 Sixty-five people from across the state attended
a meeting on September 21, 1968, at the Seattle
Speech and Hearing Center.
 Meeting was organized by Mildred Johnson and
Don Pettinghill, featuring the executive director
of the RID, Al Pimentel.
 Purpose: To discuss the national professional
organization of interpreters and the prospect of
establishing a state chapter in Washington.
 Washington became one of ten states to have its
own state chapter.
Their mission, “to educate, to support and
to promote the certification of
interpreters/transliterators and to provide
information to the general public. The
principal purposes of this corporation are
to initiate, sponsor, promote and execute
policies and activities that will further the
profession of interpretation and
 The passage of the 1974 Interpreters in Court
Act and the 1985 Revisions for Interpreters in the
Legal Setting Act.
 In June of 1974, WSRID hosted the RID National
Convention in Seattle with 397 registrants.
 The membership of WSRID voted to charge
registration fees for workshops to PAY
interpreters at WSRID meetings and workshops.
 WSRID won the first RID National Chapter Award
at the RID Convention in 1982.
Current WSRID Treasurer
 As ITP students, a few people have submitted
membership applications and fees but have not
heard back from WSRID. When should they
expect to hear back from your organization and
in what fashion?
 “Usually it can take several weeks to process.
They should hear from the membership chair
upon receipt of their dues.”
Contact information for membership chair, Christy Jobe,
and others of significance will be handed out after this
Current WSRID Treasurer
 When and where will your 2010 Conference be
held? What is the cost and will you always offer
annual scholarships?
 “TBD. If anyone is interested in being on the
committee for the conference and having input
on where it will be held, please contact Bob
Current WSRID Treasurer
 What does it mean to be student director? What
does this roll entail?
 “This section is directly from our roles and
responsibilities file…”
 Maintain good community and public relations.
 Serve as liaison to ITP students, maintaining
contact and sending out annual (spring)
solicitation announcements and requests for
instructor recommendations for following
year’s student director position.
 Prepare for, attend, and participate in Board
Current WSRID Treasurer
 Must have been a member of WSRID for at
least 60 days.
 Must have a recommendation from an ITP
 Must be in the final year of interpreter training.
 Must be able to participate in board meetings
using sign language.
Interpreter and Author
 Do you have any thoughts or insights on the
original mission statement in comparison to
today? Has it changed or evolved in any way
you would be willing to share or discuss?
 “The original tone was much different - much
more familial… the proximate goals were
professionalization of interpreting (gaining
credibility as a profession), ‘just figuring it out’ –
what does it mean to be a good interpreters, and
third, socialization, mutual support and
validation (much like gatherings of Deaf people
themselves) – But the ultimate goal was access
for Deaf people…”
Interpreter and Author
 Do you have any thoughts or insights on the
original mission statement in comparison to
today? Has it changed or evolved in any way
you would be willing to share or discuss?
 “Today, WSRID seems much more focused on
the immediate needs of interpreters themselves
(not the broader focus on Deaf people) and
specifically focused on interpreter’s short term
goals i.e. workshops for CEUs.”
 LINKS YOU to the interpreting community
 Mentorship Program
(currently being established)
 Scholarships
 Workshops
 An extensive lending library
 Newsletter
First Time Member Dues (1st year only):
Does not include eligibility to vote.
Joining between January 1-June 30: $30.00
Joining between July 1-December 31: $20.00
* WSRID Meetings are open and you are welcome
to attend. Dates and details are available on
their website.