Wednesday Objectives: Students will demonstrate their understanding of short stories, “Reuion,” “Erring Dirty Laundry,” “Escape Claws,” “Perfect Opening Line.” Students will enhance their understanding of the story by completing the vocabulary worksheet. Students will demonstrate their understanding of using precise and choice words in their own writing. Materials: Short stories “Reunion,” “Erring Dirty Laundry,” “Escape Claws,” “Perfect Opening Line.” Vocabulary worksheet for short stories. Worksheet for short stories Working stories of the students’ Activities: 1. We will begin by discussing the vocabulary worksheet and making sure everyone has the same definitions as a class. This will be teacher led, student assisted, with the teacher making a final decision for the “exact” definition we will use. Before we have the class discussion, I will walk around the classroom to see that everyone has completed the vocabulary and give his or her paper a check for credit. (15 minutes) 2. Students will complete the discussion worksheet individually (10 minutes) 3. Students will get into groups of 3-4 and discuss their answers to the discussion worksheet (5-10 minutes) 4. Class discussion: Teacher PPT. (10 minutes) a. Final Questions i. Was there anything they didn’t understand? ii. What is the importance of every word used since these stories are only 55 words or less. 5. Teacher will hand out previously written stories of the students’. 6. Give the revision assignment to the students. (5 minutes) 7. The students will also be told of the upcoming test on Friday. They should come to class prepared to ask questions about their test. Evaluation: Students will hand in the vocabulary and discussion worksheets for participation credit. The students’ participation and willingness to discuss throughout the class period will be noted. (subjective assessment) Assignment: The students are to revise their one-page short stories to 55 words or less. They should use their words wisely to provide the most detail and action in their story. The students are to come to class with questions prepared to review for their test on Friday