLEXIBLE LEARNING AND TEACHING encompassing approaches to learning and teaching that afford flexibility in time, place and/or mode of learning. 2.5 INNOVATION IN CURRICULA, LEARNING AND TEACHING encompassing innovations that encourage novel approaches to learning and teaching, innovations that align assessment with curriculum design, innovations that encourage or support multidisciplinary, research-based learning and teaching approaches, innovations that utilise the potential of new and/or emerging technologies. 2.6 POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION encompassing programs that focus on postgraduate students, postgraduate coursework, learning and teaching, postgraduate research supervision and research higher degree candidature, and postgraduate learning support. 2.7 SERVICES SUPPORTING STUDENT LEARNING encompassing services directly related to student learning such as services for specific groups of students, information access, course advising, language and learning support, counselling and disability support. Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Page 1 of 6 2.8 3. 4. 5. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP AND INTERNATIONALISATION including curriculum; student exchange; student experience; international recruitment; and transition programs for international students. SELECTION CRITERIA All nominations for Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning will be assessed on the evidence they provide in relation to the following criteria: 3.1 DISTINCTIVENESS, COHERENCE AND CLARITY OF PURPOSE Extent to which the program has clear objectives and systematic approaches to coordination, implementation and evaluation. 3.2 INFLUENCE ON STUDENT LEARNING AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Extent to which the program targets identified needs and directly or indirectly enhances student learning, student engagement and/or the overall student experience of higher education. 3.3 BREADTH OF IMPACT Extent to which the program has led to widespread benefits for students, staff, the institution and/or other institutions consistent with the purpose of the program. 3.4 CONCERN FOR EQUITY AND DIVERSITY Extent to which the program promotes and supports equity and inclusiveness by improving access, participation and outcomes for diverse student groups. ASSESSING CRITERIA In assessing nominations against the four selection criteria, the assessors and the committee will take into account: a) Evidence of the effectiveness of the program in formal and informal evaluation. b) The degree of creativity, imagination or innovation; and c) Evidence of the sustained effectiveness of the program. ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATION Nomination is open to all programs and services that enhance student learning. Programs are intended to be broader than one or two subjects or a limited service that involves only a few students. For example, programs may involve a service or program at the institutional, faculty or school level, a program of study across a year or number of years, a service or program directed at particular groups of students. 6. ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTATION All nominations for Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning must include the following documents: a) Nomination form (Proforma provided); b) Written statement, including an overview and an argument addressing each of the four selection criteria. Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Page 2 of 6 7. WRITTEN STATEMENT The core element of a nomination for an Award for Programs that Enhance Learning is a written statement which describes the program, and specifically addresses each of the four selection criteria providing evidence to support their claims. The written statement must be presented in the following order: a) Overview of the program and its context b) Statement addressing the assessment criteria and providing supporting evidence The written statement is limited to 10 - A4 pages in total and should include all bibliographic information that might be referred to in the submission. The limit will be strictly administered with all pages in excess of 10 removed prior to being sent to members of the Awards Committee. 8. 9. SUPPORTING TEACHING MATERIALS While selection is based primarily on the written statement, nominees can choose to submit two of the following supporting materials: a) Website (URL); b) a three minute video (which could include footage of the nominee talking about their program, their teaching philosophy or interviews with 2 students) and/or c) The equivalent of 10 pages of printed material (Additional pages will be removed) PRESENTATION No template is provided for the submission but it must be clear and legible. Margins should be at least 2cm with clear paragraph definition and the minimum acceptable font size is 11 point. Applicants are strongly advised to use Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial fonts. 10. NOMINATIONS Nominations are to be made on the forms provided which are attached at the end of these guidelines. 11. NEED ASSISTANCE? Additional advice to assist you in your application is available from staff listed below: Associate Professor Joy Wallace, Faculty of Arts; Dr Rachel Richardson, Faculty of Education; Julia Lynch, Faculty of Business; Dr Janelle Wheat Faculty of Science; Professor Sandra Wills, PVC Division of Student Learning; Your School-based Educational Designer. Advice on processes and timelines is available from: 12. Tania Cowgill, Administrative Officer: Teaching Awards and Grants, Division of Student Learning CHECKLIST FOR NOMINATIONS 12.1 Nomination Form (see 2 page template provided). Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Page 3 of 6 12.2 Written Statement Including an overview and a statement addressing each of the four selection criteria (10 pages). 13. DEADLINES 2016 13.1 Completed applications to: Tania Cowgill, Administrative Officer: Teaching Awards and Grants, Division of Student Learning by 30 May 2016. 13.2 University Curriculum, Learning & Teaching Committee meets by Videoconference in June 2016. Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Page 4 of 6 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning: Nomination Form Program name Category for nomination Please nominate ONE category. See the Guidelines for descriptions of each category Tick box () Widening participation Educational partnerships and collaborations with other organisations The first-year experience Flexible learning and teaching Innovation in curricula, learning and teaching Postgraduate education Services supporting student learning Global citizenship and internationalisation Year the program started Contact details (for leader or representative of the Program) Preferred title First name Last name School / Division Telephone Email address Position (e.g. level B academic OR level 7 general) Staff type (tick one) Academic staff Gender (tick one) Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Female General staff Male Page 5 of 6 Please list names of other Program representatives (to a maximum of five) if applicable Title First name Last name Program representatives’ declaration I/We (print name of principal representative) ______________________________________ agree to represent this Program for nomination for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Programs that Enhance Learning. Signature: Date: Head of School / Executive Director / Director’s signature Signature: Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning Date: Page 6 of 6