1 S1. Recommendations for phylogenetic analyses 2 There are a number of useful resources providing a step-by-step guide to state-of-the-art phylogenetic analyses, e.g. [1, 8]. Although many researchers have converged to using nearly undistinguishable strategies there are many possible variations on this theme. The following should only be considered as an example. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 In the specific case of family-level analyses of polyomavirus LTag sequences, we advise to use amino acid sequences. Amino acid sequences will depend on the proper identification of splice sites in nucleotide sequences. In most cases publicly available genomes come with straightforward, unambiguous annotations, now often arising from splice site predictions. We encourage the community to regularly check and curate novel as well as old genomes. LTag amino acid sequences can be aligned with any of the most popular multi-sequence aligner, e.g. Clustal Omega or MUSCLE [5, 11]. These algorithms are implemented in a number of multi-task platforms equipped with a graphical user interface, e.g. SeaView or Geneious [6, 9]. Although LTag amino acid sequences generally align quite well, a number of sections of the alignment will look relatively shaky, i.e. comprise many gaps. These are regions where local site homology is more difficult to ascertain. They will maybe contribute some phylogenetic signal but they will most certainly bring in unnecessary noise. Ambiguous columns may be removed manually or, even better, by using a reproducible rule that one can implement with e.g. Gblocks [12]. Gblocks is also implemented in SeaView. Probabilistic phylogenetic inference methods, i.e. maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analyses, require a model of amino acid substitution to be specified. It is a good idea to first determine which model might best capture the processes that resulted in your own sequence data. Model selection in a ML framework is an efficient and popular way to identify the “best model”. For amino acid alignments, this can be done using ProtTest [3]. With a LTag alignment and a reasonable model of amino acid substitution in hand, it is now possible to proceed with phylogenetic analyses per se. It is better to run analyses in both ML and Bayesian frameworks. Branches that will receive good statistical support in both analyses will be a lot more credible. ML analyses can be performed with a number of softwares, including PhyML and MEGA [7, 13]. One should pay some attention to the algorithm used to generate new topologies along the optimization process, e.g. subtree-pruning-regrafting (SPR) or a combination of SPR and nearest-neighbor-interchange (NNI) are usually seen as reasonably efficient at exploring topological space. The end result of a ML analysis will be a single tree, the ML tree. Branch support can be estimated using non-parametric bootstrapping, in which case several hundred pseudo-replicates of the original dataset will be analyzed: the frequency of appearance of any given branch in this set of pseudo-ML trees is routinely referred to as the 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 bootstrap value. Bootstrap values can be plotted above the corresponding branch of the ML tree. Bayesian analyses are usually performed using BEAST or MrBayes [2, 4, 10]. There is significant amino acid rate variation across the LTag tree, so it may be wise to use an evolutionary model comprising a relaxed clock component. The model of evolution specified in BEAST should also include a component describing the tree shape. We would strongly suggest not to use coalescent models and to opt for one of the speciation models, e.g. the birth-death model. Unlike ML, Bayesian analyses do not aim at identifying the “best tree”. Instead, they will generate a set of “plausible trees”. The frequency of appearance of any branch in this set of trees is a good approximation of their posterior probability (which cannot be directly estimated), i.e. a measure of their statistical robustness. Bayesian sets of trees are usually summarized onto a single tree, the maximum clade credibility tree (MCC tree), which is the “best representative tree” of the entire set under consideration (considering branch posterior probabilities). Posterior probabilities can be plotted above the corresponding branch of the MCC tree. It is usual to only present the ML tree or the MCC tree in publications, in which case both bootstrap values and posterior probabilities can be co-plotted above the appropriate branches. Properly setting up, running and analyzing the output of Bayesian analyses requires some learning. It is far beyond the scope of this short document to provide general guidelines about these steps but a number of excellent resources and tutorials are available online, e.g. at http://beast2.org/. The SG will only consider taxonomical claims that rely on properly performed phylogenetic analyses. To quickly summarize, this should include: 1) a meaningful amino acid alignment, 2) a model selection procedure, 3) the implementation of at least two phylogenetic inference methods, one of which at least being character-based and probabilistic, i.e. claims only backed by distance-based methods will not be considered, and 4) a statistical assessment of branch support. 66 67 References 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1. 2. 3. Anisimova M, Liberles DA, Philippe H, Provan J, Pupko T, von Haeseler A (2013) Stateof the art methodologies dictate new standards for phylogenetic analysis. 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