Matakuliah Tahun : Psikologi Diagnostik : 2010 Objective Assessment of Personality II Pertemuan 2 Trait Theory of Personality • A trait is any readily-identifiable, stable quality that characterizes an individual from other individuals • Traits serve three major functions: – To summarize, predict, and explain a person’s conduct • A predisposition to respond in a particular way to a broad range of situations Bina Nusantara University 3 Basic Assumptions • Traits present specific ideas about a person’s disposition (the way a person is likely to behave across situations as well as over time) • Individuals can be characterized in terms of relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions • Traits can be quantitatively assessed • Traits show some degree of cross situational consistency Bina Nusantara University 4 Theorists • • • • Gordon Allport Raymond B. Cattell Hans J. Eyesnck * Paul T. Costa & Robert R. McCrae * Bina Nusantara University 5 Hans J. Eysenck • Focused on higher levels of trait organization called types • Types incorporate lower-level elements (traits); Each trait incorporates even lower-order qualities (habits) • Eysenck argues that all personality traits can be grouped under three dimensions: – Extraversion characterizes people based on their orientation toward external sources of stimulations from the environment versus an orientation inward at the opposite extreme. – Psychotism includes a disposition toward psychosis and a degree of sociopathy. – Neuroticism is basically a measure of emotional stabilityinstability. • Eysenck Personality Scales : EPQ-R and EPP Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R) • Contains 100 items to measure the three personality dimensions of extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism, as well as the lie scale. • A dichotomous response format “Yes” or “No.” • Examples of items are: – Extraversion “Do you like telling jokes and funny stories to your friends?” (positively scored item). “Do you prefer reading to meeting people?” (negatively scored item). – Neuroticism “Are you a worrier?” (positively scored item). – Psychoticism “Do you enjoy hurting people you love?” (positivelyscored item). Would it upset you a lot to see a child or an animal suffer? (negatively scored item). – Social Desirability (L) “Are you always willing to admit when you have made a mistake?” (positively scored item). “Have you ever cheated at a game?” (negatively scored item). Bina Nusantara University 7 Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) • Like the EPQ-R, the EPP measures the three main personality dimensions of E, N, and P and has a lie scale • EPP uses facet scales to measure each of the main dimensions. The three main dimensions and their facets are (with three-letter abbreviations in parentheses): – Extraversion: Activity (ACT), Sociability (SOC), Assertiveness (ASS), Expressiveness (EXP), Ambition (AMB), Dogmatism (DOG), Aggressiveness (AGG). – Neuroticism: Inferiority (INF), Unhappiness (UNH), Anxiety (ANX), Dependence (DEP), Hypochondria (HYP), Guilt (GUI), Obsessiveness (OBS). – Psychoticism: Risk-Taking (RIS), Impulsivity (IMP), Irresponsibility (IRR), Manipulativeness (MAN), SensationSeeking (SEN), ToughMindedness (TOU), Practicality (PRA). Bina Nusantara University 8 9 The Big Five Personality Traits • Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness • The study of language – Clusters of associated words used to describe personality characteristics • The study of personality questionnaires and ratings – Factors indicated on surveys – Five Factor Model (FFM) Differences Between the Big Five and the Five Factor Model • Five Factor Model is an interpretation of Big Five Factors – FFM asserts that we can describe personality in terms of five broad categories, each of which includes specific attributes – Suggests differences among people in these dimensions are • Stable • Genetic • Due to internal mechanism • Applications of the Big Five and The Five Factor Model and Theory: Job performance, job satisfaction, personality disorders, determines types of therapy 11 Bina Nusantara University 12 The Five Factor Model : Measure The NEO Personality Inventory - Revised (NEO PI-R) • • • • Measures five broad domains (factors) and 30 narrower facets (6 subtraits comprise each of the BIG 5 domains) Each facet is measured by 8 items Scales have good reliability and validity across different data sources (e.g., ratings by peers or spouses) NEO-PI-R correlated with other BIG 5 measures Bina Nusantara University 13 Bina Nusantara University 14