Right to bear arms ESSAY.doc

People have the right to bear arms.
People do have the right to bear arms. Other people think that
guns are to blame for the murders and the crimes that happen in the
world today. Actually, the person behind the gun is to blame for the
crime or murder. I know that everyone have heard this saying but it is
the truth, Guns do not kill people-PEOPLE kill people. People have the
right to protect themselves on the streets or to go and have a good time
hunting. Hunting is fun and recreational and is also a part of America’s
pastime. No one has the right to take away our guns. No one has the
right to break the Second Amendment!
A major concern people ask is about why people need to own
military style firearms. It has many of the same reasons that some
people buy antique furniture or even classic cars. Military style firearms
have a character, a personality and a history that commercial regular or
"sporting" firearms simply cannot match. So, an original military firearm or one based upon an original military design - becomes more than just
another gun; it becomes a cherished possession to that person and it
also generates a genuine pride of ownership and, ultimately, becomes
very collectable an antique like possession. And, in much the same way a
person might choose an expensive high performance vehicle over a bare
type of vehicle, a serious shooter might choose a military style firearm for
its superior accuracy, reliability and technologically advanced design.
Military style firearms are designed and built to perform better, last
longer, and withstand more abuse than all except the most expensive
commercial and "hunting" firearms. So in addition to owning a piece of
history, purchasing a military style firearm is actually a sound investment
in a superior piece of equipment that will likely appreciate in value.
There are major myths that people believe that are SO far from the
truth. An example of a myth is Gun Control saves lives. The truth is, gun
control costs lives, as evidenced by cities, which enforce near total bans
on firearm ownership. That's because criminals don't obey gun control
laws or any other kind of laws. This means that citizens who do are
effectively rendered defenseless. Regular citizens are going to abide by
the laws but no criminal is every going to be kept from getting a gun. If
he or she wants to kill someone, he or she will find a gun to do it with.
So if someone tells you that gun control saves lives, ask them any
of the following questions: How would a 5-day waiting period help a
stalking victim? How would banning affordable firearms protect the poor
from neighborhood criminals? I can guarantee that criminals will get
guns whether they are banned or not. How would this nation have been
founded and its liberties secured had gun control been in force? How did
gun control save the lives of blacks before, during and after the Civil War?
Which gun control laws helped save Jewish lives during the Holocaust?
Another myth is that the family gun is more likely to kill you or
someone you know than to kill in self-defense. The studies yielding such
numbers never actually inquired as to whose gun was used in the killing.
Instead, if a household owned a gun and if a person in that household or
someone they knew was shot to death while in the home, the gun in the
household was blamed. In fact, guns brought in by an intruder committed
virtually all the killings in these studies. No more than four percent of the
gun deaths can be attributed to the homeowner's gun. The very fact that
intruders killed most people also surely raises questions about why they
owned guns in the first place and whether they had sufficient protection.
How many attacks have been deterred from ever occurring by the
potential victims owning a gun? My own research finds that more
concealed handguns, and increased gun ownership generally;
unambiguously deter murders, robbery, and aggravated assaults. This is
also in line with the well-known fact that criminals prefer attacking
victims that they consider weak.
These are only some of the myths about guns and crime that drive
the public policy debate. We must not lose sight of the ultimate question:
Will allowing law-abiding citizens to own guns save lives? The evidence
strongly indicates that it does.
This essay could go on forever. There are so many advantages that
people have in owning their own firearm. Whether it is self-dense and
protecting your family, or going hunting to put food on the table, people
do have the right to bear arms. Guns absolutely cannot be taken away!