MUS 645: Course Requirements: 1.) Guide to Teaching Brass, by Bachelder, Don, and Norman Hunt, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN: 9780072414233. 2.) Essential Elements (plus DVD) 2000 Methods, Trumpet in Bb (ISBN: 9780634003202), French Horn (ISBN: 9780634003219), Trombone (ISBN: 9780634003226). Milwaukee: Hal Leonard. (available in Hunter bookstore) Course Objective: This course will provide an understanding of the fundamental techniques involved in playing a number of brass instruments, such as the Trumpet, Trombone, and French Horn. These techniques include breathing, tone production, fingerings, and slide positions. Time will also be spent studying the acoustical principles of brass instruments as well as basic pedagogical methods. Grading Policy: Grades will be based on the following: Attendance and class participation (40%), written quizzes and performances exams (3 total - one for trumpet, one for trombone, and one for french horn) (30%), final exam (cumulative) (30%). Quizzes and Exams: Quizzes will consist of timed fingering and position tests, and a review of material covered up to that point. Attendance: It is imperative to your acquisition of the material, and also your grade, that you are present for every class. There will be quite a bit of in-class playing, and, as this class meets only once a week, the majority of your grade will be based on your attendance and participation. Two (2) absences will be allowed no questions asked. Further absences will lower your grade one-half a letter grade (A to A-, A- to B, etc.).