MUS 751 Informed Reg.doc

MUS 751: Advanced Studies in Music History 1
Objectives: This course is a review of music history to ca. 1750 for M.A. students and an
introduction to more advanced concepts in the field. Emphasis is placed on issues relating to
notation and performance practice. Students will learn how the music of this period has been
preserved in writing, what problems are involved in reconstructing it as sound, and how an
awareness of the original notation can enhance our understanding of the composers' conceptions
of their works.
Textbook: The text for the course is Sarah Fuller's anthology The European Musical Heritage,
800-1750 and the accompanying CDs.
Course requirements: Course requirements include readings from library and online sources,
listening (mostly to pieces on the Fuller CDs), 3 short papers, 3 short performance demonstrations,
and ungraded weekly summaries of the material studied in class.
Examinations and grading policies: There will be two short quizzes and a final examination. Grades
will be based on the quizzes, final examination, written assignments, performance demonstrations,
and class participation.