Jim Altringer.doc

Jim Altringer
English Comp
I’ve had some experience with poetry but not a whole lot. Poetry really has never
been a favorite thing of mine. I really do not find it interesting. My favorite poems are
the poems that rhyme. The long poems that don’t rhyme really are boring to me and I
think they are a waste of my time. Now that I’ve shared my thoughts of poetry I will tell
about my experiences.
When I was a freshman in high school my teacher, Mr. Cruchet, made everyone
in his class make a writing portfolio. We had our choices of types of writing. Between
short stories, interviews, description essays, and of course poetry. Well believe it or not
my favorite was poetry. I wrote about four poems in my portfolio, and not to brag or
anything but they were good. Every week Mr. Cruchet would put the best stories,
descriptions, and poems for the week on the overhead and three out of my four poems
made it on the overhead. My best poem in my opinion was entitled “Stick with your
Team.” The best part of the poem was “The Vikes are going to lose on Sunday, Ah ha
you wanna bet? You were almost positive they’d beat the Bucs, but now you are in
debt.” There was a lot of good lines in my poems.
My sister JeriAnn wrote poetry when she was in high school also. When she was
a sophomore she wrote a poem about spring that was actually published in a poetry book.
I guess I kind of hope I get to write some poetry in this class because I would love
the chance to show some of my work off. These are some of my experiences with poetry.