APAC Meeting 3-21-01.doc

March 21, 2001
Present: Les Wong, Larry Grooters, Joe Stickler, Diana Skroch, Gordon Hoff, Dwight Crabtree, Sharon
1. Proposed Tenure and Promotion Policy.
Discussion and questions about proposal were discussed. Areas of concern in the proposal include:
 Personnel selected to review applications/portfolios. Merit in the use of APAC as the
reviewing committee because of experience and view of university need in higher education.
 Personnel interpretations can be made differently by inconsistent membership.
 The current proposal would mean an additional campus committee.
 No forms ensuring consistent and required information and signatures are outlined.
 Two sets of criteria are discussed in the processes – one from the review committee and one
from the division.
 Section 4.2 “Formal midprobationary review are … any party … ”. May be too confusing –
different interpretations.
 4.3 Question interpretation.
 If we approve a new policy it should be less taxing than what we have. This seems to be
more taxing.
 5.1 “ … three tenured members … “ Many times there aren’t three in one division.
 APAC promotes interdisciplinary campus work and this promotes the opposite.
Dr. Wong believes the more benchmarked the process is, the more protected the faculty is. He
doesn’t see non-tenured faculty well protected under this process. Some of the revision committee
members believe the opposite.
ACTION: APAC members are to hold discussions in Division meetings for faculty input and send
responses to Dr. Wong.
2. Wong distributed copies of NDUS policy drafts to Chairs earlier this week. Be sure to examine 605
about mediated issues. Send responses to Wong for next AAC meeting on April 10.
3. University Space
UBFC sent memo across campus to think about long term about space. They are working with short
term issues at this time. Handout was reviewed.
Expect to extend elevator to 4th floor at east end of McFarland and west end elevator to top floor.
The committee is considering replacing the fourth floor lounge to faculty offices. Vangstad 116-118
may become a high tech classroom. Education faculty are moving into KCLL office space.
There are funds for carpeting – some space is scheduled but not all. Check with Ron Pommerer to
see which areas are covered or could be.
Moving three business faculty to former Facility Services office are as they go to CII building. Work
will be done on mildew problem in emptied areas.
There is desire to move Crawford nearer to the Division of Business area.
Richard Nichol is proposed to move to Crawford’s former space in McCarthy.
4. Summer salary proposal.
Wong distributed proposed summer salary schedule. Plan two is what has been done in the past. The
third is extension model. All plans reflect the proposed tuition staying at the institution model. Wong
is proposing to pay per student enrollment figures. Under this proposal ½ the tuition money would
go to the division and ½ to Academic Affairs. Faculty could receive pay for doing special topics
IVN is going to be set rate by state (fees). Don’t know what it is or where it will go.
What are scenarios? Good or bad? This could be a way to generate operational and equipment
money for divisions. Please review sheet for questions and suggestions and report to Wong.
5. Review of MWF and TR course offerings sheet for 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002.
Discussion was held.
6. Copy of grants received and applied for will be sent to you soon. Over $5 million has been applied
for. 60% of that has been granted so far.
Pat on back to those who find time to write.
7. Faculty Hires Review
 Anthony Dutton has accepted position in Spanish – prerequisite for tenure is completion of
terminal degree.
 Shannon Van Horn has accepted position in Communication Arts – Prerequisite for tenure is
completion of terminal degree.
 Al Olson has accepted Director of Student Teaching. Al will start grad work this summer with
recommendation from Division on area of program.
 Education is conducting search for Elementary Education Generalist.
 Business just finished interviewing. Search Committee will be meeting and making
 The process for Math search has begun.
 HPE has several applicants for teacher/coach position.
New hires are very accepting of requirement of terminal degree requirements related to disciplinary
area. Division of Business is considering equivalent certifications (grants/book/certifications). This
will be considered only if the division agrees.
8. NDSU ERP System
Bid for information system (ERP) Box of software to manage data to replace AIS systems are out.
Governor has $11 in budget for the system. Vendors were not required to meet our needs – we will
have to meet their needs. This will affect registration, financial aid, reporting, etc. Reporting
enrollment will be the biggest change. Monte has to report 10 different kinds of enrollment
manually as the state system does not have capability at this time.
Enrollment reporting guidelines will be out shortly including definitions of what is distance
education and how we will charge and collect.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Fairfield
Academic Affairs