Bo Deng Department of Mathematics UNL IIT, 14 Feb. 2011 Working Hypothesis Evolution is driven to maximize biodiversity against constraints in time and energy across all biological scales Applied to all informational systems: o DNA Replication o Protein Synthesis o Sexual Reproduction o Speciation to Phylogenetic Tree o Ecological Community o Animal Brain o Consciousness o Language o Social, Economical, Political Structures Channel C. E. Shannon, ``A mathematical theory of communication,'' Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 27, pp. 379-423 and 623-656, July and October, 1948. Claude E. Shannon (1916-2001) What is Information? and What Matters the Most? All about choices Transmission Speed Comparison Dial-up 2400 bps ~ 56Kbps DSL 128 Kbps ~ 8 Mbps Cable 512 Kbps ~ 20 Mbps Internet Satellite ~ 6 Mbps Optic Fiber 45 Mbps ~ 150 Mbps Mathematical Measure of Information: What is in a bit? One Bit = One Binary Digit Dead Channel --- Transmit only one kind of symbol all the times e.g. 0000….. 0 bit 0 bit information Live Channel --- Transmit one of many possible symbols each time, e.g. 011101… in a binary channel Each transmitted symbol is either 0 or 1 Each symbol contains 1 bit information Pop Quiz: How many bits in a quaternary symbol, 1, 2, 3, 4? or in a symbol of n alphabets, 1, 2, 3, …, n? Answer: H4 = 2 bits, and Hn = log2 n bits respectively because 4 = 2 log2 4, n = 2 log2 n # of sequences length log n = # ofsymbol choices n is just 0 or 1 Key Assumption: Each of transmitted Ex: { a, b, c, d } = 2 Bit Unit: …… { 00, 01, 10, 11} one of n equally probable choices What is in the transmission rate? Let tk be time needed to transmit symbol k Then the average transmission time per base is Tn = (t1 + t2 + t3 +…+ tn ) / n And the mean rate is Rn = Hn / Tn = n log2 n / (t1 + t2 + t3 +…+ tn ) The definition implicitly assumes that all symbols occur equally probable. Why, or is it reasonable? Recall: Rn = Hn / Tn = n log2n / (t1 + t2 + t3 +…+ tn ) All-purpose Channel Each transmitted Symbol 1 is just one choice out of 1/p1 many possible choices therefore Symbol 1spams, contains Internet message types:and video, audio, pictures, …etc log2 1/pfrequency 1 bits information Each has different distribution in the encoding symbols since 1/p1 = 2 log2 1/p1 Bit Unit: 0 or 1 1/p1 = # of sequences of length log 1/p1 …… 2 Similarly, Symbol k contains log2 1/pk bits information Example: Pick a marble from Important fact: The average bits per symbol for our video only source is Equiprobability a bagp oflog 2 blue, andH = log n H(p) = H(p) p1 log=2p1/p +…+ 1/p <= 1 2 1/p1 +…+ n 2 pn log n 2 1/pnn 2 1 log 5 read marbles Probability for picking Conclusion: For an all-purpose channel, the mean rate Example of Possible Non-equiprobability: a blue marble: is calculated anyever particular source If we know all video files not thatfor have transmitted = 2/7source entropy, entropy but we for can thepmaximal over the internet, then make blue an accurate Hn , which reached equaprobability Number of with choices for each blue picked frequency table: saypis 1 for Symbol 1, p2 for 2, etc, and distribution of the symbols. pn for symbol n 1 /transmitting pblue = 7/2 =3.5 Design Criterion To choose n so that Rn = Hn / Tn is the largest! Example Encoding states: .... Symbols: 1 2 3 …. n Trans. Times: t1 t2 t3 … tn Assume: t1 = 1 sec, t2 = 2 sec, t3 = 3 sec, … , tn = n sec Then Rn = Hn / Tn = n log2n / (t1 + t2 + t3 +…+ tn ) = 2 log2 n / (n+1) DNA Replication James D. Watson (1928 -), Francis Crick (1916 - 2004), Molecular structure of nucleic acids, Nature, 171(1953), pp.737--738. Communication Model for DNA Replication Fact: DNA replication is the same for all genomes Replication is a sequential process – one base a time Observation: Each species genome is an information source Genome upon replication is a transmitted message Conceptual Model: DNA replication is an all-purpose channel Questions: Why 4 bases: A, T , C , G? Replication Mean Rate: Rn = Hn / Tn , (per-base diversity rate) Assumption: Weaker chemical bonds take longer to replicate (Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle: t E ~ constant ) Time scale of a single Hydrogen bond pairing: 4X10-15 sec. Paring times of high energy bonds are ignored (as a first attempt/order approximation for the pairing time) tA = tT = pairing time of one H…O bond = t0 tG = tC = pairing time of two H…O bond = 2 t0 t5 = t6 = pairing time of three H…O bond = 3 t0, etc. (by Watson and Crick’s base paring principle) The Result Let k = # of base pairs, and n = # of bases Then n=2k Since t2m-1 =t2m = m t0 for m = 1,2, …, k Rn = Hn / Tn = log2 n / [2(t1 + t3 + …+ t2k-1) /n] = log2 n / [(n/2+1) t0/2] A further refined model predicts 1.65 < tC,G / tA,T < 3 R4 = the optimal rate 1.8267 2 Sexes Problem Sexual Reproduction is a process of information exchange Reproduction Mean Ratio: Sn = Hn / En , Assumption: Information payoff per-crossover base for n sexes: Hn = log2 n 1:1 sex ratio with M members for each sex Cost to sexual reproduction in energy and time is inversely proportional to the probability of having a reproductive group of n members having exactly one sex each Reproductive group is formed by random encounter Reproductive Probability: Reproductive Group in k Tries: Expected Tries for One Reproductive Group : Expected Tries for One Reproductive Group for Large Population : The Result: Entropy-to-Cost Ratio: Sn = Hn / En , M = 10m Genetic Entropy Exchange without Sexual but Existential Cost : Multiparous Strategy Multiparous Entropy: Multiparous Cost : Multiparous Entropy to Cost Ratio : With Mixed (Random & Wedlock) Cost : Discussions n=4 Slower by Evolutionary Set-back by n=2 < 0.75 > 25% > 1 billion yrs n=6 < 0.98 > 2% > 80 million yrs Rn / R4 a=2 Evolutionary Clock Set-back with 3 Sexes: Life on Earth could have not evolved faster and have had a richer diversity at the same time Consistent with Darwinian Theory of Survival-ofthe-Fittest theory but at the molecular level Question: Was the origin of life driven by informational selection? The Role of Mathematics Why is the per-base diversity measure by Hn = log2 n or H ( p ) = S pk log2 1/pk log2 1/(p1 p2) = log2 1/p1 + log2 1/p2 Information is additive Mathematics is driven by open problems Science is driven by existing solutions Mathematical modeling is to discover the mathematics to which Nature fits as a solution Exception to the rule is the rule in biology Acknowledgements Dr. Reg Garrett, Department of Biology, University of Virginia, regarding the GC transcription elongation problem Dr. David Ussery, Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark, on most base frequency data Dr. Daniel Smith, Department of Biology, Oregon State University, regarding the base frequencies of P. ubique Dr. Tony Joern, Department of Biology, UNL, Kansas State University Dr. Etsuko Moriyama, the Beadle Center for Genetics Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dr. Hideaki Moriyama, Dr. Xiao-Cheng Zhen, Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Irakli Loladze, David Logan, Department of Mathematics, UNL The show of life is on your DNA channel We are consumers of reproductive entropy Genome Base Frequency A T G C d S. coelicolor 13.9 14.0 36.1 36.0 0.1% -44.2% E. coli K-12 24.6 24.6 25.4 25.4 0.0% -1.6% E. coli O15:H7 24.8 24.7 25.2 25.2 0.1% -1.0% Human* 29.4 29.7 20.5 20.4 0.3% 18.2% P.ubique 35.3 35.0 14.9 14.8 0.3% 40.6% W. glossinidia 38.8 38.7 11.2 11.3 0.1% 55.0% * Base frequency for the chromosome 14 which has the largest d. d max{ | p A pT |, | pG pC |} ( p A pT ) ( pG pC ) Viruses are taking advantage of the replication system by having the near maximal per-base diversity entropy and having their hosts do the replication for them. Genome Base Frequency A T G C d H ( p) phage P1 26.1 26.6 23.5 23.8 0.5% 5.4% 1.9978 phage T4 31.8 32.9 16.5 18.8 2.3% 29.5% 1.9355 phage VT2-Sa 25.6 24.5 26.9 23.0 3.9% 0.2% 1.9976 phage 933W 27.6 22.8 27.4 22.2 5.2% 0.8% 1.9927 phage phiX174 24.0 31.3 23.3 21.5 7.3% 10.6% 1.9846 max. 2.0000 To Maximize Stationary Entropy: H(p) = p1 log2 1/p1 +…+ pn log2 1/pn 1.8267 Genome 1.8267 Base Frequency A T G C d ** H ( p) t A,T R( p) S. coelicolor 13.9 14.0 36.1 36.0 0.1% -44.2% 1.8538 1.1623 E. coli K-12 24.6 24.6 25.4 25.4 0.0% -1.6% 1.9998 1.4093 E. coli O15:H7 24.8 24.7 25.2 25.2 0.1% -1.0% 1.9999 1.4122 Human* 29.4 29.7 20.5 20.4 0.3% 18.2% 1.9834 1.4005 P.ubique 35.3 35.0 14.9 14.8 0.3% 40.6% 1.8774 1.5081 W. glossinidia 38.8 38.7 11.2 11.3 0.1% 55.0% 1.7688 1.4921 * Base frequency for the chromosome 14 which has the largest d. **a 1.8267 Others have to scramble with individual and absolute Channel Capacities, i.e., Objective: Max. R(p) = H (p) / T (p) Subject to: p1 + p2 + …+ pn = 1, pk > 0 Optimization Result: pA pT , pG pC pG pAa, a tG,C /tA,T K = max R(p) = (log2 1/pA) /tA,T