Courtney King Comparison/Contrast Essay English 110 Comp 1 I remember coming home after a rough day; it was cold and dreary out. I t had been a terrible day. I come home and am greeted by friendly, loving faces. The cats run forward and purr until I pick them up or pet them. This is really a great way to relieve the anguish of a bad day. Many people believe that dogs are better than cats; I on the other hand do not believe this stereotype. Those who enjoy the company of cats rather than dogs know what I am talking about. There are many ways that dogs and cats are equal, but there are also many ways that cats are better than dogs. It may not be believable now, but I hope this essay will be convincing enough so owning a cat is much more civilized than owning a dog. Both cats and dogs are great pets to have. They both are very loving and will stay forever if treated right. They need to be fed and they need a lot of attention. Pets are not easy to care for; they take a lot of time and effort. Pets may need some time to become familiar with their surroundings and the people that take care of them. It will probably take a lot of time and effort before the pet will be trusting. After having an animal’s trust it will be forever loyal. Both cats and dogs may scratch or bite; they are probably not trying to be harmful but just trying to be playful. If mistreating an animal it is very likely that they will try to be harmful. Both cats and dogs have the ability to hear things that humans cannot; this makes them great to have as a watch guard. Having a pet can be a big responsibility, but in the long run owning a pet is a great enjoyment. The question that remains is what pet is the better of the two, a cat or a dog. Here are a few reasons why dogs fall short of cats. Dogs grow to be very large and it is harder for them to be inside when they are so huge. Dogs also tend to bark constantly for no reason in the middle of the night. Waking up in the middle of the night by barking and howls can be very annoying. Sometimes they don’t have any reason to be barking. Dogs also eat a lot of food and they drink a lot of water. Dogs require a huge area to play in and they require a lot of exercise. They need to be able to run and play as much as they can. I feel that they should not be on a chain, but they should have a big fenced area so they can run and play. Dogs need baths if they are outside as well as if they are inside. There are many reasons why cats are better than dogs. Since cats are generally smaller than dogs it is easier to have a cat curl up on a lap than it would be for a dog. It can be very hard to try and lift a dog that is almost the same weight as me, if not more. Cats tend to weigh about ten pounds or so. They don’t require much exercise because they exercise themselves all the time. Cats are not as people depict them; they are not always the Garfield type who likes to lie around and do nothing. I have three cats of my own and they are far from this stereotype. They are constantly running around and playing. Cats can be great for guarding your home from pesky little critters such as mice. Not only are cats good at guarding they are also very good at being loveable. There are many more reasons why cats are better than dogs, but I hope that these few have proved that cats are much better than dogs. Cuddling with them is nice and they let you know that they love you. It is always nice to come home and know that you are loved.