July 15

July 15, 2008
Of Special Note
Do Something to Improve Baltimore City Schools. July 16, 2008, 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the
Douglass Myers Maritime Museum in Fells Point. Dr Andres Alonso, CEO, Baltimore City Public
Schools, will speak about challenges and opportunities in our schools. Through “speed
volunteering” meet several non-profits who focus on youth and education related issues to find
out how you can volunteer to do something to make a difference in Baltimore City. The evening
includes complimentary cocktails and light fare. Register for this event; for more information
contact (410) 366-6030 or email: information@volunteercentral.net; www.volunteercentral.net
Ellicott City, MD: 2008 Maryland PBIS Summer Institute. July 21-25, 2008. The PBIS
Maryland Coaches and New Team Training will be held July 21-28 at Turf Valley Resort and
Conference Center. For more information, visit
Correction. Call to presenters. Maryland’s Second Restorative Justice Conference:
Opportunities for Impact. The conference will be held on November 21, 2008 in Columbia,
Maryland. Last week, it was announced that the conference date was November 20 th.
Please note the corrected date of November 21, 2008. Conference sponsored by Maryland
Chapter, Association for Conflict Resolution. The Goals of the Conference are to: Increase the
understanding and awareness of the benefits of using restorative justice principles and
practices; Promote the increased use of existing restorative justice principles, practices and
programs in Maryland; Encourage the establishment of new restorative efforts throughout
Maryland. The Planning Committee for the 2008 Restorative Justice Conference invites
proposals for the 75-minute Workshops. The Committee seeks presenters with expertise in
restorative practices. Proposals will be based on relevance to intended audiences, cultural
diversity, clarity and originality. Further details and presentation submission form available on
our Center’s website at http://www.jhsph.edu/preventyouthviolence. Submission forms must
be received by August 22, 2008.
“Breaking the Cycle” Radio Dialogue. Sunday, July 20, 2008 2:00-4:00 p.m. Brother Bey,
the founder of the Fraternal Order of X-Offenders (F.O.X.O), hosts a weekly radio show on
W.O.L.B (1010 am) that presents community-based, ex-offender driven efforts in Baltimore and
elsewhere that are helping to break the cycle of violence. The primary focus of the F.O.X.O.’s
“Breaking The Cycle” Radio Dialogue is to extend discussion, increase consideration of
community-driven alternatives, and initiate and expand the collective action needed to deter,
decrease and prevent the pandemic of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality gripping
Baltimore and many other communities. The radio show provides a voice to those attempting
to change their thinking and behaviors, informing ex-offenders, their families, and others of
opportunities, increasing access to strategies that work, and exposing those that don’t. You are
invited to call in to the radio program at 410-481-1010. To learn more about FOXO, visit their
website at http://www.foxo.org/ email: thinkingisdestiny@yahoo.com or call 410-262-4456.
On January 11, 2008 Mayor Dixon was at 4601 Park Heights Ave along with representatives
from the Prisoner’s Aid Association of Maryland (PAA) and the Fraternal Order of XOffenders (F.O.X.O.) to officially open the doors of Project P.E.A.C.E. (Proper Education
Always Corrects Errors), a collaboration between PAA and F.O.X.O. that will connect
thousands of ex-offenders each year to services provided in its crime prevention and
recidivism avoidance program. The P.E.A.C.E. program, developed and implemented by exoffenders, connects other ex-offenders with needed resources and uses the power of peer
influence to facilitate the cognitive restructuring and personal supports needed for successful
re-integration. “In order to truly make Baltimore safer, we need to help ex-offenders become
productive citizens,” Mayor Sheila Dixon said. “Project P.E.A.C.E. is going to help a lot of
people fulfill their potential and make meaningful contributions to those around them.”
The P.E.A.C.E. program addresses a variety of social and behavioral issues confronting exoffenders, including: short term and long term housing, emergency shelter, transitional
housing, substance abuse, parenting, GED services, employment and job placement, financial
literacy and HIV/AIDS information and education. In addition to the 12-Step Lifeskills
Workshops and services such as emergency shelter, transitional housing, and linkage to other
services, the P.E.A.C.E. project provides individual supports from individuals who have turned
around their lives and who serve as mentors and positive role models. For additional
information or referrals, call Project P.E.A.C.E. at 410 367-8393 or Brother Bey at 410
Quick Glance at this week’s Items of Interest
New Events/Conferences/Trainings
1. Baltimore, MD: Healing Hearts murder victim families’ network and advocacy groups.
July 31, 2008
2. Philadelphia, PA: Children's Health and the Environment Annual Conference.
September 18-19, 2008.
3. Phoenix, AZ: Center for School Mental Health Annual Conference. September 25-27, 2008.
4. Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference.
October 28-30, 2008.
Up-Coming Events/Conference/Trainings
5. Nashville, TN: National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health: Training
Institutes on Local Systems of Care. July 16-20, 2008.
6. Baltimore, MD: Personal Finance Seminar For Teens. July 16 & July 23, 2008
7. Orlando, FL: Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Abuse. July 16 – 18, 2008.
8. Arlington, VA: The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Conference 2008. July 21–23, 2008.
9. Washington, DC: National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference. July 21-23, 2008.
10. Washington, DC & Baltimore, MD: Mapping DC & Baltimore Communities Workshop: Intro to GIS
and Community Analysis. July 21 & July 23, 2008.
11. Chicago, IL: "Sustainable Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning" Training.July 24-25, 2008
and August 14-15, 2008.
12. Audacious Ideas: OSI-Baltimore.
13. Maryland: Department Commits to Rigorous Review of Proposed Juvenile Facility
14. Six states to design own plans for fixing schools.
Reports, Research & Recent Publications
15. A list of recent publications compiled by SafetyLit.
16. Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the
U.S. 2005-06.
17. "Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model”
18. CDC's School Health Education Resources (SHER).
19. Dads and Daughters.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
20. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based
Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008.
21. PBIS Maryland Events
Funding Opportunities/Scholarships/Awards
22. Health Program – Kresge Foundation.
23. Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, Inc. - Alcoholism Prevention and Education Grants.
For Youth
24. Disney Minnie Grants program
Job & Volunteer Opportunities
25. Baltimore, MD: Manna House seeks Doctoral Student Interns.
26. Baltimore, MD: Training & Resource Manager, Baltimore City Teaching Residency –
The New Teacher Project.
Previously Posted Events/Conferences/Training
New Events/Conferences/Training
1. Baltimore, MD: Healing Hearts murder victim families’ network and advocacy groups. July 31,
2008. 6:30 - 8:30pm, New Life United Methodist Church, Rev. Eric King, 4400 Parkside Dr., Baltimore,
MD 21206. Contact Kimberly Armstrong at 1-800-485-8214, Just4me.diamond@gmail.com or
Bonnita Spikes (443) 472-5258, bspikes1@netzero.com
2. Philadelphia, PA: Children's Health and the Environment Annual Conference. September 18-19,
2008. For more information, please visit
3. Phoenix, AZ: Center for School Mental Health Annual Conference. September 25-27, 2008. For
more information, please visit http://csmh.umaryland.edu/conf_meet/AnnualConference/.
4. Baltimore, MD: Alliance for Children and Families 2008 Annual Conference. October 28-30,
2008. Conference theme: The Power of Purpose, The purpose of Our Power.
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Upcoming Events/Conferences/Training
5. Nashville, TN: National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health: Training
Institutes on Local Systems of Care. July 16-20, 2008. The intent of the Institutes is to provide indepth, practical information on how to develop, operate, and sustain systems of care and how to
provide high-quality, effective clinical interventions and supports within them. For more information,
visit http://gucchd.georgetown.edu/programs/ta_center/TrainingInstitutes/index2.html.
6. Baltimore, MD: Personal Finance Seminar For Teens. July 16 & July 23, 2008, 7:00 – 9:00pm at
3001 East Drive (Peach Room), 21217, 7:00 – 9:00pm. Presented by MECU (Municipal Employees Credit
Union).Teens will learn the importance of saving money and financial literacy. Participants will also
have an opportunity to open a savings account with MECU. Will need a school or state issued
identification and $5 to open account. Must be over 18 years of age or have a guardian on site.
7. Orlando, FL: Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Abuse. July 16 – 18, 2008. More information
at http://fncac.org/cac-conference.asp
8. Arlington, VA: The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Conference 2008. July 21–23, 2008. Office
of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice (NIJ) will hold its annual conference. The conference
will bring together criminal justice scholars, policymakers, and practitioners at the local, state, and
federal levels to share the latest research findings and technology. This year's conference includes a
panel on youth gang research and best practices organized by the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention. Other panel topics include commercial sexual exploitation of children, schoolbased prevention programs, and bullying. More information and registration at
9. Washington, DC: National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference. July 21-23, 2008. This
conference will focus on “Making IT Work: Achieving Safety, Permanency and Well-being for Youth.”
This year’s conference will examine the collection and use of data that influence youth in foster care.
10. Washington, DC & Baltimore, MD: Mapping DC & Baltimore Communities Workshop: Intro to GIS
and Community Analysis. July 21 & July 23, 2008. Washington DC workshop will take place on July
21, 2008, 8:30am – 4:30pm and the Baltimore workshop will be held on July 23, 2008, 8:30am – 4:30pm.
More information and registration http://www.urban-research.info/workshops/dc-baltimore-gis.htm.
11. Chicago, IL: "Sustainable Schoolwide Social and Emotional Learning" Training. July 24-25,
2008 and August 14-15, 2008. These workshops are designed to equip school administrators and their
teams with the tools and skills needed to implement high quality, sustainable, evidence-based social and
emotional learning programming that is integrated into all aspects of schooling. If you are interested in
attending one of these workshops, please visit CASEL's website at www.casel.org to download the
registration form.
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12. Audacious Ideas: OSI-Baltimore. This week, Matthew Joseph, Executive Director of Advocates for
Children and Youth, talks about improving Maryland by adopting best ideas from around the world. To
read his audacious idea and participate in the discussion, visit www.audaciousideas.org.
13. Maryland: Department Commits to Rigorous Review of Proposed Juvenile Facility “After
vigorous efforts by Advocates for Children and Youth and questioning by State Treasurer Nancy Kopp,
the Department of Juvenile Services agreed to a rigorous and transparent review of a proposal to open
a large juvenile facility on the former site of Bowling Brook. Rites of Passage, a for-profit, out-of-state
firm, wishes to re-open the facility, which previously served more than 170 youth. The State revoked
the license of Bowling Brook after the death of Isaiah Simmons.” Full article on the Advocates for
Children and Youth website http://www.acy.org/articlenav.php?id=248
14. Six states to design own plans for fixing schools. Article in the Washington Post online, July 1,
2008. “Six states are getting the OK to write their own prescriptions for ailing schools under the Bush
administration's signature education law. It's a softening from how No Child Left Behind currently works
_ with schools having to take certain steps at specific times for missing math and reading testing goals.
Critics have complained that the approach is too rigid and treats schools the same regardless of
whether they miss the mark by a little or a lot. The states getting more freedom under a pilot program
are Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland and Ohio.” Read the full article
Back To Top
15. A list of recent publications compiled by SafetyLit. July 14, 2008. Volume 11, Number 28.
SafetyLit is a free service of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice at San Diego State
University in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Abstracts available at
Adolescents in Transition: School and Family Characteristics in the Development of Violent
Behaviors Entering High School. Frey A, Ruchkin V, Martin A, Schwab-Stone M. Child
Psychiatry Hum Dev 2008; ePub
Anger correlated with psychosocial variables in rural youth. Puskar K, Ren D, Bernardo LM,
Haley T, Stark KH. Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs 2008; 31(2): 71-87.
Decision making and problem solving in adolescents who deliberately self-harm.
Oldershaw A, Grima E, Jollant F, Richards C, Simic M, Taylor L, Schmidt U. Psychol Med 2008;
ePub(ePub): ePub.
Gender violence among teenagers: socialization and prevention. Valls R, Puigvert L, Duque
E. Violence Against Women 2008; 14(7): 759-85.
Individual and parental psychiatric history and risk for suicide among adolescents and
young adults in Denmark : A population-based study. Stenager K, Qin P. Soc Psychiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol 2008; ePub
Social and interpersonal factors relating to adolescent suicidality: a review of the
literature. King CA, Merchant CR. Arch Suicide Res 2008; 12(3): 181-96.
Violence in youth. Ono Y, Pumariega AJ. Int Rev Psychiatry 2008; 20(3): 305-16.
16. Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the U.S.
2005-06. The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has
released the report "Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School
Districts in the United States: 2005-06 (NCES 2008-339)." Report available at
17. "Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model”
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has published "Best Practices To
Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model.” The report provides
communities responding to a present or potential youth gang problem with guidance in implementing
OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model. It describes the research informing the model, notes findings from
evaluations of several programs demonstrating the model, and outlines best practices derived from
practitioners with experience in planning and implementing the model in their communities. Report at
http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/222799.pdf [source: OSDFS prevention news bulletin, July 11,
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18. CDC's School Health Education Resources (SHER). CDC's School Health Education Resources
(SHER)* provides user-friendly access to the myriad school health education offerings available from
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Resource online at http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/sher/
19. Dads and Daughters. Created by men with daughters, Dads & Daughters improves the lives of
fathers, daughters, and their families with outstanding resources supporting fathers’ and stepfathers’
positive involvement in girls’ lives and advocacy for girls’ well-being
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20. Reston, VA: 2008 Education Conference: Evidence-Based Practice, Scientifically-Based
Instruction, and Educational Effectiveness. September 5-7, 2008. The 2008 ABA International
Education Conference is a two-day, primarily single-track conference on evidence-based education
focusing on research and applied issues. This event will address the current state of knowledge of
evidence-based practices at the policy, evaluation, and practice levels. More information at
21. PBIS Maryland Events http://www.pbismaryland.org/
Baltimore County Returning Team Training, July 16-17, 2008
Central 2 Returning Team Training - July 16-17, 2008
Coaches' Training – July 21, 2008
Elementary New Team Training – July 22-23, 2008
Secondary New Team Training – July 24-25, 2008
Eastern Region Returning Team Training – July 29-30, 2008
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22. Health Program – Kresge Foundation. The Kresge Foundation, a rare charity that gives money to
nonprofits for capital projects, has announced a new focus on health. In June 2008, they launched a
major program to address the health inequities found in many low-income and minority communities,
and we are working to improve or eliminate harmful conditions associated with the natural, built and
social environments. For more information, visit
23. Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, Inc. - Alcoholism Prevention and Education Grants. The
Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, Inc. provides funding for alcoholism prevention and education
programs and activities. The organization places a special emphasis on high risk populations.
http://www.smithersfoundation.org/index.htm?smithers_body.htm&2 [source: Center for Health and
Health Care in Schools Weekly Insider, July 8, 2008 http://www.healthinschools.org/]
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24. Disney Minnie Grants program. The Youth Service America and Walt Disney Company are
accepting applications for the Disney Minnie Grants program. The purpose of the program is to support
youth (ages 5-14)-led service projects focused on the environment, disaster relief, public health and
awareness, community education, hunger, literacy, or any issue that youth identify as a community
need. Deadline: August 30, 2008.
http://ysa.org/AwardsGrants/DisneyMinnieGrants/tabid/291/Default.aspx [source: Center for Health
and Health Care in Schools Weekly Insider, July 8, 2008 http://www.healthinschools.org/]
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25. Baltimore, MD: Manna House seeks Doctoral Student Interns. Manna House whose mission
statement is to offer assistance and support to the homeless, poor, and needy of Baltimore with
services contributing toward their independence and stability, is seeking one or two doctoral student
interns willing to conduct an evaluation of its program as part of the PFRH (Population, Family and
Reproductive Health) department’s research practicum requirements. The work would need to be
conducted on a pro bono basis. Manna House is flexible on the time period and level of effort for the
assessment. Students interested in this opportunity to learn about a dynamic Baltimore program that
serves the homeless, poor, and HIV-infected population should contact Executive Director, Esther
Reaves (410) 889-3001 or email: erreaves@verizon.net [source: SOURCE Weekly Service Scoop, July 8,
2008 http://www.jhsph.edu/source]
26. Baltimore, MD: Training & Resource Manager, Baltimore City Teaching Residency - The New
Teacher Project. The New Teacher Project (TNTP) is a non-profit consulting firm that partners with
school districts, states, universities and other organizations to enhance their ability to recruit, select,
train and support new teachers effectively. The Training & Resource Manager will be responsible for
the successful planning, implementation and evaluation of two Training Institutes. In addition, the
Training & Resource Manager is responsible for ongoing program administration, which is connecting
Fellows in their first or second year of teaching to resources throughout the school year to ensure their
success in the classroom. Details at http://www.idealist.org/en/job/282460-159
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Portsmouth, NH: International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, July
27-29, 2008. Presented by The Family Research Laboratory (FRL) & the Crimes Against Children
Research Center (CCRC). Further information at http://www.unh.edu/frl/conferences/2008/
Norfolk, VA: National Council on Juvenile and Family Court Justices Annual Conference. July 2730, 2008. NCJFCJ’s 71st Annual Conference focusing on juvenile and family law topics including custody
and visitation, divorce, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, and substance
abuse. http://www.ncjfcj.org/content/view/1082/315/
Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Homeless Youth Initiative (BHYI) – 2008 Forums. Laws and government
policies that impact Baltimore’s homeless youth and young adult. Dates and topics include: July 29th:
State systems: Foster care, juvenile justice, and Children in Need of Supervision (CINS); August 5th:
Resources & legal options for youth and young adults. All sessions held from 9:00am – 12:00pm at
Radisson Cross Keys, 5100 Falls Rd, Baltimore 21210. No cost to attend but registration is required. You
may register for one or all of the sessions. To register, go to
http://www.manynet.org/_currentwebsite/index.htm. For more information about BHYI contact Julia
Pierson at juliapierson@verizon.net, or 410 258 8878.
Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Neighborhoods: Celebrate National Night Out. August 5, 2008. This
national event is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for
local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and send
a message to criminals, letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Each
community decides how it wishes to join in the celebration and in Baltimore, the evening has been
celebrated with parades, cookouts, ice cream socials and candle-light vigils. To find out more about
NNO and to get ideas for your event, visit the website for the National Association of Town Watch at
Washington, DC: The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2008 Data Users Conference.
August 11 – 13, 2008. This free conference is held biennially to bring the latest information on NCHS
data to researchers and other data users from around the country. All of the NCHS data systems will be
represented with informational sessions, hands-on workshops and exhibits. Registration required.
Washington, DC: Using the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) Database for
Research and Policy Analyses. August 12-14, 2008. The National Center for Education Statistics
within the Institute of Education Sciences is sponsoring a three-day advanced studies seminar on the
use of the National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES) database. The NHES is a valuable
resource for understanding contemporary education issues such as early childhood program
participation, parent and family involvement in education, student participation in after-school
programs and activities, and adult education and lifelong learning.
New Orleans, LA: National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention. August
26-28, 2008. More information at
Baltimore, MD: National Healthy Homes Festival. September 12-14, 2008 at Druid Hill Park. This
event will bring together national and local community partners, lead and asthma prevention
programs, Healthy Homes organizations, health, housing, and environmental agencies, local
universities, federal, state, and city agencies, and the citizens of Baltimore in an effort to promote the
benefits of Healthy Homes. If you have questions regarding the National Healthy Homes Festival, please
contact Michelle LeDonne, at 410-534-6447 or mledonne@leadsafe.org.
Anaheim, CA: The Magic of Connections National Mentoring Summit. September 18 - 19, 2008. The
purpose of the summit is to invigorate and mobilize the mentoring community, while motivating and
inspiring business and civic leaders to increase their support for mentoring efforts.
Springfield, IL: 2008 Community Leadership Institute September 21-24, Leadership Seminars
September 25, 2008. In Community Leadership Institutes, participants explore themselves as leaders,
learn current theory and practice of leadership, work on a current leadership challenge and create a
commitment to action. The three available seminars topics include: Culture & Diversity in Leadership,
Leadership – Policy and Sustaining Change, and The Science and Art of Grant Writing for Leadership.
Learn more and register at
Internet training: Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development. September
24-25, 2008. A live, 8-hour satellite/Internet training program Training for site coordinators: July 9,
2008. The National Institute of Corrections will host a live, 8-hour interactive training program
specifically designed for individuals working with justice involved women. How do you respond to a
woman leaving prison when she asks: “What type of job should I pursue? How
do I go about getting the job I want? How do I keep my job? Am I the type of person an
employer would want to hire?” Site coordinators/facilitators are responsible for recruiting participants
and duplicating training materials. They must also schedule a training site to accommodate 24 to 32
participants for the September 24-25, 2008, live satellite/Internet broadcast. More information
Washington DC: GIS: Shaping Global Health - 2008 ESRI Health GIS Conference. September 28October 1, 2008. Share and discuss successful approaches to using geography to improve health care
delivery; public health; and hospital preparedness, research, management, and policy decisions.
Washington, DC: 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference: Advancing Mission Through People.
September 28-29, 2008. The 2008 Nonprofit Human Resources Conference is the first of a series of
planned annual events designed to bring together nonprofit human resources practitioners, executives,
thought leaders, and researchers to not only discuss human resources issues of critical importance to
the nonprofit sector, but also to identify resources – human, financial, and programmatic – that will
advance the missions and organizational effectiveness of individual organizations and position the
sector more effectively for the future. National Assembly members will receive a discount on
registration. https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=610038
Washington, DC: Safe Kids Worldwide – 2008 Child Injury Prevention Conference. October 15-18,
2008. For more information, please visit http://www.safekids.org/conference2008/.
Wilmington, DE: The 2008 Nemours Conference on Child Health Promotion: Advocacy, Policy, and
Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity. October 23-24, 2008. Nemours Health & Prevention
Services is bringing together regional and national leaders who are making policy work to create
healthier environments and programs for children and families. More information at
Hollywood, CA: 2008 It's My Life Conference. October 31 – November 2, 2008. It’s My Life convenes
over 700 participants—youth in foster care, alumni of care, caregivers, practitioners, and advocates—
who share innovative practices designed to guide preparation for adulthood services for youth aging out
of foster care. http://www.casey.org/Resources/Projects/ItsMyLife/
Indianapolis, IN: 5th Annual Conference of the International Bullying Prevention Association.
November 6-7, 2008. The International Bullying Prevention Association is collaborating with the
Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana Department of Education to bring a national
conference on bullying prevention and research to Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference registration
fees have been greatly reduced to enable an affordable opportunity for all those attending.
Registration and conference information are available at:
http://www.doe.state.in.us/isssa/new_horizons.html and on the International Bullying Prevention
Association website at http://www.stopbullyingworld.org/conference.html.
Indianapolis, IN: The International Bullying Prevention Association is pleased to present our 5th
Annual Conference: Best Practices in Bullying and Violence Prevention. November 6-8, 2008. The
conference will be co-sponsored by the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy and the Indiana
Department of Education. The conference is designed for school guidance counselors, administrators,
teachers, school health educators, school social workers, school psychologists, school safety specialists,
Safe and Drug-Free Coordinators, school resource officers (SRO's), school attorneys, and law
enforcement working with youth, student service directors, PTA/PTO members, children and family
mental health counselors, school nurses, school board members, parents, extended day/after school
staff, prevention specialists, etc. This conference also welcomes college students.
http://www.stopbullyingworld.org/ and http://www.doe.state.in.us/isssa/ .
Princeton, NJ: Vulnerable Populations in the Juvenile Justice System: A Research and Policy
Conference. November 14, 2008. Conference presented by The Future of Children. This day-long
symposium, co-sponsored by Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School and the Association for Children of
New Jersey, is being held in conjunction with the October, 2008 release of a Future of Children volume
on juvenile justice policy. To RSVP http://www.princeton.edu/prior/events/conferences/november14-2008/index.xml
Baltimore, MD: 10th Annual Youth & College Leadership Summit, "Transforming Youth to Ignite
Change", November 14 - 15, 2008. Presented by New Light Leadership Coalition (NLLC).
San Francisco, CA: 2008 Public Education Network (PEN) Annual Conference. November 16-18,
2008. This conference will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the first local education
funds. The conference will center around the legacy, focus and impact of local education funds over
the last 25 years http://www.publiceducation.org/events.asp
Columbia, MD: Maryland’s 2nd Restorative Justice Conference “Opportunities for Impact”.
November 20-21, 2008. Conference goals: To increase the understanding and awareness of the
benefits of using restorative practices and principles; To promote increased use of existing restorative
justice principles, practices, and programs in Maryland; To encourage the establishment of new
restorative efforts throughout Maryland. For further information info@marylandrjconference.org or call
Belinda Reed, MD Chapter, Association for Conflict Resolution 240-338-8159
Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. April 2-4, 2009. In
response to overwhelming requests from membership and meeting attendees, SRCD is moving to a new
Biennial Meeting schedule. http://www.srcd.org/biennial.html
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To subscribe to Items of Interest or for additional resources please go to
http://www.jhsph.edu/preventyouthviolence. If you would like to relay any information in
response to this email, please send an email to JHCPYV@jhsph.edu at the Johns Hopkins Center for
the Prevention of Youth Violence. Items of Interest is funded through grant R49/CCR318627-04
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Johns Hopkins Center for the
Prevention of Youth Violence, Philip J. Leaf, Director. The items listed in these pages are not
intended to be an endorsement of any service, product, or company, nor do they necessarily
reflect the views of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence or the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.