DRINKING AGE Why is the legal drinking age 21? Many people feel that it should be changed, but many people don’t agree on this subject. I feel that there are two very strong sides to this suggestion. But what do you think about this suggestion, why don’t you let me give you some information from both sides and then let you decide which side you would support. BIBLIOGRAPHY mpkogli@ilstu.edu, Lowering The Drinking Age, http://www.askjeeves.com/main/followup.asp?qCategory=FOOD&ask=drinking+age&q Source=0&origin=0&frames=yes&site_name=Jeeves&metasearch=yes&ads=&sv=35&b ack=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.askjeeves.com%2Fmain%2Faskjeeves.asp%3Fask%3Ddrin king%2Bage%26origin%3D0%26site_name%3DJeeves%26metasearch%3Dyes%26ads %3D&aj_ques=snapshot%3DJeeves%26kbid%3D2351420&aj_logid=14784F28D4A6A 64094C1759C8CB6C759&aj_rank=1&aj_score=4&x=16&y=8