Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes I. Introduction (Could also start with an executive summary of the chapter) A. What the Reader Will See In this Section (summarize the chapter/section) 1. VCSU continues to ensure its institutional effectiveness (that both educational and other purposes are fully addressed). Based in the “Levels of Implementation”, the pattern of evidence presented will support this assertion. 2. VCSU’s academic and student services play a key role in meeting these purposes and as such, are intimately involved in VCSU’s assessment efforts. 3. Finally, VCSU’s successes and challenges will be evaluated and summarized. 4. An action plan for addressing the challenges and building upon VCSU successes will follow. B. Setting the Context: Assessment and “A Decade of Transformation” 1. Setting the Context a. Rotation of VPs during last decade b. Impact of New state-driven planning initiatives, e.g., Roundtable Report, Cornerstones, etc c. Accountability to students, parents, public, etc. 2. Assessment and Transformation - administrative commitment to excellent teaching and effective student learning (Les) a. Why Assessment – Why is it important (commitment to students, quality instruction, etc) b. VCSU – rapid change/movement away from scan skills to abilities, a quantum leap c. Purposes of Assessment at VCSU d. Assessment - Where VCSU will be 10 years from now II. Academic Organizational Structure and Curriculum A. Current Programs/Degrees – Overview (detail in resource room or in appendix) 1. Overview of Divisions B. General Education Program 1. Changes in the last 10 years a. General Education replaces Foundation Studies b. Abilities and Skills C. Fargo and Jamestown Sites – see 1996 NCA Focused Visit Report for Jamestown D. Enrollment Info – in Resource Room E. Addition of Minors, but no program/degree changes since 1992 F. Other Instructional (Auxiliary) Endeavors: 1. Viking eLearning Institute 2. Customized Learning Initiative 3. Others? G. Summer School H. VCSU’s Notebook and Technology Initiatives 1. History and current status – notebook initiative 2. Senior CD-ROM portfolio – Title III Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes III. Student Assessment and VCSU’s Commitment to Quality Learning and Teaching A. History of VCSU’s Assessment Initiative (Julee)(Some comments, etc by Miriam) The initial VCSU assessment plan was developed during the 1991-92 academic year in preparation for the last NCA comprehensive evaluation. The plan had broad faculty and staff involvement and acceptance and flowed naturally from the institutional purposes (from 96 VCSU focused report). Significant responsibility for implementation of the 1992 plan resided with the Curriculum Committee for assessment of General Education (formerly Foundations Studies) and with the Institutional Improvement Committee (formerly the Program, Planning, and Review Committee) for program assessment. Faculty members representing the academic divisions serve on both committees. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and division chairs serving on the Academic Policy and Affairs Council provided leadership and oversight for assessment processes. Forums were held during the 1991-92 academic year to acquaint faculty with the philosophy of outcomes assessment. Working sessions with the Academic Affairs and Policy Council were used to review key components of the final draft and the link between planning and assessment. The final version of the assessment plan was included in the 1992 self-study prepared for submission to the North Central Association. The NCA evaluation team requested submission of an assessment report in June, 1994 summarizing continuing development of institutional efforts to document student achievement (Why?). The report outlined the evolution of the Total Quality philosophy into Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning; receipt of a FIPSE grant used to build a foundation for system-wide reform of undergraduate education; and various other assessment initiatives undertaken after the comprehensive visit. The report was accepted by NCA. [Instructional Innovation Title III grant] 1.4 million dollar cooperative Title III grant 1998 Title 1.7 million institutional 98-03????—purpose of this last line?? --Look at May 1994 NCA Report – CITL philosophy, etc…provides a nice explanation & detail – this report should be examined in greater detail! Mention this report. --Need to discuss the 1996 assessment plan and how the 1992 plan had evolved into the 96 plan (or did it?); also, discuss how the 96 plan (submitted to the NCA for a focused visit) has not been implemented); now, we have an assessment model that has arisen from the title III efforts --Note: the 1996 focused visit NCA team reports that a revised VCSU assessment plan was submitted – so it seems we should be working from this revised plan. This report talks about evolution of “the total quality philosophy into Continuous Improvement of Teaching and Learning”; see page 18 of the 1996 Focused Visit Report to NCA (i.e., by 1994-1995, “fully functioning assessment program” The receipt of significant grants, namely the FIPSE, Bush, and Title III resulted in two campus-wide initiatives: the development of the abilities based model of student assessment and the VCSU degree requirement of a CD-ROM portfolio to demonstrate learning and to enhance employment prospects (Holleque p. 6 “Transforming Higher Education: Excellence within a Culture of Innovation”). Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes Assessment in 2000 at VCSU – VCSU’s Portfolio Project Individual faculty members through the academic division are responsible for developing the assessment process for the majors or program in which they teach. In addition to serving on the Curriculum Committee and the Program, Planning and Evaluation Committee, faculty members participate in various components of the assessment process and evaluate assessment results. [Student Services] The assessment of the Student Services area has always been a part of VCSU’s assessment approach and continues currently – Include as a separate chapter??? B. VCSU Abilities – Description and Visual (Julee)(To current) 1. History (see “1995-1996 Revised VCSU Assessment Plan” - Focused Visit (pp. 18 – 19) C. Progress Since 1995-1996 VCSU Assessment Plan D. VCSU’s Assessment Initiative - Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses Using the Levels of Implementation: 1991 – 2001 (Julee) E. The VCSU Assessment Plan – 2001 and Beyond 1. Vision of VCSU’s Current Assessment Initiative: “ Institutional Effectiveness” (Proposed) a. Data informed decision-making at all levels throughout the University, from the President to the faculty and staff members; assessment as essential; we are engaging in assessment because it helps our students and VCSU first with other purposes as secondary. 2. Mission of the Current VCSU Assessment Initiative (Proposed) a. To facilitate and coordinate the meaningful and continuous use of assessment data to improve learning and teaching, educational support, and administration (institutional effectiveness). 1. Clearly linked to the VCSU mission statement 2. Documentation of how assessment results are used for curriculum improvement and other campus processes is necessary. 3. VCSU Assessment Initiative Goals (Proposed) a. To ensure learning and teaching quality b. Enhance program quality c. To ensure that student learning outside of the classroom is of the same high quality 4. Guiding Principles of the VCSU Assessment Initiative (Proposed)(Not all-inclusive) a. Faculty-driven with strong administrative support b. Strong support for faculty (professional development, including assessment) c. Student involvement in assessment is essential. d. Assess what is most important (Angelo, 1999: “Assessing as If Learning Matters Most” ( e. Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987) AAHE’s 9 Principles of Good Practice in Assessment ( - some refer to 10 principles ( f. Use of multiple measures (qualitative and quantitiave) g. Reliability and validity of assessment measures must be demonstrated h. Others – limited number as appropirate Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes 5..Program Description: Assessment Data Flow (see page 27 of “revised 1995-1995 assessment plan”) President Need Affective-Social Dimensions (96 Revised Plan)) Instit. Research?? Instit. Assmnt –- where does this occur? (see 96) VPAA VP-Stud Serv ? Fac Assoc Aux Units?? 1. Jamestown (see p. 20 96 focused visit report) T.E. Comm (when appropriate) 96 Revised Plan says that assessment will be coordinated by VPAA & APAC (Curriculum & Assessment) (96 revised plan) Employer Survey ACT Opinion Questionnaire Model & Assmnt. Plan??? Feedback Loops??? 96 focused visit report – incoming freshmen survey?? Periodic surveys?? Fac Sen NEED: Feedback Loops – once assmnt data used for planning, budgeting, etc, how are results communicated to the campus? Curriculum Committee General Education SubCommittee APAC & VPAA (Includes CC Liaison during Program Reviews) Divisions (96 revised plan) Fine Arts Art Music Bus / CIS Business C.A & SocSci Commun.Arts Social Science Ed/Psy /Tech HPE Education Psychology Technology NEED TO DOCUMENT: academic advising, career services, HR/Counseling Moves Math & Sci Math Science Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes See Chapter IV (1995-1996 Focused Visit Report)(p. 24) – in relation to diagram -Major Questions: Who coordinates campus assessment efforts? How do faculty and administration share assessment responsibilities? -APAC = Assessment Committee (and responsibilities of that committee are detailed on page 24) -Curriculum Committee = Foundation Studies (consistent with model above) -Program Planning and Evaluation Committee (PPEC) = monitors academic program assessment (different) -see page 25 – keep? 6. 7. Integration of Abilities Throughout University (see “VCSU Assessment Chart”) Institutional Assessment Activities a. Involvement of Students – how this occurs b. Instruments (in place & possibilities) 1. Recent Graduate Questionnaire (in place) 2. Employer Questionnaire (in place) 3. Alumni Questionnaire 4. Continuing Student Questionnaire (ACT opinion questionnaire) 5. Entering Student Questionnaire (e.g., CIRP, locally developed??) 6. Graduating Student Questionnaire 7. Faculty and Staff Questionnaires c. Assessment Cycle – timing; frequency; FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY d. Other Institutional Assessment Information 1. Graduate School Acceptance 2. Graduation Rates 3. Others e. Use of Institutional Assessment Results in Institutional Processes 1. Curriculum Development 2. Faculty Professional Development 3. Strategic Planning (Need Ellen to expound further, especially on the use of assessment information) 4. Budgeting 5. Other – Policy development, decision-making, etc f. How Information Rolls Up – From Divisional and General Education to Institution 8. General Education Assessment – how this occurs, ESP FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY a. Senior CD Portfolio – Portfolio as Exit Requirement; 1. Portfolio Development Process – from freshman year to graduation; 2. Overview of Portfolio Evaluation Criteria 3. Abilities/Skills-Course Map (give sample; full map in resource room) 4. Storage & Access to Student Portfolio Information b. Involvement of Students – how this occurs; how students learn about portfolios c. Instruments 1. Upon Entry - baseline 2. Completion (e.g., Academic Profile, cBASE, etcA) d. Assessment Cycle – timing, frequency e. Use of General Education Assessment Results 1. Curriculum Development 2. Faculty Professional Development 3. Strategic Planning (Need Ellen to expound further, especially on the use of assessment information) 4. Budgeting 5. Other – Policy development, decision-making, etc Criterion Three Outline (Draft: 12/11/00) The Institution is Accomplishing its Educational and Other Purposes 9. Assessment of the Academic Major a. Involvement of Students – how this occurs b. Relationship Between General Education and Academic Major Portfolio Requirements c. Assessment Program Overview (matrix) – by program; include assessment cycle information 1. Include abilities/skills-course mapping 2. Overall or sampling of portfolio evaluation criteria development process 3. Storage & Access to Student Portfolio Information 4. Use of Academic Major Program Assessment Results – Program Review as major vehicle via which program results and information use are communicated --Sampling of Programs Approach? If so, a complete description of each program’s assessment approach should be on hand in the resource room and should reflect standard format for ease of use by consultantevaluators: -Assessment Measures Used -How are results used to enhance the program? -Assessment Cycle -Evaluation Criteria/Approach -Responsibilities (more than just the chair) -Feedback to students -FEEDBACK TO FACULTY 10. Relationship Between General Education Program Outcomes and Programmatic Outcomes a. Consideration For Program Improvement Purposes (MAJOR SECTION in the 1996 Focused Visit Evaluation Team Report) IV. Technology and Effectiveness of Student Learning (instructional effectiveness as secondary to learning effectiveness)(Terry) (integrate with section III? Separate Section to highlight importance and primacy of issue and then incorporate as appropriate in Section III) A. Blackboard ***THE NCA Handbook specifically calls for a description of the involvement of the library (p. 46) – Not Sure Where to Put This V. Student Services Assessment Efforts (Consider as A Separate Chapter – May not have enough material for this strategy – TBD) VI. Usefulness of Assessment Program to Institution and Programs VII. How plan is routinely updated – how is the cost-effectiveness ensured? (Required) VIII. Summary of VCSU’s Assessment Initiative and Plans for The Future (timeline too) Criterion Four and Assessment – Page 55