Novel Project #1.doc

English 274: Literary Genres and Periods
Spring 2001
Valley City State University
As a precursor to the novel project listed in the course requirements, this small
project will provide you with the opportunity to create a working definition /
description of “the novel.” In order to complete the novel project / presentation,
you must have a clear sense of which characteristics are embodied by the novel.
What is a novel? How is it different from or similar to other literary genres? How
important is the form “the novel?” Identify and describe those elements present
in a novel that make it “classic” or “effective” or “significant?”
The pre-novel essay: Using resources available in the Allen Memorial Library as
well as the Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, develop a working
definition of “the novel” as a genre. You are required to make use of (cite) at
least four “hard copy” sources. Your definition will likely be approximately two
(typed, double-spaced, 12 point font) pages in length. Be sure to make use of
correct MLA citations and bibliographic entries.
These documents should be in the digital drop-box by Monday March 26, 2001.
The following is the description of the novel project that is due April 16, 2001.
In addition to the required class books, choose and read one novel. A list of
novels will be provided. Plan and give a formal presentation on the novel with
regard to how it embodies (or does not embody) the characteristics commonly
associated with fiction and the novel as a literary form. Make use of available
technology tools in the presentation.
Specific project criteria will be determined in class.