Matakuliah Tahun : Pengantar IT Governance : Feb - 2010 Mechanisms for Implementing IT Governance Pertemuan ke-11 & 14 IT Governance – three mechanisms • Decision making structures – Org units and roles for making IT decisions such as committees, executive teams, business/IT relationship managers • Alignment processes – Formal processes for ensuring daily behaviors are consistent with IT policies and provide input back to decisions • Communication approaches – Announcements, advocates, channels, education efforts Bina Nusantara University 3 Decision making structures The most visible IT governance mechanisms are the organizational structures that locate decision-making responsibilities according to intended archetypes. Ideally, every enterprise engages both IT and business leaders in the governance process. Bina Nusantara University 4 Decision-making structures are The natural approach to generating commitment – albeit some executives have been known to wiggle out their IT governance responsibilities. Enterprises with effective governance mix and match decision-making structures to implement predetermined archetypes and ultimately achieve organizational goals. Bina Nusantara University 5 Business Monarchy Decision-Making Structures Business Monarchies – usually in the form of executive committees – often play a role. Enterprises vary considerably in the design of their executive commitees. In some enterprises the CEO works with a small team of top executives to ensure that IT aligns with corporate objectives. Bina Nusantara University 6 Federal Decision-Making Structures Senior executive committee played a role in IT governance. Where these senior executive teams drew members from all business units, they implemented a federal rather than business monarchy archetype. Because fereal structures overtly work to balance enterprise and business unit priorities, they can provide valuable input to IT governance decisions. Bina Nusantara University 7 • The desire for shared data and IT infrastructures is at the heart of most federal IT organization designs. • Mechanisms implementing federal IT governance protect business unit autonomy while developing the standards needed for integrated business capabilities. Bina Nusantara University 8 IT Monarchy Decision-Making Structures IT monarchies make most of the world’s IT architecture and infrastructure decisions. The two most common implementations of IT monarchies : - IT leadership teams - IT architecture committees. Bina Nusantara University 9 IT leadership teams • The IT monarchy is represented by IT leadership teams. • Leadership teams may comprise IT functional heads (operations, architecture, applications, and so on). Bina Nusantara University 10 IT architecture committees • IT architecture committees are responsible for defining standards and in some cases granting exceptions. • The role of the architecture committee is to advise the IT leadership team on architectural issues, but occasionally the architecture committee is a key governance decisionmaking body. Bina Nusantara University 11 Coordinating Business and IT Monarchies • IT monarchies are a natural and valuable approach to applying the enterprise’s IT expertise. • But the risk of IT monarchies is in coordinating IT efforts, they can become isolated from organizational reality. • Enterprises waste considerable resources making technical improvements that no one converts into business value. Bina Nusantara University 12 • Overlapping membership in IT leadership teams and senior executive teams, often in the person of the CIO, can align the activities of IT and business monarchies. • The effect of these IT monarchies is then similar to a federal arrangement, though it is simpler to implement. Bina Nusantara University 13 Duopoly Decision-Making Structures • The typical role of business leaders in IT governance is to clarify business objectives and incorporate IT capabilities into strategy formulation. • The typical role of IT leaders is to help envision IT enabled strategies, clarify architectural standards and design shared infrastructures. • The responsibilities of these two groups are obviously intertwined. Bina Nusantara University 14 3 mechanisms support duopoly archetypes : • IT Councils with Joint Business / IT Membership • Process Organizations • Business / IT relationship managers. Bina Nusantara University 15 IT Stewardship Model Enterprise information solution (EIS) steering committee IT council • Business group • CTO/EIS leadership Bina Nusantara University Business performance teams • Source and support • Production operations • Business and operations analysis 16 Alignment processes • Alignment processes are IT management techniques for securing widespread involvement in the effective management and use of IT. • Alignment processes should bring everybody on board both by providing input into governance decisions and by disseminating the outputs of IT decisions. Bina Nusantara University 17 Key alignment processes include : • • • • • • IT investment approval process The architecture exception process Service level agreements Chargeback Project tracking Formal tracking of business value from IT. Bina Nusantara University 18 Communications Approaches Communication mechanisms are intended to ‘spread the word’ about IT governance decisions and processes and related desirable behaviors throughout the enterprise. Bina Nusantara University 19 Communication Approaches • • • • • Senior Management Announcements Formal committees Office of CIO or IT Governance Working with Nonconformists Web-based portals Bina Nusantara University 20 High-Impact but Challenging Mechanisms Mechanisms Objectives Desirable Behavior Undesirable Behavior Observed Executive and senior management committee Holistic view of business, including IT Seamless management incorporating IT IT ignored architecture committee Identify strategic technologies and standards Business driven IT decision making IT police and delays Process teams with IT membership take process view using IT effectively End to end process management Stagnation of functional skills and fragmented IT infrastructure Capital investment approval and budgets Consider IT as another business investment Prudent IT investing-different approaches for different investment types Paralysis by analysis Service level agreements Specify and measure IT service Professional supply and demand Manage to SLA not buisness need Chargeback Recoup IT costs from business Responsible use of IT Arguments about charges and warped demand Formal tracking of business value of IT Measure IT investments and contribution to business value often using balanced scorecard Makes transparent : goals, benefits, and costs Separates IT from other assets (focus on money, not value) Bina Nusantara University 21 Case study : Carlson Bina Nusantara University 22 Coordinating Multiple Mechanisms The case of Carlson companies • IT Principles : – Application development can continue to take place within operating groups, but applications should be presented to users through a shared portal, and where necessary, data will be shared across business units. – Carlson will have a shared IT infrastructure. Bina Nusantara University 23 Bina Nusantara University 24 Case study : Carlson • Decision-Making Structures • Carlson Technology Archetecture Committee (CTAC) -- Enterprise Architecture Organization (EOA) • Carlson Shared Services (CSS) • IT Council • Investment Commitee Bina Nusantara University 25 Case Study : Carlson • Alignment Processes – Service Catalog – Investment and Funding Approach – Architecture Exception Process Bina Nusantara University 26 Case Study : Carlson • Communication Tools – Senior Management Announcements – Formal committees that disseminate their decisions. Bina Nusantara University 27 Implementing governance : Principles for mechanisms 3 Characteristics of Mechanisms : • • • Simple Transparent Suitable Bina Nusantara University 28 • Simple Mechanisms unambiguously define the responsibility or objective for a specific person or group • Transparent Effective mechanisms rely on forma processes • Suitable mechanisms engage individuals in the best position to make given decisions Bina Nusantara University 29 5 Principles for designing effective sets of mechanisms : • Choose mechanisms from all three types • Limit decision-making structures. • Provide for overlapping membership in decision-making structures • Implement mechanisms at multiple levels in the enterprise • Clarify accountability Bina Nusantara University 30 Governance Mechanisms Bina Nusantara University 31 Use of Governance Mechanisms Effectiveness of Governance Mechanisms Bina Nusantara University 33