Seattle Central Community College Interpreter Training Program Internship Evaluation Form E = Excellent; S = Satisfactory; NI = Needs Improvement; U = Unsatisfactory Communication Skills Demonstrates broad understanding of and facility with communication competencies (ASL, Contact Sign, and English). Demonstrates ability to make oneself understood – without causing friction. Interpersonal Skills Demonstrates appropriate social skills. Mid-Module Final Mid-Module Final Demonstrates ability to work well and cooperatively with others. Demonstrates appropriate conversational and feedback giving skills (back channeling). Demonstrates respectful awareness and interactions with and among participants, including fellow students, faculty, mentors, and consumers. Demonstrates ease of meeting people of different cultures and backgrounds. Self-Reflection leading to Self-Awareness Demonstrates ability to listen. Demonstrates ability for self-reflection. Demonstrates willingness to hear feedback. Demonstrates growth by change in behavior after constructive suggestions. Demonstrates self-awareness in relation to interpersonal skills. Consistently takes responsibility and accountability for own actions. Professionalism Arrives on time ready for work. Informs you/office if s/he will be late or unable to attend scheduled assignment in a professional manner. Recognizes own limitations and seeks assistance when necessary. Refrains from doing things that are beyond level of expertise. Has ability to stay on task. Asks thoughtful questions in a variety of domains. Interpreting issues Analyzes setting and context prior to beginning job. Shows understanding for role of interpreter. Demonstrates effective decision-making processes and applies a range of choices for engaging in situations. Demonstrates ability to function as a part of an interpreting team. Placement issues Goals were discussed in a timely manner. Discussed goals with you on a regular basis. Mid-Module: Strengths and areas for improvements: Final Summation: Strengths and areas for improvements: Student: _________________________________ Student: ________________________________ Mentor:_________________________________ Mentor: _________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________