Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 1, Central Cache Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:88-89 Squier and Davis 1848; Stevens 1870:438 Moorehead 1922: Figure 9 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Sculptured tablets (“several”) - at least four serpents A. Coiled rattlesnake (figure 9) - cinnamon-colored sandstone - 6 2/3 inches long x 1 3/8 inches broad - head may be plumed B. Tablet (context is hearsay) - originally enveloped in copper sheeting - originally painted different colors: dark red and dense black still discernible C. Chlorite disks (30-40) [Stevens 1870:438, cited in Griffin in Jennings reader on North American Archaeology] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 2, Central Cache Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Squier and Davis 1848:158 Shetrone 1926:18, 30 Shetrone 1926: Figure 66 Feature Description: - Deposit on mound floor Contents: 1. Hornstone flint disks (8000+) - 8,185 [per Moorehead 1922:96] - six inches long, four inches wide - many were round - many were spearhead-shaped 2. Other flint biface (1) (figure 66) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 2, Burial 1 & Burial 2 Burial Burials 1 & 2 Shetrone 1926:20-23 Figure 2 Feature Description: - No log molds indicative of timber enclosure - Hard black muck put directly on bodies - Pit found directly beneath skull of skeleton 1 (passage for soul?) - 18 inch diameter, 4 feet deep filled with loose loam - matching hole found somewhat west - not associated with skeleton - A rude rectangular platform 6 inches high beneath skeletons - Burned clay- red and yellow - in feature (cone-shaped) just below foot(?) of skeleton 2 - feature 15 inches deep across at top - partly filled at bottom stoned - clay removed from a crematory basin (burned) - two more such pits further away Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) (figure 2) - head missing - one very tall skeleton - one skeleton 5 feet 8 inches - extended on backs- heads west - rude rectangular platform 6 inches high - no special preparation – no logs - side by side skeleton 1 to north, 2 2. Copper earspools (2) - one was covered in silver foil - one in each hand of Burial 1 3. Copper head plate (1) - at head of Burial 1 - present where skull should have been. Skull was absent. 4. Copper beads (about 100) - beneath Burial 2’s left hand - associated with bark and woven fabric 5. Copper adze (1) - near left foot of Burial 2 and between 2 skeletons [Photo] - Grave area normal - Head plate type is plain (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 2, Burial 3 Burial None Shetrone 1926:23-24 Figure 4 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) (figure 4) - 11 foot by 8 foot “pretentious” stone grave - unique at Hopewell - stones made up walls and floor - skeleton at center, head southeast - 5 feet. 6 in. 2. Ocean shell container- (1) - right side of head 3. Beads - ocean shell (several thousand, ~2000) - over head, face, neck, shoulders 4. Copper plates (2) - [breastplates] - under left shoulder - under hips 5. Copper earspools (2) - in each hand 6. Copper axe (1) - between the feet of skeleton [Photo] - Extended - Some stone in walls - One breastplate under back (probably corresponds w/ shoulders), one between legs beneath hips - Copper celt between ankles - No body wrap visible - No platform - Water barrier of light stone - Grave area is large Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 2, Burial 4 Burial None Shetrone 1926:25 Figure 4 Feature Description: - No special preparation Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) (figure 4) - 5 feet 9 inches - extended on back, head southeast 2. Copper plate- large (1) - [breastplates] - at base of the skull 3. Ocean shell container - large (1) - at the right side of skull 4. Beads- shell (“many”) - strewn over head and neck 5. Beads - pearl (“a few”) - strewn over head and neck 6. Copper earspool - in each hand 7. Skeleton 3 to south - ocean shell container, same position - ocean shell beads, same distribution - two copper plates - two earspools, same position - one axe [Photo] - Conch on right side of head - Shells number perhaps 1000 on chest - All foot bones absent - No floor prep (possibly not visible in photo) - No wall prep - No cover prep (possibly not visible in photo) - Body wrap not visible - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 2, Burial 5 Burial None Shetrone 1926:25-30 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - 5 feet, 10 inches - on back (extended) - 6 feet north of burial 4 2. Shell container (1) - fasciolaria - 15 inches long - right and slightly above head of Burial 4 3. Copper earspools (4) - one spool in each hand - at least one is by ears 4. Mussel shell spoon (1) - at right foot 5. Mica plate (1) - near right shoulder 6. Copper plate - rectangular (breastplate?) - evidence of fabric attached - under head 7. Trophy(?) skull - 10 inches to right of skeleton - right of shell container - scalping(?) marks 8. Copper plate - [headplate] - helmet-like, curved - on top of trophy(?) skull 9. Shell beads- many - at neck of skeleton [Photo] - Breastplate on left side of skull - Earspool by ears - No floor prep - No visible body wrap - No platform - Grave area unknown - Earspools in hands and beside ears - Five earspools total (could be 2 lobes of 1 spool) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 3, Skeleton 237 Burial None Moorehead 1891: October 27 Feature Description: - Southwest of altar Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Cut human maxilla (1) - near upper arm Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 3, Skeleton 238 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1891: November 2 Feature Description: - Southwest of altar - Apparently a ceremonial deposit rather than a burial Contents: 1. Human trophy (1) - cut maxilla and perforated mandible 2. Copper celt (1) - covered in a yellow substance 3. Large Pot - fragments 4. Cut maxilla and perforated mandible Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 3, Shetrone 1926:30 Burial None Shetrone 1926:30 Feature Description: - In the southeast portion of the mound Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1924: 6/24/1924 Feature Description: - Disturbed previously Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - disturbed 2. Bear teeth (2) - one incisor, one canine - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 2A Burial Burials 2A & 2B Shetrone 1926:33 Feature Description: - No timber structure surrounding burial - At southwest margin, eight inches above floor - Deposit of coarse gravel under bones Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - single skull and long bones of 2 or more adults - tibia and fibula ankylosis on one side - bundle burial (only one at Hopewell) 2. Copper earspool (1) - near armpit [Photo] 3. Bone awl (1) - unknown position [Photo] - Earspool is near armpit - No apparent body wrap - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 2B Burial Burials 2A & 2B Shetrone 1926:33 Feature Description: - No timber structure surrounding burial - Deposit of coarse gravel under bones Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - part of bundle burial with Shetrone 1926:33 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 3 Burial None Shetrone 1926:33 Feature Description: - Right next to Burial 4 - Plain feature Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - large - lying with arms and legs “akimbo” - head to east [Photo] - No wall preparation. - No apparent body wrap. - No platform No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 4 Burial Burials 4 & 7 Shetrone 1926:33-34 Feature Description: - No timber enclosure - Close to Burial 3; on top of Burial 7 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - on top of cremation (Burial 7) - beneath shoulders and back - large sized 2. Wolf jaws (2) - cut and perforated - at neck - both maxillae [Photo] - Very small grave - No cover prep visible - No body wrap visible - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 5 Burial None Shetrone 1926:34 Feature Description: - No timbers - Two large, flat stones on either side of head Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Flint flake knives (2) - [other flint prismatic blade] - finely made - beside right elbow 3. Raccoon canines (12) - perforated - beside right humerus [Photo] - No floor prep - No wall prep - No body wrap visible - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 6 Burial None Shetrone 1926:34 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head facing northeast 2. Small ocean shell container (1) - “at feet” [field notes] 3. Small pyrula shell (1) - “at feet” [field notes] [Photo] - Hole in floor - No wall preparation - No body wrap visible - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 7 Burial Burials 4 & 7 Shetrone 1926:34-35 Feature Description: - No timbers - Below the back and shoulders of Burial 4 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Flint-flake knife- long (1) - unknown position 3. Shell ornament- remnants (1) - unknown position 4. Copper earspools (4) - unknown position 5. Platform pipe (1) - “finely made, perfect” - gray Ohio pipestone - unknown position [Photo] - Inhumation visible - No floor prep - No platform - Grave Size is small Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 8 Burial None Shetrone 1926:35 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - just next to Burial 4 No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 4, Burial 9 Burial None Shetrone 1926:35 Feature Description: - Toward southwest margin of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northwest 2. Flaked knives (7) - [fancy prismatic blade] - translucent chalcedony - at head 3. Notched Arrow point (1) - [gem biface] - translucent chalcedony - at head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 5, Altar Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Squier and Davis 1848:156 Feature Description: - Composed of elevated earth 2 ½ feet high - Faced and capped with large flat stones - Five feet long by three feet four inches wide - Marks of fire Contents: 1. Ornament fragments (“a few”) 2. Pearl beads (“a few”) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 7, Burial l Burial None Shetrone 1926:37 Feature Description: - Disturbed, skeletons previously removed and then returned haphazardly - Six feet long; 2 ½ feet wide Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northwest 2. Pearl beads (a few) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 7, Shetrone 1926:37 Burial None Shetrone 1926:37 Feature Description: - Disturbed; skeletons previously removed and then returned haphazardly Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper headplate (1) - scalp-like or feather-like in shape - unknown position Note: Possibly other artifacts that have been removed Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 7, Shetrone 1926:38 Burial None Shethrone 1926:38 Feature Description: - Most of skeletons and artifacts previously removed Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southwest 2. Shell beads (“a number of”) - at right foot 3. Pearl beads (“a number of”) - at right foot 4. Flint spear point (1) - translucent, pink and white chalcedony - 4 inches by 2 inches - at right hand Note: The following was not definitely associated with this burial: 5. Copper cover buttons (2-3) - in disturbed earth nearby Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 8, Skeleton 239 Burial None Moorehead 1922:102 Feature Description: - Next to Skeleton 240 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 8, Skeleton 240 Burial None Moorehead 1922:102 Feature Description: - Next to Skeleton 239 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 8, Skeleton 241 Burial None Moorehead 1922:102-103 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Large sheets of mica (2) - 12 inches across - circular mirrors - unknown position 3. Tennessee flint nodule (1) - 20-30 pounds - a short distance away 4. Ocean shell container (1) - small - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 9, Altar A Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Squier and Davis 1848:155-156 Figure 141 Feature Description: - Altar occurs considerably to one side of the center - At the corresponding opposite side is a layer of charcoal - A stratum of sand covers both the “altar” and the charcoal layer. - Round in shape; two feet across the top Contents: 1. Obsidian instruments (“several”) - too long for arrow-heads and too narrow for spears- ceremonial spears? 2. Scrolls from sheets of mica (“several”) - general examples (figure 141) 3. Traces of cloth - “doubled and twisted” weaving structure 4. Ivory or bone needles (“a considerable number”) 5. Pearl Beads (“a quantity of”) 6. Stone cover for a small vessel (1) - carved 7. Copper fragments - thin narrow slips Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 11, Crematory Basin Burial None Shetrone 1926:39-43 Figure 10 Feature Description: - South part of the mound - Crematory basin 20 inches x 28 inches - very small - Cremation and large obsidian deposit encircled by a row of stores widely spaced with an opening to the crematory basin (figure 10) Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - charred remains 2. Mica sheets (2) - 9 inches in diameter - unknown position 3. Pearl beads (a few) - unknown position 4. Obsidian deposit - 300 pounds - flakes, cores etc. - 5 were notched arrow points - bordering burial to south - arranged in rounded rectangle 6 feet x 7 feet - probably Yellowstone obsidian 5. Mica figures (2) - unknown position 6. Flat based, oval shaped cut and polished object of chlorite - beetle shaped - 1½ inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 11, Shetrone 1926:40 Burial None Shetrone 1926:40 Feature Description: - Crematory basin, its contents mostly removed - Four feet across Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 16, Moorehead 1891:10-12 Burial None Moorehead 1891: October 12 Feature Description: - Southwest of center Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - bones charred Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 17, Offering 1 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:44-45 Greber & Ruhl 1989 Figures 41-42, 53, 74, 115, 120, 130-133, 138, 147 Feature Description: - Alongside and partly filling a rectangular basin 22 inches by 26 inches - An oval space of five feet by seven feet was occupied by the ceremonial deposit - Outline of the oval space was defined by the application of a cubic yard of yellowgreen clay (often associated with burials) - Artifacts were mixed with and on to of the clay Contents: 1. Wild duck or goose carved platform pipe (1) (figure 74) - green black steatite - two duck heads with necks twined 3. Platform pipes (13+) - twelve plain - one is large and made of drab Ohio pipestone - some fragmentary - Ohio pipestone 4. Eagle boat-shape ceremonial (1) (figure 132) - Ohio pipestone - eyes set with pearls 5. Hollow crow image (1) (figure 133) - [boatstone] - head and neck - black shale 6. Saucer-shaped dishes (2) - 2½ inches in diameter - miscellaneous stone (goldstone) 7. Discoidals (2) - large - 4 inch diameter - fine grained sandstone 8. Cones (3) - chlorite (1) and goldstone (2) 9. Gorgets (2) (figure 120) - green chlorite 10. Laurentian slate tablets (6) - [tablets] - large - eleven tablets in all - at least one is sandstone 11. Bar-like gorgets (2) - slate 12. Granite plummet (1) 13. Stone rings (2) - [earspools per Greber & Ruhl 1989] - large and fine - slate 14. Spear Point (1) - [Ross Barbed] - large - obsidian 15. Discoid-like objects (2) (figures 130-131) - transparent quartz crystal 16. Copper perforator (1) - resembles 20 penny spike - 5½ inches long 17. Copper anklets or bracelets (2) - heavy 18. Copper axe (1) - [celt] - large 19. Copper pendant (1) (figure 115) - [cutout] - circular with bosses 20. Human head (1) (figure 138) - copper in the round 21. Copper cup shaped objects (10) - stacked 22. Perforator - meteoric iron - square nail shape 23. Buttons (2) 24. Beads (1) - stone 25. Arrow point (1) - flint 26. Shark’s teeth (1) - fossil 27. Carved bone fragments (figure 147) - [wand/baton] 28. Copper ear ornament (1) - [earspool] 29. Button - silver covered 30. Potsherds (many) (figure 53) - several varieties, some decorated 31. Graphite - chunks and pieces (“many”) 32. Hematite - foliated or micaceous 33. Goldstone (2 large pieces) - pyrite 34. Large stone plate (1) - [MiscUtilFancyObj] - circular - [possible mandala] - worked from peculiar cone in cone stone at center of deposit - artifacts on and around 35. Celts (49) (figures 41-42) - 1½ – 5 inches length - granite, gabro, or slate 36. Mushroom effigy (1) - from OHS accession list (283/131 Drawer 28G) - stone 37. Flint points (“more than 1”) 38. Tubular bone fragments - [possibly beads] Notes: - Finer items often undamaged - Many more basic objects intentionally broken - Burning occurred in connection with this cache. However, the burning probably occurred elsewhere and the remnants were scooped up and brought to the cache - Alongside and partly filling a rectangular basin 22 inches by 26 inches an oval space of 5 feet by 7 feet was occupied by the cache - Outline of the oval space was defined by the application of a cubic yard of yellowgreen clay, often associated with burials - Artifacts were mixed with and on top of the clay Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 17, Deposit 2 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:47-49 Figures 118, 120 Feature Description: - Basin within which a large artifact deposit was placed - “Well toward the northern margin of the mound” - Basin was 18 inches by 22 inches - Burned red to considerable depth - Artifacts filled basin and extended out from basin covering a circular area 4.5 feet across - Objects mingled with earth, clay and charcoal (probably intentional) - Many objects broken up Contents: 1. Gorget-like object (1) - [MiscUtilFancyObj] - sandstone - disk-shaped - 8.5 in by 4.5 in - similar to object found at center of Mound 17 Ceremonial Offering 1, and a large deposit at Tremper [Mills the Tremper Mound Vol. II pt. 3] - [possible mandala?] 2. Bone spatulas - broken 3. Pottery fragments - mostly utilitarian 4. Mica Strips - cut - fragments of designs 5. Flint-flake knives (3) - bladelets 6. Bear claws (10) 7. Hammer stones (2) - granite 8. Celts (3) - granite 9. Elongated Granite specimens (2) - “celt-like objects” according to accession list 10. Club-shaped implement (1) - sandstone - “war club?” according to accession list 11. Bar-shaped ornament (1) - [pendant/gorget] - chlorite 12. Cup-shaped ornament (1) - crystal quartz 13. Boat shaped ornaments (3) - large quartz crystals - perforated 14. Bar-shaped ornaments (3) - [pendant/gorgets] - pipestone 15. Bar-like objects (4) - [pendants/gorgets] - chlorite 16. Gorgets and tablets (15) - chlorite 17. Notched and decorated chlorite (2) – figure 120 - [one is bird tail (fan) effigy] - [one is misc. fancy/utilitarian object] - green 18. Cone-shaped specimens (30) - chlorite - gold and green? 19. Cones (50) - pyrite nodules 20. Grooved axe (1) (figure 118) - [celt] - finely made - perhaps unique in Hopewell Mounds 21. Human skull fragments (“several”) - [may be accidental] - uncremated [Photo] - Notched and decorated chlorite might be bird tail effigy. Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 18, Skeleton 170 Burial None Moorehead 1922:92-93 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Human maxilla (1) - [apparently Moorehead’s Skeleton 171] - cut - may have been one of the cut maxilla examples - next to left humerus 4 inches below glenoid fossa of scapula - other cranial bone “ornaments” present Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 18, Skeleton 181 Burial None Moorehead 1891:6 Dorsey 1891a Moorehead 1922: Figure 9 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - [apparently extended] - male, 40-50 years [Johnston, Chapter 10 this volume] - male, 45+ [Pickering] 2. Incised mandible (1) (figure 9) - beside left humerus of Skeleton 181 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 19, Altar Burial None Moorehead 1922:94 Plate 41 Feature Description: - Clay “altar” or crematory basin (Plate 41) Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Mica (“some”) - unknown position 3. Galena (“some”) - unknown position 4. Bone implement fragments - unknown position 5. Flake knives (2) - [other flint prismatic blade] - unknown position 6. Quartz (“some”) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 20, Mica Floor Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:53 Figure 16 Feature Description: - Mica sheets covering burnt area on floor (figure 16) - At northwest margin of mound far from other burials [1, 2, and 3] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 20, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1926:52-53 Figure 117 Feature Description: - Cremated remains on elevated surface three inches above floor - Above and around cremation was a conical covering of stones five feet in diameter Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1?) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position 3. Copper panpipes (1) (figure 117) - 3 tubes enclosing tubular bones - unknown position [Photo] - No floor prep visible - No body wrap visible - No platform (elevation is platform) - Water barrier present, light-colored stone, regular shape - Grave small in terms of floor area Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 20, Burial 2 Burial Burials 2 & 3 Shetrone 1926:53 Feature Description: - Double burial with Burial 3 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northwest No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 20, Burial 3 Burial Burials 2 & 3 Shetrone 1926:53 Feature Description: - No information; double burial with Burial 2 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - in a line alongside Burial 2 from neck to knee No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1926:54 Feature Description: - Cremation located on north margin of mound 30 feet in from the west end. - Three large flat stones were set up around burial Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper ear ornaments (2) - on cremated bundle [Photo] - [earspools] 3. Ocean shell container (1) - on cremated bundle [Photo] [Photo] - No floor preparation, no platform - No wall preparation - No visible body wrap - Water barrier, light-colored stone, position = (A) shape = (S) - Grave area is small - Conch position is on cremation - Earspool position is on cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Burial 2 Burial None Shetrone 1926:54-55 Feature Description: - Within the primary mound - Surrounded by small timbers Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southwest - placed on a bed of bark 2. Copper earspools (2) - one in each hand 3. Pierced bodkin or needle (1) - bone - at left femur 4. Rounded bone awl (1) - at left femur 5. Flint flake knife (2) - [other flint prismatic blade] - finely fashioned - rose colored - one at the head - one at the left hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 182 Burial None Moorehead 1891: September 22 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 183 Burial None Moorehead 1891: September 22 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 184 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 185 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south-southeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 186 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - bones crushed by weight of earth 2. Stone celts (5) - unknown position 3. Stone projectile points (“several”) - unknown position 4. Cut jaws of fox and lynx - wild cat mandible - unknown position 5. Bone points (“some”) - unknown position 6. Cut deer bones - leg bones - unknown position 7. Flake knives - [other flint biface unknown] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 187 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast 2. Bone awl (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 197 Burial Skeletons 197 & 203 Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - slightly charred - side by side with Skeleton 203 - head to north Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 198 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south - right next to Skeleton 229 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 199 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: - Near southern “altar” or crematory basin Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Ocean shell (1) - large - near body 3. Copper plates (2) - [breastplates] - leather garment stuck to one of the plates - near body Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 200 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 201 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Moorehead 1897a:208 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper button (1) - found near cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 202 Burial None Moorehead 1922:97 Moorehead 1897a: pg. 208 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) Note: This cremation might have been associated with a copper plate, bone awls, and cut mica ornaments, but it is difficult to tell from Moorehead’s field notes (1891:15) whether the reference is to this or another skeleton. Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 203 Burial Skeletons 197 & 203 Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - slightly charred - immediately adjacent to Skeleton 197 - head to north Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 204 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 205 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 206 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - slightly charred - head to west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 207 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: - South side of west “altar” [per map] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (“many”) - near radius on each side 3. Pierced wolf and fox teeth (506) - around neck - around head [per field notes] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 208 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 209 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Dorsey 1891a Feature Description: - Southwest of west “altar” or crematory basin [per map] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper plate (1) - on chest 3. Platform pipes (2) - stone - at elbows 4. Pearl beads - necklace - beside head 5. Bear teeth (8) - four canine, four non-canine - four are around neck, four near pubis - two with pearls inset - others with holes that may have been set with pearls - two cut Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 210 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 211 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 212 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 213 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98-99 Feature Description: - West of eastern “Altar” or crematory basin - Covered by bed of clay and gravel 10 feet thick Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - feet were missing 2. Bone bead (1) - unknown position 3. Pearl and shell beads (“a quantity”) - one string of very small pearl beads still retained vegetal string. - unknown position 4. Bear teeth (5) - accession records say seven, raw materials catalog says eight - two uncut - third cut in several places - unknown position 5. Copper plate (1) - unknown position 6. Earspools (4) - one on each side of the head - one in right hand - textile fragment associated with one of the earspools 7. Human maxilla trophy (1) - cut - near the head - perforated Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 214 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 215 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 216 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Moorehead 1897a: Feature Description: - Surrounded by stones Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 217 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 218 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northwest Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 219 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Platform pipe (1) - near body 3. Earspool (1) - near right hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 220 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 221 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 222 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 223 Burial Skeletons 223 & 224 Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north - side by side with Skeleton 224 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 224 Burial Skeletons 223 & 224 Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - side by side with Skeleton 223 - head to north - charred ,possibly elsewhere 2. Platform pipe (1) - stone - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 225 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 226 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position - [apparently at ears according to copper staining of skull] 3. Copper covered button (1) - oblong; perforated at end - unknown position Note: It is likely that the skull for Burial 236 in the Field Museum collection (catalog number 41607) actually belongs to Burial 226. Moorehead (1891:19) reports that none of the bones from Burial 236 were saved, and that the individual was unaccompanied by artifacts; yet the collection contains a well-preserved skull for Burial 236, with copper staining of the temporal region indicative of the presence of copper earspools (Appendix 10.3). Therefore, this skull clearly does not belong to Burial 236. Copper staining of the temporal region suggests that the skull belongs with another individual from Mound 23 who was buried with earspools at the ears. Moorehead (1891) reported only four individuals in all of Mound 23 with earspools, and only two of these had earspools that were not exclusively associated with the hands (Burials 213, 226). Skeletal remains were not found in the collection for either of these burials, so the mislabeled skull could potentially belong to either of them. However, the simplest error that might lead to mislabeling Burial 236 would come from misreading Burial 226 as Burial 236 (i.e., a handwritten "2" read as a "3"). Therefore, skull 41607 is assumed to belong to Burial 226 rather than Burial 236, and the age and sex information associated with skull 41607 is recorded under Burial 236 in the database. Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 227 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Moorehead 1891:18; Moorehead 1897a: Feature Description: - Surrounded by a ring of stones Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 228 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 229 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 230 Burial Skeletons 230, 231, 232 Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: - Triple burial with Skeleton 231 and Skeleton 232 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 231 Burial Skeletons 230, 231, 232 Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: Triple burial with 230 and 232 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast 2. Ocean shell container (1) - near right side of head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 232 Burial Skeletons 230, 231, 232 Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast - triple burial with Skeleton 230 and Skeleton 231 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 233 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 234 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 235 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 23, Skeleton 236 Burial None Moorehead 1922:99 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Note: The skull associated with Skeleton 236 in the Field Museum Collection most likely belongs with Skeleton 226 (see Skeleton 226 above for explanation). Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Altar Burial None Moorehead 1897:96 Feature Description: - Burnt deposit covered in sand Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper bracelets (10) - in two heaps of five - encircling some bone so many have been worn - on arm 3. Mica plates (2) - thick - possibly mirrors - beside cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1926:56 Shetrone field notes Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper earspool (1) - “with the burned bones” Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Burial 2 Burial None Shetrone 1926:56 Shetrone field notes Feature Description: - Southern half removed Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Burial 3 Burial None Shetrone 1926:56 Shetrone field notes Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Shetrone 1926:56 Burial None Shetrone 1926:56 Feature Description: - In two parts, with lower half of body three feet away from upper Contents: 1. Human skeletal and cremated remains (1) - top half cremated - bottom half inhumation - feet to west No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Shetrone 1922:9-2 Burial None Shetrone 1922: 9-2 Feature Description: - North of center above a previously investigated cremation - 2 feet diameter, slightly elevated Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - partially cremated 2. Mica sheets (3) - above cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Skeleton 191 Burial Burials 191 & 192 (trophy skull) Moorehead 1922:96-97 Dorsey 1891a Feature Description: - Ten feet southwest of center stake Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Trophy skull (1) - [Moorehead’s Burial 192] - 2 feet to right side of head - occipital perforated - very different type of skull from Burial 191 -similar to Stone Grave people of Tennessee 3. Buscyon marine shell (1) - near left arm 4. Perforated shells (2) - near left arm 5. Shell ornaments (?) - near left arm - found on “line of clavicle” [field notes] - some perforated 6. Bear’s teeth (8) - near left arm - some perforated 7. Pottery fragments with pointed base - near body Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Skeleton 193 Burial None Moorehead 1922:96 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast - some charring of bones - arms clasped across chest 2. Flaked knives (several) - unknown position 3. Shell container (1) - unknown position 4. Bear Teeth - unknown position 5. Bone (?) awls/skewers (“several”) - unknown position 6. Cut dog mandible (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Skeleton 194 Burial Skeletons 194 & 195 Moorehead 1922:96 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - next to Skeleton 195 - head to south [per map] - double burial with Skeleton 195 - lay on side with face to west - hands crossed over chest No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Skeleton 195 Burial Skeletons 194 & 195 Moorehead 1922:96-97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - next to Skeleton 194 - head to south [per map] - mandible and 1 radius missing - lay on side with face to west 2. Copper plate (1) - unknown position 3. Bone awls - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Skeleton 196 Burial None Moorehead 1922:Plate 44 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - charred 2. Shell - ocean shell container? (1) - left side of body above pelvis 3. Copper earspools (2) - by left leg, femur - actually earspools Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 24, Moorehead 1891:9-25 Burial None Moorehead 1891:14 [typed field notes] Feature Description: - On east side of mound Contents: 1. Charred human remains (1) - could not be recovered - [apparently extended] 2. Copper earspools (2) - beside wrist bones Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Copper Deposit Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:109 Shetrone 1926:74-75, Greber & Ruhl, 1989, Moorehead 1891:8 Relevant Figures & Plates: Greber & Ruhl 1989: Figures 4.17-4.19, 4.30; Moorehead 1922: Plate 69-3. Feature Description: - Four feet above baseline - Located in body of mound [votive?] - Location within mound structure not given - near center of mound - Bark above and below ground Contents: 1. Sheet copper (120) (Greber & Ruhl 1989 figures 4.17- 4.19) - sandwiched between layers of bark laid flat in an area 3 feet long and 2 wide - worked into various patterns (many) - most are unique designs - tiny crescent or bear tooth effigy, or bear head/serpent head cutout – perforated at one end - conventionalized human face [Greber & Ruhl 1989 figure 4.30] - talon symbols in pairs (“several”) 2. Long mass of copper (1) - [copper cutouts] - covered with wood on one side - squares and “five other traceable things on reverse” 3. Single copper rings (18) - [copper cutouts] - two were small 4. Double copper rings (2 sets) - [copper cutouts] - one set of three - one set of two 5. Copper saucer shaped disks (5) - [copper cutouts] 6. Copper saw-shaped design (1) - [copper cutouts] 7. Copper arrowhead (1) - [fancy point] 8. Copper combination design of circles and bars - [copper cutouts] 9. Small mass copper 10. Copper fish (4) - [copper cutouts] - 3 fragmentary, 1 whole - whole fish resembles “red-horse” 11. Copper diamond shaped stencils (2) - [copper cutouts] 12. Long copper plates (3) - 1 perforated 13. Swastika crosses (2) - [copper cutouts] 14. Copper spool shaped ornaments (4) - [earspools] - 2 with 4 holes each 15. Copper circles (10) - [cutouts] -1 mass of 10 16. Copper effigies (4) - [copper cutouts] - comb-shaped or bear paw 17. Spoon-shaped pieces of copper (2) - [pendants] 18. Copper squares, circles, etc. (40) - [copper cutouts] - many fragmentary 19. Copper semicircles, straight edges, squares (11) - [copper cutouts] 20. Small copper cross with two arms - [copper cutouts] 21. Earspools covered with meteoric iron (?) 22. Pieces of cane (6) - [panpipes] - 5¼ long 23. Copper bracelets (“several”) 24. Eagle cutouts (2) - fragmentary 25. Raven cutout (1) [Moorehead 1922:Plate 69-3] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Altar 1 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:113 Moorehead 1897:261; Greber & Ruhl, 1989 Plate LXXIX, Figures 23-25, 27, 28, 31-34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 66 Feature Description: - 28 feet north of copper deposit on baseline - Artifacts placed within the altar, burned, and covered with earth - Covered by small primary mound Contents: 1. Mica cutouts (“approximately 200”) (plate LXXIX, figures 39- 40) - wedges, atl-atl-shape [representing owl eyes?], oblong ovals, keyhole with circles; scalloped edge designs, etc. 2. Copper earspools (“over 500”) - some covered with iron or silver 3. Copper balls - also silver covered 4. Large pearl beads (“many”) - 19,000 pearl beads total 5. Bear teeth (“large number”) - perforated 6. Panther teeth 7. Carved bones - [wand/baton & carvebone] - includes human effigy in antler (figure 66) 8. Carved stone effigies (“several”) - one bird head effigy of mottled stone (figure 34) - tadpole/salamander boatstone with two holes (figure 36) - one bird boatstone with parrot-like beak - four holes along back; Moorehead thinks it is an owl (figure 37) 9. Stone tablets (“many”) (figure 27) 10. Slate ornaments (“several”) (Plate LXXVII 4) - [pendants] - circular bands with perforations - material not indicated, possibly copper 11. Slate earspools (14+) (plate LXXVII 1-3) 12. Ceramic rings - [earspools] 13. Quartz cones (2 plus) (figure 24) 14. Quartz crystals (“many”) 15. Quartz blades (“many”) - [quartz biface] 16. Quartz core (1) (figure 25) 17. Flint knives (?) 18. Cloth 19. Iron adzes with antler handles (“several”) (figure 23) - [celts] 20. Black tourmaline crystal (1) - [misc. fancy object] 21. Iron drill (1) - [misc. iron tool] 22. Shell beads (“many”) 23. Iron beads (many, perhaps 50+) - also copper and silver beads 24. Plummets (“several”) - stone and shell 25. Stone bowl with hole (1) (figure 32) - actually boatstone only 2 5/8 x 1 ¼ inches 26. Stone bar amulet (1) (Moorehead 1922: figure 33) - [pendant] - two ends are incised [resemble bear feet] 27. Iridescent fossil (1) (figure 42) - perforated 28. Bone beads (325) - all 325 of bird wing bone - one string is bird bone beads 29. Potsherds - at least 1 vessel - three vessels [per Greber] 30. Bear claws (167, in groups) - perforated 31. Seed pearls (“many”) 32. Stone chisel (1) 33. Stone celts (“several”) (figure 28) - non functional? 34. Obsidian knife fragments - [obsidian biface] 35. Arrow points (“several”) - stone 36. Flint spearpoint (1) - [other flint prismatic blade] 37. Chert blades - [other flint biface] 38. Resin lumps 39. Shell bear tooth (1) 40. Stone tube (1) (figure 31) - 3 inches long - atl-atl handle [may belong in Altar 2] 41. Obsidian cores 42. Copper buttons - covered clay and wood 43. Iron-covered panpipe band (1) 44. Copper tubes - [probably associated with panpipe band] - thick and wide 45. Misc. copper objects 46. Mica sheets (“many”) 47. Mustard seed pearls (“many”) 48. Copper nuggets 49. Silver nuggets 50. Reel-shaped shell gorget 51. Cut shells (87) - embroidery? 52. Small mammal foot bones (110) 53. Human effigy (1) - Ivory or animal tooth - Altar 1 per Willoughby 54. Spoonbill effigy (1) - [animal carving] - represented by fragment of beak only Note: Items Excluded From Database: Shark teeth (From Accession List) - exclude from D-base - Willoughby doesn’t mention shark teeth in Altar 1 Stone pipe (1+) - exclude from D-base - no platform pipes in Altar 1 [per Greber & Ruhl 1989] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Altar 2 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:114 Moorehead 1897:261, Greber & Ruhl 1989 Figures 29-30, 35, 43, 65 Feature Description: - Crematory basin and surrounding area - Larger cache than Altar 1 - Covered by small primary mound Contents: 1. Obsidian ceremonial blades and points - [obsidian biface] - several hundred (150 spearpoints) 2. Platform pipes (2) (5 per Greber) - one shows roseate spoonbill on bowl - one is and aquatic bird on a fishes back - four are plain 3. Bar amulet (1) - [pendant] - stone - accession says Altar 1, site report says Altar 2 4. Hematite plummet (1) (figure 29) 5. Hollow slate cone (1) (figure 30) - shaped like Hershey’s kiss 6. Stone bear tooth (1) (figure 35) 7. Fossil shark teeth (“several”) 8. Shell plummet (1) (figure 43) - 4 cm long 9. Small animal foot bones (690) 10. Decorated bones (“several”) - [wand/baton] - one is a triangular dark baton 11. Antler boatstone (1) (figure 65) - hawk with conventionalized human face on head - 1 hole 12. Human head (1) - [wand/baton] - antler - black 13. Cloth 14. Bear teeth - perforated canines 15. Tortoise shell pendants 16. Ceramic earspools (?) 17. Graphite rings (?) - [earspools] 18. Quartz lance/spearpoints (“a number of”) 19. Pearl and shell beads (perhaps 100,000) - 800 are shell 20. Chalcedony knives (“many”) - [fancy prismatic blade] 21. Claws (128) - type not specified - [Greber & Ruhl 1989 say bear] 22. Tablets - stone, polished 23. Panpipes (“several”) 24. Copper antler effigy (1) 25. Iron pyrite 26. Quartz crystals (“several dozen”) 27. Perforated/polished quartz crystals (“fragments”) 28. Copper cutouts (“various”) - one is ear effigy (Greber & Ruhl 1989:124) 29. Iron beads 30. Bird bone beads (3275) -wing bones 31. Cut mammal jaws - fragmentary 32. Bone awls/needles (“many”) 33. Mica books 34. Cut shells (413) - embroidery Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Shetrone 1924:7-9 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1924: 7/9/24 Feature Description: - On the 210 foot line; 15 feet from north wall - Six feet across Contents: 1. Eagle claws (“several”) - [probably bear] 2. Wolf jaws - cut 3. Bear jaws - cut 4. Mica bits Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Shetrone 1924:7-16 Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1924: 7/16/24 Feature Description: - On the 230 foot line, 15 feet south of center - Covers a circular area less than 10 feet across Contents: 1. Imitation split and drilled bear teeth (a number of) 2. Animal jaws - fragments and portions 3. Beads (a few) 4. Flint flake knives (“several”) - [other flint prismatic biface] 5. Eagle claws (“some”) - [probably bear] 6. Perforated human digit (1) 7. Human skull (2-3 fragments) [possible “trophy skull”?] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 1 Burial Burials 1 & 2 Shetrone:1926:61-63 Feature Description: - 4 ½ feet above the floor (This and Burial 2 are the only Mound 25 burials not on the baseline) - Placed upon a bed of gravel and interred at the same time Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - laid at right angles to skeleton two with legs crossing [per map] 2. Pearl beads (several hundred) - necklace - at neck of Burial 1 3. Copper earspools (2) - under head of Burial 1 4. Bear canines (6) - three sawed into two parts - no position given Other: - Burial 5 was nearby but disturbed by plow and possibly intrusive - Burial 2 had no artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 2 Burial Burials 1 & 2 Shetrone 1926:61-63 Feature Description: - 4 ½ feet above the floor - This and Burial 1 are the only Mound 25 burials not on the baseline - Placed upon a bed of gravel and interred at the same time Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - laid at right angles to skeleton one with legs crossing [per map] No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 3 Burial None Shetrone 1926:63 Figure 54 Feature Description: - Six feet above the floor on a bed of gravel Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - large and small stones placed at head and feet - head to northeast 2. Saucer-shaped gorget - marine shell - on chest (figure 54) - one perforation 3. Shell beads - univalve shells (“numerous”) - on forearms Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 4 Burial None Shetrone 1926:63 Figure 105, 116, 140 Feature Description: - Raised earthen platform 7 feet by 4 ½ feet - Cremation in northwest corner of platform Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - cremated - large 2. Shield shaped ornaments (2) - mica (1 keyhole-shaped, 1 unknown) (figure 140) - at south end of platform 3. Thin copper figures (4) - tobacco-pipe shaped (figure 116) - south end of platform 4. Elaborate curved copper head plate (1) - decorated with cut-out designs (figure 105) - bear claw design? ,four clawed animal paw - south end of platform 5. Large earspools (2) - on ocean shell container at platform edge 6. Ocean shell container (1) - near southeast corner of platform [Photo] - Log molds on at least two sides (1 log high) - No floor prep? - No cover prep visible - No body wrap visible - Grave area is large - Earspools of copper (8 – 9) - May be from another burial nearby - Copper geometrics (5) - Four G-clefs and one unidentified mammal - Mica geometric (keyhole type) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 5 Burial None Shetrone 1926:63 Feature Description: - Disturbed Contents: 1. Partial human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast 2. Stone celt (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 6 Burial Burials 6 & 7 Shetrone 1929:63-65 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - massive - member of double burial - extended on back - head to southwest - separated from neighbor by 3ft - lying on a heavy bed of bark on floor 2. Beads of pearl (approximately 5000) - very small to large and fine - at the head, neck, wrists, knees 3. Button shaped ornament copper coverings (50) - made from stone, bone, or clay - At head, neck, wrists, knees, with pearls 4. Ear ornaments (2) - copper, may have been copper on one side, silver on the other, and meteoric iron in the center - at each ear 5. Bear canines (6) - extremely large (almost 4 inches) - cut in two or more sections and set with pearls - at neck 6. Copper plates (3) - over 1 foot long with preserved cloth and fabric - beneath head, hips, and knees 7. Copper skewer shaped objects (2) - 3/8 inch diameter - 1 foot in length (cord-wrapped) - probably hair braid supports - from beneath both ears to lower sternum 8. Copper nostrils - 2 ½ inches long - in nose [Photo] - No floor prep - No wall prep (in charnel house) - No platform visible - Grave area is large - Beads around head - Bear canines near neck - Beads on chest - Breatplate of medium size - Another breastplate of medium size - Third breastplate of medium size Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 7 Mound Burials 6 & 7 Shetrone 1926:65-66 Figure 97 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended on back/head to southwest - part of double burial - separated from neighbor by 3 feet - lay on heavy bed of bark on floor 2. Copper ear ornaments (60) - on left side of skeleton in a line from head to foot - many were one side copper, one side silver, meteoric iron spool - [earspools] 3. Beads (approximately 5000) - at head, neck, knees, hips - also encircling entire skeleton 4. Copper plates (3) - under head, knees, hips 5. Copper bracelets (4) (figure 97) - unusual - same as bracelets in Mound 17 offering - two in each hand 6. Copper skewers - probably hair braid supports - from under ears down to lower sternum 7. Copper nostrils - 2 ½ inches - in nose 8. Buttons (60) - encircling skeleton [Photo] - No floor prep - No wall prep (in charnel house) - No platform - Water barrier (pearl beads and copper buttons) - round - Grave area is large Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 8 Burial None Shetrone 1926:66 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 9 Burial None Shetrone 1926:67 Feature Description: - Platform present [per map] - Next to Skeleton 276 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head is south 2. “Minor artifacts only” - posterior scapula and MC4 (right) are copper stained. Probably indicates a copper plate under shoulders and earspools or other copper object in hand(s) 3. Trophy mandible present [Seeman] - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 10 Burial None Shetrone 1926:67-68 Feature Description: - 7 ½ feet by 3 ½ feet dimensions - Composed of exceptionally large timbers some of which are six inches in diameter - A post had been set at each corner for structural support - On slightly elevated platform Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast 2. Pearl beads (“a few”, actually 6) - at right wrist 3. Quartz pebbles (25) - rounded - near right hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 11 Burial None Shetrone1926:68-72 Figure 106 Feature Description: - Raised Earthen Platform - Enclosed by pretentious log structure - two logs deep - 10 feet by 8 feet - held in place by posts at corners and by takes and large stones at ends and sides exteriorly - platform had a covering of fine gravel to a 1 inch depth - near Skeleton 285 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - 5 feet, 8 inches - head to southeast [per map] 2. Ocean shell container (1) - left center of platform 3. Large bone awls (8) - deer leg bones - lower left of platform, sticking upright 4. Copper ear ornaments (2) - in left hand 5. Bear incisors (6) - perforated for beads - in right hand 6. Copper earspools (2) - one at each ear 7. Pearl beads (“numerous”, actually 50) - at neck and wrists 8. Large copper breastplates (2) - right center of platform - near right elbow 9. Bear canines (4) - at neck - two cut with mitered joints and set with pearls 10. Copper elaborate headdress (figure 106) - rectangular curved headplate with large oval copper wings on either side, bird-like - assembled on saucer shaped wooden base - small designs cut in mica along margins of wing - fabric was attached on which had been sewn large pearl beads, bear claws, bird feathers, and the head of a small raptorial hawk - above head [Photo] - No associated provinces - No body wrap visible - Grave area large - Bone awls are beside body - Breastplates are beside body Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 12 Burial None Shetrone 1926:72 Feature Description: - Roof opening was arch-like and seven feet long by 4 ½ feet wide - It extended six feet above the floor - Enclosing timber structure originally present - Next to Skeleton 285 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Seed pearl beads (“large number”) - at neck 3. Copper plates (2) - beneath right shoulder and knees 4. Copper tube enclosing slender reeds (1) - in left hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 13 Burial None Shetrone 1926:72-74 Feature Description: - Body laid upon bed of charcoal - Log enclosure seven feet long by four feet wide Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast [per map] - on gravel and charcoal bed - below average height 2. Copper helmet-like curved headplate (2) - at each hand 3. Pearl beads (“a few”) - at right wrist Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 14 Burial None Shetrone 1926:77 Feature Description: - On a slightly raised platform - Small primary mound over burial Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Shell beads (a few) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 15 Burial None Shetrone 1926:78 Feature Description: - Slightly elevated platform with log enclosure - Large logs Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast [per map] 2. Flint flake knife (1) - [other flint prismatic blade] [Photo] - Log molds on 4 sides - Extended inhumation - No floor prep? - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - No platform visible (does not agree with description) - Grave is normal size Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 16 Burial None Shetrone 1926:78 Feature Description: - Platform - Log enclosure Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast 2. Shell beads (a few) - beside head 3. Flake knives (3) - beside head [Photo] - Does not match burial description at all Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 17 Burial None Shetrone 1926:78 Feature Description: - Cremation inside log enclosure - On platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Pierced mother of pearl beads (“a number of”, actually 6) - button-shaped - unknown position 3. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position [Photo] - Logs on at least three sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is small - Earspools are on cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 18 Burial None Shetrone 1929:79 Feature Description: - No special preparation - Platform - Log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper axe (1) - small - unknown position [Photo] - Charcoal floor - Logs on all four sides - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Copper axe is large - Copper celt is on top of cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 19 Burial None Shetrone 1926:79 Feature Description: - No special preparation Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 20 Burial None Shetrone 1926:79 Feature Description: - No special preparation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper pendants (2) - teaspoon-bowl shaped - unknown position 3. Notched flint spearpoint (1) - [other translucent symmetrical biface] - blue-gray translucent flint ridge material - 6 ½ inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 21 Burial None Shetrone 1926:79 Figure 71 Feature Description: - Typical enclosure except timbers were unusually large Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended on back - head to the east 2. Bear canines (4) - pearl set - drilled for attachment - 2 cut into 2 parts - at chest 3. Platform pipe - unusual (figure 71) - small and delicate - at right side of head - square bowl Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 22 Burial Burials 22A & 22B Shetrone 1926:79-81 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - head to south [per map] - red pigment at mouth - shoulder to shoulder with other skeleton - on a small earthen platform - hardly wider than normal single burial platform - log molds enclosing burials smaller than normal - deposited on bed of bark 2. Beads (100’s) - pearl and shell - at neck and left wrist (Skeleton A) - a few at neck and wrists of Skeleton B 3. Grizzly canines (4) - set with pearls - 2 repaired by bone dowels - at neck 4. Split bear teeth (22) - 3 perforations each - at left wrist 5. Spear point (1) - 9 inches - very thin and symmetrical - translucent amber chalcedony - at left hand 6. Rectangular copper plates (2) - at pelvis and right side of chest 7. Ear spools copper (2) - at ears 8. Beaver incisors (2) - at right hand 9. Wolf jaws (2) - cut - at right hand 10. Helmet-shaped curved headplate - between skulls of male and female 11. Celt - highly polished - cannel coal - 6 inches in length - between knees 12. Mica strip - elongated and rectangular - cut - across left humerus of female and right humerus of male [Photo] - No floor preparation? - 100’s of beads (on head, at neck) - copper, pearl, or shell beads - Points in hands - Wolf jaws - beside body - Bear teeth - beside body - Beaver teeth - beside body - Copper plates (2) - left side of the head - Headplate - Mica geometrics - Earspools - Celts - between knees Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 23 Burial Burials 23A and 23B Shetrone 1926:81-82 Figure 3 Feature Description: - Lays outside primary mound occupying a small, separate post-enclosed compartment to itself - Skeleton in rectangular basin rather than raised platform (eight inches deep) - Timber enclosure was lacking Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - North (A) skeleton had only flake knife - South (B) skeleton had several artifacts 2. Flake knife (1) - [other flint prismatic blade] - north (A) skeleton - flint 3. Black bear canines (4) - pearl set - at neck of south skeleton (B) 4. Copper earspools (2) - south skeleton (B) - near neck [per figure 3] or shoulders 5. Pearl beads (a few) - at neck of south skeleton (B) 6. Crescent shaped ornament (1) - on chest of south skeleton (B) - 12 inches long - conventional “new moon” shape - south skeleton [Photo] - No floor prep? - Cover prep is excavated cave - Body wrap not visible (northwest) - No platform visible - Grave area is small - Earspools near head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 24 Burial None Shetrone 1926:82-83 Feature Description: - Log structure surrounding walls of grave (typical example) - Platform present Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south [per map] 2. Copper plates (2) - [breastplates] - large pearl beads at perforations - one “at top of head” - one under dorsal vertebrae just above pelvis - this one had an imprint on the upper face of an elaborate garment or robe - lower portion of fabric, upper of fur. 3. Copper earspools (2) - at each ear 4. Pearl beads (100) - neck and wrists 5. Mountain lion jaws (2) - cut - at right hand 6. Grizzly canines (4) - 1 set with large pearl - 1 had tip sawed off and was mended with dowels - at neck - 4th was in 5 pieces as a result of intentional splitting and repaired with bone dowel pins 7. Shell container, fulgur (1) - at feet [Photo] - No floor preparation - Logs on 4 sides - No body wrap visible - Water barrier present - round - Grave area is large - Pearl bead bracelets at wrists Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 25 Burial None Shetrone 1926:83-84 Figure 90 Feature Description: - Typical burial with strongly marked bark bed and bark covering, laid transversely across body - Log enclosure; platform present Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southwest - 5 feet, 9 inches 2. Pearl beads (numerous) - at neck and wrists 3. Copper earspools (2) - large pearl beads attached - at each ear 4. Tortoise shell tablet (1) - rectangular - at right side of head 5. Mica ornament (1) - small - at right side of head 6. Bone spatula (1) - short - at right side of head 7. Barracuda jaw (1) (figure 90) - perforated for suspension - on chest of skeleton [Photo] - Extended - 55 pearl beads, left side of head - 3rd earspool on right shoulder (part of other 2?) - No floor prep visible - Logs on at least 1 side - Cover prep is excavated cave - Grave area is normal Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 26 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - Rectangular basin-like grave 10” deep - 4 ½ feet long by 4 feet wide - 15 stones walled the grave - mica schists with small iron garnets - Timber enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 27 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - Little grave preparation Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 28 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - Typical cremation - No log tomb Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 29 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - Typical cremation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Large mica sheet (1) - about 9 inches in diameter - edges ground, probably mirror [Photo] - No floor preparation visible - Logs 1 high on at least 2 sides - Cover preparation is “excavated cave” - No body wrap is visible - No platform - Grave Area is normal - Mica mirrors (3) - not round Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 30 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - No special preparation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) [Photo] - No floor prep - Cover prep is “excavated cave” No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 31 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - No special preparation - Small log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 32 Burial None Shetrone 1926:84 Feature Description: - No special preparation - Small log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 33 Burial None Shetrone 1926:87 Feature Description: - Upper half of body gone from previous excavation Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - lower half only - upper half excavated previously 2. Bear claws (several, actually 5) 3. Univalve shell beads (“a number of”) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 34 Burial None Shetrone 1926:87-89 Figures 145, 146 Feature Description: - Very large structure, at least two logs, with large logs used in its construction - The dome above the grave was “large and bold” - Platform Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended; head to north 2. Trophy skull (1) - badly crushed - left of burial’s head 3. Wild cat lower jaw ornament (1) - at skeleton’s right hand 4. Split bear canines “numerous” - across the pelvis from wrist to wrist 5. Shell beads “numerous” - as with bear canines across the pelvis from wrist to wrist 6. Beads (“several hundred”) - shell and pearl - at left humerus and neck 7. Copper plate (1) - [cutout] - shield shape - on chest 8. Ornament of human jaw - maxilla - suspended from neck 9. Bear canines (16) - 4 cut and set with pearls - 12 young bears - probably strung and certainly ground, perhaps for use as rattles. 10. Copper ear ornaments (4) - between skull of skeleton and trophy skull 11. Finely made spearpoint (1) - mica - ceremonial - 8 ½ inches long - at right side of head 12. Spearpoint (2) - mica (figure 145) - 8 inches in length (similar to Harness) - at left side of head 13. Female human figure (2) - Mica (figure 146) - headless - 13 inches long - similar to Mound city figure, copper - above skull [Photo] - Logs on four sides - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Body wrap not visible - 26 bear teeth total (26) - Six bear teeth at neck - Trophy jaws are mandible with rami Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 35 Burial Burials 35 & 37 Shetrone 1926:89-90 Figures 87, 150 Feature Description: - Platform eight feet long by four feet wide - Log enclosure - Burial 37 on southeast corner of platform Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north [per map] 2. Trophy skull (1) - 15 inches left of skeleton’s hand - left side 3. Cut wild cat-jaw (1) - at right wrist 4. Shell beads (“some”) - at right wrist 5. Pearl beads (“several hundred”) - every size and form - about neck and chest 6. Copper earspools (2) - at ears 7. Copper plate (1) - 16 ½ inches by 7 inches - largest from an Ohio mound - under hips 8. Copper plate (1) - finely preserved - on chest 9. Bear canines (“several”, actually 6) - 4 pearl set (at neck) - 2 set in sockets of bone (figure 87) - at neck 10. Elaborate copper headdress (1) - atop skull (figure 150) - part of copper plate of headdress looks like effigy of a human- faced insect - reconstruction is mistaken, not really insect [per Amy Trevalyan, pers comm] 11. Mica geometrics - shaped like pointed oval [Photo] - One (1) breast plate is large - Floor preparation is charcoal - Logs on at least three sides - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Grave area is large - Six bear teeth at neck Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 36 Burial None Shetrone 1926:87 Feature Description: - On a platform adjoining Burial 35 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position [Photo] - No visible floor preparation - Logs on at least three sides - Cover preparation is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is small - Earspools beside cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 37 Burial Burials 35 & 37 Shetrone 1926:90 Feature Description: - On southeast corner of Burial 35 platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) [Photo] - Charcoal floor - Logs on at least three sides - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Body wrap not visible - Grave area is large No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 38 Burial None Shetrone 1926:90 Feature Description: - Small carefully prepared platform - 3 feet long by 22 inches wide - Log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) [Photo] - No floor preparation - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Platform absent No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 39 Burial None Shetrone 1926:90-92 Feature Description: - three foot four inch by two foot three inch platform for cremation remains - Log enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Mica sheet (1) - 7 inches by 8 inches, ground edges - unknown position 3. Copper breast plate (1) - unknown position 4. Drilled bear canines (4) - small - unknown position 5. Flake knives of flint (2) - [other flint prismatic blade] [Photo] - No floor preparation - Logs on at least one side - Cover preparation is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal - Mica sheet is mirror, beside cremation - Breastplate is over cremation Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 40 Burial None Shetrone 1926:92 Feature Description: - Bark covering for body evident - Platform present Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast - height is 5 feet, 7 inches 2. Large shell beads (“a few”) - at “side” of skull 3. Cut lower jaw of mountain lion (1) - at right hand Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 41 Burial Burials 41A, 41B, 41C Shetrone 1926:92-93 Feature Description: - Triple burial on earth platform 6 ½ feet long by 7 ½ feet wide - Very large grave with heavy timber enclosure Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (3) - Skeleton A to south - Skeleton B central - Skeleton C north 2. Limestone cone (1) - whitish - between knees - skeleton A grave goods 3. Copper plate with preserved fabric (1) - under left side - under lower back per photo - skeleton A grave goods 4. Imitation bear canines (14) - of bone - at hips - skeleton A grave goods 5. Bear Canines (4) - two perforated - two cut diagonally and set with pearls - at neck - skeleton A grave goods 6. Barracuda lower jaw pendant (1) - at neck 7. Shell and pearl beads - at neck - skeleton A grave goods 8. Curved bone needle (1) - [partial circle?] - by left foot - skeleton A grave goods 9. Perforated raccoon canines “a number” (30) - at each wrist - skeleton B grave goods 10. Bear claws (25+, actually 35) - at left arm - skeleton B grave goods 11. Pearl and shell beads - at neck - skeleton B grave goods 12. Flint-flake knives (4) - [other flint prismatic blade] - near right shoulder - skeleton B grave goods 13. Bone awls (3) - circular in cross section - one from deer leg bone - near right shoulder - Skeleton B grave goods 14. Human skull trophy (1) - left above skeleton B’s head - drilled perforation in occipital - skeleton B grave goods 15. Hollowed antler tine - large - at right of skull - skeleton C grave goods 16. Shell beads (numerous) - at neck - looks like necklace per photo [could be garment hem] - skeleton C grave goods 17. Black steatite ring (1) - pulley shaped - eight perforations through circumference - at left side of skull - skeleton C grave goods 18. Human jaws trophy - perforated - between skeletons 1 and 2 - closest to right humerus of skeleton 1, but also near left humerus of skeleton 2 [Photo] - No floor prep - Wall prep is logs - Cover preparation is excavated cave - No body wrap apparent - Black steatite ring is actually stone pulley earspool - Shell beads are necklace (26+) - Trophy skull from 41c belongs with 41b - Jaws trophy from 41b belongs with 41c - Copper plate of 41a is under lower back - One breastplate is medium Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 42 Burial None Shetrone 1926:93-94 Figure 139 Feature Description: - No information - All goods on a one square foot platform of mixed clay and charcoal Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south [per map] - height is 5 feet, 10 inches 2. Flakes and pieces of sheet mica (numerous) - above the head elevated 10 inches above floor 3. Marine bivalves (several, actually 6) - thin and elongated - above the head elevated 10 inches above floor 4. Pearl beads (“a few”) - beside neck 5. Copper covered buttons (“several”) - above the head elevated 10 inches above floor 6. Tortoise shell ornament - fragment - above the head elevated 10 inches above floor 7. Mica imitation bear canines (8) (figure 139) - above the head elevated 10 inches above floor [Photo] - Wall prep is logs - Cover preparation is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Grave area is normal - Bead number is 11 plus - Effigy tooth of mica is above head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 43 Burial Burials 43A & 43B Shetrone 1926:94 Feature Description: - Earthen platform enclosed with log structure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (2) 2. Ocean shell containers (2) - one average, one small - one at northwest corner of platform, one at southwest corner 3. Copper breastplates (2) - one normal; one small - with cremated remains 4. Flint arrow point (1) - [other translucent biface] - “among the bones” 5. Tortoise shell ornament (1) - rectangular, one rounded end, 8 inches by 2 inches - unknown position [Photo] - No floor prep visible - Cover prep is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - Water barrier of light stone and shell at ends of grave - Grave area is large - One breastplate is small Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 44 Burial None Shetrone 1926:94 Feature Description: - Typical cremation Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Bear canine (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 45 Burial Burials 45A & 45B Shetrone 1926:95 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - massive build 2. Shell beads (“a number of”) - at neck 3. Bone needles (“several”, actually 6) - above head 4. Tortoise shell ornament (1) - scroll-like - at top of skull 5. Barracuda jaw ornament (1) - drilled for suspension - on chest 6. Cremated remains - extending from right elbow to knee of skeleton [Photo] - No floor preparation - Wall preparation is logs - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Body wrap is not visible - Platform absent - Grave area is large Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 46 Burial None Shetrone 1926:94 Feature Description: - Typical cremated burial - Platform Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) [Photo] - No floor preparation visible - Wall preparation is logs - Cover preparation is excavated cave - Body wrap not visible - No platform - Grave area is large No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 47 Burial Burials 47A & 47B Shetrone 1926:95-96 Figure 141, 143-144 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - heads to west - skeleton 1 to south - skeleton 2 to north 2. Ocean shell container (1) - above head - skeleton 1 cache 3. Bone needles (“several”, actually 5) - one with eye - above head - skeleton 1 cache [actually skeleton 2] 4. Pearl (10) and shell beads - at neck - skeleton 1 cache 5. Copper axe - with preserved fabric and raptorial bird head attached - on chest - skeleton 1 cache 6. Mica eagle’s foot with claws (1) - on chest with claws facing skeleton 2 (figure 143) - 3 claws - skeleton 1 cache 7. Copper axe (1) - on abdomen - skeleton 1 cache 8. Spearpoint “beautiful” (1) - [gem ross barbed] - amber chalcedony - at right hand - same material as Mound 25, Burial 22 - 7 inches long - skeleton 1 cache 9. Mica human hand (1) (figure 144) - between skulls of burials - closer to skeleton 2 - skeleton 1 cache 10. Shield shaped mica objects (2) (figure 141) - at abdomen between forearms of 2 skeletons - skeleton 1 cache 11. Mica eagle’s foot (1) - four toes rather than three - on chest facing skeleton 1 - skeleton 2 cache 12. Mica circles (2) - at hips - skeleton 2 cache 13. Curved mica figure - at hips - skeleton 2 cache 14. Copper earspools (2) - at ears - skeleton 2 cache 15. Shell beads (“a number”, actually 50) - at neck - skeleton 2 cache [Photo] - No floor preparation visible - Wall preparation is logs - No body wrap visible - No platform - Grave area is normal - One blade in hand - Bone “needles” may be awls/skewers - actually with two - Mica hand with skeleton 2 - Four additional mica cutouts (no particular shape) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 242, Skeleton 243 Burial Skeletons 242 & 243 Moorehead 1922:106 Feature Description: - Two skeletons together on a raised platform - Eight feet five inches long x five feet ten inches wide - Platform surrounded by a gutter varying around one foot in width - Gutter filled with brown clay and ashes - Burial 244 laid on a bench (platform) connected to the one for skeletons 242 to 243 - The bench was constructed in the same way Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - Skeleton 242 - Skeleton 243 2. Pearl and bone beads (“large pile”) - beside head - Skeleton 242 3. Round copper ball (1) - right hand - Skeleton 242 4. Spoon shaped copper ornament (1) - right hand - Skeleton 242 5. Earspool (1) - near left femur - Skeleton 242 6. Copper plate (1) - headdress with antler stubs - badly broken - left side of head - Skeleton 243 7. Pearl beads (“large number”) - right side of body - Skeleton 243 8. Copper earspool (1) - near left femur - Skeleton 243 9. Copper ball (1) - left hand - Skeleton 243 10. Copper spoon shaped ornament (1) - left hand - Skeleton 243 11. Bone bead necklace - Skeleton 243 - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 244 Burial None Moorehead 1922:106 Feature Description: - On a platform connected to the platform for burials 242 and 243. - Size of platform was eight feet, four inches by three feet, nine inches Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - Head to south 2. Bone beads (“a few”) - on left side of skeleton 3. Pearl beads (“number unknown”) - left side Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 245, Skeleton 246 Burial Skeletons 245 & 246 Moorehead 1922:107 Feature Description: - Skeletons laying in soft earth on the baseline Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - heads to west - Skeleton 245 - Skeleton 246 2. Flint knife (1) - [other flint prismatic blade] - under head - Skeleton 245 cache 3. Beads “many” - necklace of 700 bone beads - around the neck - Skeleton 245 cache 4. Bone awl (1) - beneath head - Skeleton 245 cache 5. Bone piercer (“some”) - needles - beneath head - Skeleton 245 cache 6. Shark tooth (1) - Skeleton 245 cache 7. Earspools (2) - Skeleton 246 cache 8. Beads (“many”) - Skeleton 246 cache 9. Pearl bracelet (1) - Skeleton 245 on wrist Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 247 Burial None Moorehead 1922:107 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Copper “spool” (1) - [earspool] - beside head 3. Bear’s teeth - cut and polished - unknown position 4. Large beads (“many”) - bone and pearl - unknown position 5. “Other object of interest” Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 248 Burial Skeletons 248 & 249 Moorehead 1922:107 Moorehead 1897:261; Shetrone 1926:86-87; Dorsey 1898 Feature Description: - Covered by small primary mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains - height is 5 feet, 11 inches - head to southeast 2. Platform pipe (1) - large - at right shoulder 3. Agate spearhead (1) - [unknown gem biface] - chalcedony - at right shoulder 4. Copper plates (3) - 1 on chest, 1 on abdomen, 1 under hips - preserved cloth attached 5. Bear’s teeth (“many”) - cut, sawed and split - covering chest and abdomen - 10 canines 6. Copper spool-shaped ornaments (“several”) - among ribs 7. Copper buttons (“several”) - among ribs 8. Beads (“several thousand”) - pearl and shell - probably sewn to a neck to knee garment - also bear’s teeth and large pearl beads at skirt of garment - on body 9. Headdress of wood and copper (1) - copper mass originally forming semi – circle reaching from lower jaw to the crown of the head - possibly associated with a face mask - antler shaped ornaments (wood encased in copper sheets) were originally 4 prongs of equal length 10. Bear claws - perforated - between Skeleton 248 and 249 11. Canine jaws - cut Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 249 Burial Skeletons 248 & 249 Moorehead 1922:108 Moorehead 1897:261, Greber & Ruhl, 1989 Feature Description: - Covered by small primary mound - Just west of Skeleton 248 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper staining of vault and carpals of both hands suggest artifacts were present 3. Panpipe (1) [Greber & Ruhl 1989: 58] - three 5 inch tubes - unknown position 4. Copper buttons [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - accession record say Skeleton 248 5. Bear claws [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - accession record say Skeleton 248 6. Canine jaws [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - accession record say Skeleton 248 7. Human skeletal remains [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - cremated remains FMNH 56095 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 250 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 251 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 252 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 253 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 254 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 255 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 256 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 257 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 258 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 259 Burial None Moorehead 1922:108 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 260, Skeleton 261 Burial Skeletons 260 & 261 Greber & Ruhl 1989:90-100 Moorehead 1897:261; Shetrone 1926:75-76; Dorsey 1898 Shetrone 1926 Figures 47, 49; Greber & Ruhl 1989 Figure 4.4; Brose et al. 1985 Plate 37 Feature Description: - Colored earth present Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - laying “together” with heads west, presumably side by side - associated artifacts (mostly copper) laid out in a rectangle, over bodies, of 7 feet by 5 feet - each object laid horizontally - these objects were sandwiched between 2 layers of bark, garments of cloth and tanned leather (some with hair) [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - may have been at the original center of the mound, and may have been first interments [Dorsey] - under small primary mound 2. Copper celts (axes/adzes) - 66 [Shetrone and Greber] - ranging from 1 ½ inches 22 ½ inches long (figure 47) - over body 3. Celts axes or adzes (3) - meteoric iron (figure 49) - over body 4. Celt of stone (1) - over body - 11 inches in length 5. Copper plates (90) - fragmentary [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - over body 6. Plates (2) - [head plate] - meteoric iron - textile adheres, finely woven - over body 7. Copper headdress (1) - has two sprouting horns [Greber & Ruhl 1989] 8. Headplates (1) - meteoric iron - fragmentary with no horns 9. Breastplates (2 or 3) - meteoric iron - portions only 10. Copper effigies - copper sheet cutout of raven-like or crow-like bird [Greber & Ruhl 1989:93, figure 4.4; see also Brose et al. 1985:50, plate 37; or 150, figure 25] - raven-like or crow-like bird - over body 11. Algodonite (copper arsenide) nuggets (21) - partially hammered - displays a bronze streak - over body 12. Native silver masses (3 plus) - partially hammered - one is perforated for suspension [Greber & Ruhl 1989] - over body 13. Meteoric iron nuggets (2) - unworked - over body 14. Meteoric iron nuggets (unknown number) - partially hammered 15. Jaws (1) - type not given - very large - over body 16. Shell (1) - broken - ocean shell - over body 17. Pearls (“some”) - very fine - over body 18. Beads (16,000) - pearl and shell - over body 19. Teeth - a few bear - type not given - over body 20. Bone - [wand/baton] - carved - human femur and eagle? - over body 22. Shell containers - over body 23. Copper anklets (“several”) - over body 24. Copper bracelets (“several”) - over body 25. Copper disks/rings (“several”) - over body 26. Beads - meteoric iron - over body 27. Bear head form copper piece - over body 28. Round bone beads (?) - over body Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 264 Burial None Moorehead 1922:110 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east 2. Copper celts (2) - 1 under the head - 1 under the right hand 3. Flint drill (1) - beside head 4. Beads (a number of) - pearl/bone - near neck 5. Copper mass - by left side 6. Point (1) - [other flint biface point] - 3 and 7/8 inches 7. Animal teeth - some cut - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources Relevant Figures & Plates Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 265, Skeleton 266 Burial Skeleton 265 & 266 Moorehead 1922:110 Greber & Ruhl 1989:31, 93 Greber & Ruhl 1989 Figure 4.4 Feature Description: - Two skeletons side by side on a platform surrounded by trenches Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - heads to west - Skeleton 266 is missing cranium 2. Bird-like copper effigy - head only - raven-like or crow-like copper sheet cutout [Greber & Ruhl 1989:31, 93, figure 4.4] - under head, where head would be - fine fur adhered to surface - with Skeleton 266 3. Mica piece (1) - with Skeleton 266 No Artifacts (Skeleton 265) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 267 Burial None Moorehead 1922:110 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Copper “ear-bob” (2) - [earspool] - unknown position 3. Beads (“a few”, actually 3-4) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 268 Burial None Moorehead 1922:110-111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Beads (“a few”) - some shell - one string bone beads 3. Copper plate (1) - mica cutout fragments attached - probably fastened to plate - “leather” adheres to the reverse side - under hips 4. Pearl beads - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 269 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Shell - [ocean shell container] - “near head” 3. Copper plate (1) - “near head” 4. Beads - “near head” Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 270 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Copper axe (1) - around head 3. Cut mica ornaments - around head 4. Bear’s teeth - inset with pearls - around head 5. Copper plate (1) - around skull 6. Beads (200) - around head; string of bone beads [accession] 7. Bear maxilla (1) - cut - beside head 8. Bear claws - beside head 9. Bear teeth - cut - eleven canines - beside head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 271 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Piece of mica (1) - circular - possible mirror - unknown position 3. Few beads - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 272 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - partially cremated - head to north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 273 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 274 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Copper “ear-bobs”, earspools (2) - unknown position 3. Stone celt (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 275 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to the north 2. Mica sheets - in pit near head 3. Small pipe (1) - in pit near head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 276 Burial None Moorehead 1922:113 Feature Description: - No logs - No platform Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to the north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 277 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north 2. Copper plate (1) - under head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Burial 278 Burial None Shetrone 1926:77 Moorehead 1926:111 Figure 38 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east 2. Incised human femur (1) - beside the skeleton’s head (Plate 82) 3. Shell ear pendants (2) - found near the neck 4. Small pearl beads (“a number of”) - beside head 5. Copper earspools (2) - unknown position 6. Perforated bear’s teeth (“several”, actually 6) - 2 inlaid with pearls - unknown position 7. Imitation bear’s tooth (1) - antler - large - unknown position 8. Human effigy - cannel coal - effigy of a human thumb (figure 38) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 279 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Mica sheets (3) - under skull 3. Galena lumps (3) - on shoulders 4. Small pyrula shell (1) - near hips Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 280 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to south 2. Beads (a number of) - around neck Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 281 Burial None Moorehead 1922:111-112 Shetrone 1926:77 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east 2. Copper plates (3) - one beneath hips, one beneath shoulders, one under head - two were largest found by Moorehead 3. Copper helmet shaped headdress (1) - on head 4. Copper ear ornaments (“several”) - on body 5. Clay hemisphere - metal covered copper - on body 6. Copper beads (25 plus) - on body 7. Finely carved human femur (1) 8. Tortoise shell ornament - [weapon] - stylized fish 9. Bird effigy of bone (1) - by side of head 10. Otter or beaver effigy (1) - boatstone with 2 holes - otter with a captured shoveller duck - outline of bird indicated by incised lines - by side of head 11. Cut animal maxilla - unknown position 12. String of bone beads (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 282 Burial None Moorehead 1892: January 1 Moorehead 1922: Mound 25 Map Feature Description: - Unknown - [May be somewhat elaborate because Moorehead delayed describing it while finishing up some minor notes then apparently forgot to describe it] - called Altar 282 [field notes:38] Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head west Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 283 Burial None Moorehead 1922:113 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 284 Burial None Moorehead 1922:113 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 285 Burial None Moorehead 1922:114 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 286 Burial None Moorehead 1922:114 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Beads (200-300) - bone and pearl - around neck 3. Ocean shells - at head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 287 Burial None Moorehead 1892:1-1-92 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 288 Burial None Moorehead 1922:114 Feature Description: - Arch of stones overhead Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 25, Skeleton 289, Skeleton 290 Burial Skeletons 289 & 290 Moorehead 1922:114 Feature Description: - Earth below skeletons burned hard and covered with a thin layer of charcoal - Arch of stones over heads - Many boulders - laid over bodies to between 14 and 15 inches thickness - arranged in an arch to shelter the skulls of both skeletons Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - heads toward east - side by side 2. Resin pendant (1) - perforated for suspension - on the shoulder blades of Skeleton 289 3. Beads (several hundred) - around the neck of Skeleton 289 Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Crematory Basin Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:106-107 Feature Description: - Crematory basin - Small and finely made measuring 20 by 26 inches at rim, five inches deep - Floor around basin burned a deep red and carbonaceous matter was strewn around - Basin filled with loose charred matter to top, within which were some artifacts - charred mass was of grass, twigs, fabric, and leaves mostly. Contents: 1. Copper axe or adze blades (4) - 3 were intentionally broken 2. Peculiar shell objects (6) - thread spool shaped and sized 3. Oval shell bead (1) 4. Large shell beads (“a number”, actually 7) - pointed at ends 5. Thin marine shell fragments 6. Tubular bone beads (“several thousand”) 7. Small shell beads (“several thousand”, actually 3500) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Deposit Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:105-106 Figure 112 Feature Description: - Basin like depression in the body of the mound - One foot above floor - Dug into mound after had reached its height when found by survey, but its final height is unknown - Basin measured four feet across top - A few feet west of Burial 6 Contents: 1. Shell beads (1000) - in basin 2. Red flint flake knives (5) - long - in basin 3. Copper earspools (2) - in basin 4. Woven fabric fragments - in basin 5. Scrolled copper plate (1) (figure 112) - large and fine - talon design at four corners - two large oblong beads, one of pearl, one of shell at perforation - in basin - secured to base to wood 5/8” thick Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1926:103 Feature Description: - Enclosed by a structure of small timbers - No platform - Placed directly on the clean, burned floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Small rectangular breastplate (1) - 5 ½ inches long - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 2 Burial None Shetrone 1926:103 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to the southeast 2. Pearl beads (100) - at neck - necklace 3. Small pearls (“a few”) - at right wrist Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 3 Burial None Shetrone:1926:103 Feature Description: - Small timber enclosure Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspool (1) - unknown position 3. Shell beads (200) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 4 Burial None Shetrone 1929:103 Feature Description: - Timber enclosure Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - at head 3. Shell beads (200) - at head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 5 Burial None Shetrone 1926:103 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast - medium size 2. Copper earspools (2) - in each hand 3. Pearls (“a few”) - at neck Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 6 Burial None Shetrone 1926:103-105 Feature Description: - Pretentious rectangular enclosure of logs Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - 6 feet tall - massive - legs and arms flexed - body extended 2. Copper helmet like headdress (1) - curved to conform to crown of head - woven fabric and many pearls in association - large spherical shell beads in association - small marginella shell beads in association 3. Grizzly canines (2 sets) - cut and drilled - set with large pearls , four total - at neck 4. Bear canines, not grizzly (6) - drilled for attachment - at neck 5. Pearl beads (1050) - at neck - around head 6. Rectangular plate (1) - beneath hips - 2 large oblong pearls attached - fastened to woven fabric also decorated with pearls 7. Split bear canines (8) - at hips 8. Ocean shell container (1) - near right foot - to west of body 9. Trophy skull - 15 inches away - to left of head - platform pipe, one gray plain pipestone, with skull - four perforated circular shell disks, with skull - shell beads “a number of” upwards of 1000 some large spherical specimens 10. Large round shell beads (150) - at head and neck 11. Small shell beads (300) - sewed to headdress [Photo] - No floor preparation visible - No platform - Photo says beads on chest - Bear canines on chest, in hands, and at neck Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 26, Burial 7 Burial None Shetrone 1926:105 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northeast - height is 5 feet, 11 inches 2. Copper earspools (2) - at each ear 3. Shell and pearl beads (“a number”, actually 100 pearl, 300 shell) - at neck - above head 4. Copper axes (2) - in each hand [Photo] - No logs - Excavated cave - Cover preparation is excavated cave - No body wrap visible - No platform Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Burial 1 Burial None Shetrone 1926:107 Feature Description: - Several flat stones set on edge at feet Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - badly decayed - head to north 2. Bone awl (1) - deer leg bone - at head Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 172 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Feature Description: - Northwest corner of central crematory basin Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to northwest - badly burned 2. Ocean shell container (1) - near head on left side Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 173 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Dorsey 1891a Plate 41 A Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west (Plate 41A) 2. Copper earspools (2) - 1 in each hand 3. Flake knife (1) - [other flint prismatic blade] - beside right wrist 4. Mussel shells (beads?) - near right wrist - near left side of head 5. Platform pipe (1) - red porphyry - plain - near left side of head [Dorsey] 6. Bone beads - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 174 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Plate 41 Map Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east - foot bones absent No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 175 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Plate 41 Feature Description: - Six feet southeast of center very near surface Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to southeast - one arm missing 2. Copper ear ornaments (2) - left hand - probably because right was missing 3. Bone awls - beneath skeleton 4. Copper cones - ½” high; ¾” wide - beneath skeleton 5. Large cut mica sheet (1) - mirror? - to right of skeleton 6. Circular mica ornaments - to right of skeleton 7. Shell items - badly decayed - beneath skeleton Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 176 Burial None Moorehead 1922:94-95 Moorhead 1897: Figures 12 & 14 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north 2. Shell cups (2) - One on left side of head - One beside left arm - Adjacent to each other 3. Copper celts (3) - one under skull - outside left wrist and halfway up left ulna 4. Crescent shaped copper implement (1) - under skull 5. Copper earspools [10 per drawing] - 1 by left patella (outer side) - 1 in each hand - 1 by left hip - 1 by upper left leg - 1 by wrist - 1 by elbow - 1 between knees 6. Copper bracelet (1) - around right wrist 7. Beads (250) - around neck and at base of right humerus Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 177 Burial None Moorehead 1922:95 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - height is 5 feet, 6 inches 2. Wooden bear’s teeth - copper plated - either side of lower jaw 3. Platform pipe (1) - by left arm (near wrist) - reddish stone 4. Stone earspools - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 178 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Plate 41(Map) Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to north No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Relevant Figures & Plates: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 179 Burial None Moorehead 1922: Plate 41 Plate 41(Map) Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to east Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 27, Skeleton 180 Burial None Moorehead 1922:98 Feature Description: - Disturbed by plow Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - bones splintered and scattered - head to northeast [per map] Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 28, Crematory Basin Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Shetrone 1926:108-109 Feature Description: - Basin measuring 27 by 23 inches Contents: 1. Pottery vessel fragments - in basin 2. Mica design fragments - in basin 3. Flint flake knives (2 or 3) - in basin 4. Tubular shell beads (“several hundred”, actually 1800) [Photo] - Tubular beads are of bird bone - Pottery is McGraw cord-marked Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Moorehead 1922:91a Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:90-92 Feature Description: - East end of mound - Charred oak log - Covered on south end by mica plates (Plate 40) Contents: 1. Mica sheets (3000 for whole mound) - Placed on edge over north and south end of a charred oak log - Also laid out in a layer covering perhaps half of southeast quadrant of mound - the mica sheets which were laid flat here were laid down carefully in layers [field notes] - fragments of deer bone were picked up near the edge of the mica layers [field notes] 2. Galena lumps (12) - 12-15 pounds each - some covered by mica Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Moorehead 1922:91b Ceremonial Deposit Not Applicable Moorehead 1922:91 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Copper awls (about 10) - laid out in three rows facing southeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Moorehead 1922:91c Burial None Moorehead 1922:91 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Copper earspools (2) - nearby 3. Copper celt (1) - nearby 4. Large copper breastplate (1) - nearby 5. Circular mica ornaments - nearby Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Moorehead 1922:92 Burial None Moorehead 1922:92-94 Feature Description: - Crematory basin Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Skeleton 167 Burial None Moorehead 1922:91 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head northwest [per map] 2. Copper plate (1) - on legs and hips 3. Copper earspools (2) - on hips 4. Copper celt (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Skeleton 168 Burial None Moorehead 1922:91 Feature Description: - Near center of mound - Near cache of copper awls (about 10) Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head east [per map] 2. Earthen vessel - a few feet to southeast Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 29, Skeleton 169 Burial None Moorehead 1922:91 Feature Description: - Western 1/3 of mound near center - Just east of crematory basin Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - heat to east [per map] Note: The following objects are listed in the accession records or elsewhere but are probably not associated with Skeleton 169. More likely they represent additional items removed from the mound but not associated with a particular individual: 2. Circular mica cutouts (“several”) 3. Mica plates 4. Copper implements 5. Bone awls 6. Copper celts (2) 7. Shark teeth 8. Copper plate 9. Flaked knives - obsidian 10. Galena (4 lumps) 11. Copper lump (1) 12. Copper earspools 13. Bear teeth (“fragments”) 14. Antler fragments 15. Silver object fragments 16. Jar of calcite pebbles 17. Shell spoon (1) - mussel Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Hopewell Earthwork Mound 30, Cremation Burial None Shetrone 1924: April 14 Feature Description: - Cremation scattered in oval shape six feet in diameter on floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Mica geometrics (“several”) - unknown position 3. Flint arrow and spear points (“several”) - broken - unknown position 4. Pottery (“several types”) - both plain and decorated - unknown position 5. Sandstone tablet (1) - unknown position