Valley City State University ENGL 120: College Composition II Fall 2001

Valley City State University
ENGL 120: College Composition II
Peer Interaction Activity
Fall 2001
For today’s class you created a brief essay related to “A Jury of Her Peers.” During this peer
feedback activity you will work with two or three other students. Each essay should state a
position (interpretation) and provide adequate support for that position.
1. A student will read her / his essay aloud to the group. The group members will listen (no
notes yet). [Note – read slowly and carefully so the listeners can understand and take
2. The student will read her / his essay aloud again. This time the group members will take
notes – noting effective wording, strong images, style, etc.
3. The student will read her / his essay once more. The group members will note those
items that could be clarified or strengthened or improved in some way.
4. The group members will read their notes for the author. The author will take notes.
5. Finally, the author will take the comments from the group and make appropriate revisions
to the essay. Bring both the original and the revised essay to class Wednesday.
Be sure to listen for a thesis that makes an interpretation of the story. Also, be certain that the
essay “proves” the thesis. If not, please assist the writer in finding appropriate examples from
the text to support the thesis.