Composition Portfolio Project Evaluation Sheet—English 110 Student Name_____________________________ Date _____________________ Doesn’t Meet Criteria: Meets Exceeds Comments………………….. Introduction: a. Describes self as writer b. Explains what s/he learned in Comp. 1 c. Summarizes Portfolio contents d. Optional: Picture/voice Changes in my Writing Skills: a. Must list six changes (four required, two student choices) b. Each must be linked to the appropriate slide Summary Slide: a. Explains what is required for an effective summary b. Explains how example demonstrates this c. Summary is linked to this slide or pasted onto the next slide. Citing Sources Slide: a. Student explains what style learned b. Explains what it means to cite correctly. c. Example of correct citation on slide d. Hyperlink to document that demonstrates correct use of citations Four ways to organize essays: a. Student lists four ways to organize essays b. Explains one method in detail and relates to linked essay c. Hyperlinks to selected essay example Thesis statement: a. Describes the features of a good thesis. b. Quotes example from own writing. c. Explains why it’s a good thesis Student Choice One: a. Selection must reflect either course syllabus objectives or Writing skill abilities b. Describes the change. c. Illustrates the change. d. Hyperlinks to example if appropriate Student Choice Two: a. Selection must reflect either course syllabus objectives or Writing skill abilities b. Describes the change. c. Illustrates the change. d. Hyperlinks to example if appropriate Overall Evaluation: •Level One: –Expresses clearly thoughts and ideas in informal writing contexts. –Composes structurally correct sentences in Standard American English. –Generates well-developed, coherent paragraphs. •Level Two: –Processes information to produce writing that clearly and accurately summarizes and/or reports. –Writes, well-developed, focused essays. –Searches for information and inserts research appropriately. Faculty Endorsement: This portfolio meets does not meet (circle one) the Communication Ability, Writing Skill, at level ______________ ___________________________________________________________ (Instructor Signature) ___________________ (date)