PAPRN+ Network Call Notes Thursday, January 28th, 2016 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time (This meeting was conducted via conference call and GoToMeeting and only audio was recorded for purposes of Maryanne writing up notes.) Roll call not done. Updates from CDC The chronic disease team is continuing to recruit a Division Director; Janet Collins is retired. The team recently had a very successful webinar on worksite programs, and Keshia Pollack’s Collaborating Center project with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene was highlighted. Updates from PAPRN+ Coordinating Center Thanks to everyone who attended the ALR Conference and to the Conference organizers/planners, especially ALR and Amanda Wilson! There were several sessions that highlighted the work of the PAPRN+ Network, including working group posters and scientific presentation sessions. Collaborating Centers presented updates on the PAPRN+ research they are conducting as part of a special concurrent session. Thanks to all of the presenters and participants that came to the PAPRN+ session/posters! There was also an in-person meeting with working group leaders, several working group members, and some people from the CDC. Notes from the meeting are being finalized and will be shared with working groups. Working Group Updates We received 50 new interest forms for the Network and working groups at ALR. Agendas are being developed with working group leaders for March calls and will be sent out shortly. A big thanks to the working group leaders! Each working group will have a designated listserv to help facilitate communication among members about resources, information about projects, and calls. That listserv will be sent out to the working groups as well. We welcome new members and are looking forward to getting started on collaborative projects. You need to be signed up for the working group that you are interested in to receive the calendar appointments, messages, and agendas for that specific group. Working group information will appear on the website soon. If you are interested in joining a working group and have not yet filled out the survey, please do so here: PAPRN+ Working Group Call Times Workplace Health Promotion o Second Friday of each month at 4 pm Eastern o Next Call: Friday, March 11th, 4-5 pm Eastern Complete Streets o Third Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern o Next Call: Tuesday, March 15th, 12-1 pm Eastern Rural Settings o Third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm Eastern o Next Call: Tuesday, March 15th, 3-4 pm Eastern Parks & Recreation o Third Friday of each month at 12 pm Eastern o Next Call: Friday, March 18th, 12-1 pm Eastern Older Adults o Fourth Wednesday of each month at 2 pm Eastern o Next Call: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2-3 pm Eastern School Wellness o Second Tuesday of each month at 2 pm Eastern o Next Call: Tuesday, April 12th, 2-3 pm Eastern Presentation "Fire Up Your Feet-Creating Demand for Physical Activity and Safe Routes to School" Cass Isidro, MBA, Executive Director for the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Email: Go to for more information and resources. Link to WalkBikeDoBetter PSA: Summary of Open Mic Discussion Eric is looking into using Google calendar or another format on the PAPRN+ website that will contain all of the meeting times for the Network including working group meeting times. The theme of the 2016 APHA Annual Meeting is Building the Healthiest Nation Ensuring the Right to Health, and the Physical Activity section call for abstracts deadline is 2/26. The section has put out priority topics: international perspectives on physical activity; papers on social determinants of health that might hinder physical activity participation; and underserved populations and barriers to physical activity. In the 2/19 Network email update, there was a link to a survey from the newly formed Physical Activity Research Center ask for input from people in the field on key policy relevant research questions. We encourage people to fill it out ASAP, preferably by 3/15. Also in the 2/19 Network email update, there was a link to provide comments during the public comment period, until 2/26, on the National Physical Activity Plan Revisions. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Strategic Vision Document has a public comment period open until 3/7. If you are interested in presenting on a future call, please email us. Presentations from researchers and practitioners are welcome. Next Meeting Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 3/31,1-2pm Eastern.