By: Jason Norht Persuasive Essay By cutting tobacco prices in the US will reduce the amount of tobacco people use. Many people will not use tobacco products because thy will not be able to afford them. When raising tobacco prices it will make many Americans think twice about smoking or using chewing tobacco. By raising prices it has made a significant change in the amount of tobacco sales. Why do so many Americans use these awful products, it is because of the addictive chemical called nicotine. If you actually put the numbers together you would be amazed of how much a person will spend on tobacco products in a year. Some people just do not seem to care or are just so addicted they cannot quit. By raising the prices you would think that it would force people to quit. Studies have shown that by raising tobacco prices in the US the tobacco sales have dropped by about ten percent. So if the government decided to drop the sales on tobacco again will the people that quit start back up again due to the price drop. Most Americans said they would witch is a pretty stupid move on their part. Many people quit smoking but find themselves starting again after a short amount of time. Many people find themselves gaining weight which happens to most people when they quit smoking. Smoking is something that many people do if they are hungry because it will take away their appetite. The leading cause of death in the US is heart disease and the second cause is cancer. Smoking will also cause heart disease which is very fatal. Since I have no history of smokers in my family I do not have any intentions of smoking or using any type of By: Jason Norht tobacco products. Some people are affected by tobacco differently than others. Some people will acquire cancer at a young age and others will never have any affects from smoking. It seems many people are in denial of their tobacco usage. Many people say they can quit at any time but never make any attempt to quit. I found lots of information on the net about raised tobacco prices and the affects it has caused on many people but not as interesting as the story I am about to write about. The raised tobacco prices really never affected his tobacco usage but his health and his life on the line is what finally made him quit. This is a thirty five year old man who smoked about two packs a day. He first acquired a severe heart disease and had to go threw open heart surgery. After his surgery he didn’t think that smoking caused his awful heart condition. It wasn’t but a year after that and he had a massive heart attack and almost lost his life. Since he was an active person he didn’t think no matter how much he smoked it wouldn’t affect him. About three years had passed and he was in good health and feeling very well. One day he felt some tingling in his fingers and almost felt like his fingers were going numb. He went to the doctor and the doctor told him that he was losing circulation in his fingers because of smoking. Many people do not know that smoking affects your circulation and can cause you to lose body parts if you are not careful. The doctor finally told him that they were going to have to amputate all of his fingers. He asked the doctor if it was because he smoked so much. Finally after having all of the tips of his fingers cut off he decided to quit smoking. By: Jason Norht I found it very interesting that a person would go through as much as this person did just to smoke. He didn’t quit because of the raised prices but he finally had to quit because his life was in jeopardy.