Shoulder Injury Evaluation

Trevar Hansen
Comp 1
Evaluation of Narrative
Shoulder Injury Evaluation
I think my essay was descent. You know, I haven’t had a lot of practice and I still
consider myself a beginner so please bare with me. I believe I didn’t tell a good enough
story. It definitely could have been much, much better. I guess I didn’t have much of a
story to tell about my shoulder other than me playing baseball or football. I could have
added more dialogue stating what all of my coaches, teammates and even my parents
said. What did they think of the entire ordeal? I also could have added how much I think
this hurt my athletic high school career. I look back at my stupidity and wonder…what
if? What if I would have gotten it fixed right away? Would I be having this pain now?
But my essay did have some bright points. I believe that I was able to get the major point
across that states you should act before a problem aggravates so much that it is
untreatable. I also know that the little bit of dialogue that I did have added a lot to this
essay. Overall, I believe that I need a job well done on this essay, being that it is my first
one ever!