Assignment List

Don Barrie
Spring Design
Week 1:
Reading assignment:
Line: Inventory, Four Lines/Four Times; Line Dynamics; Architectural
Abstraction. Write biographical statement.
Weeks 2 & 3: Reading assignment
:Shape: Inventory; The Parts and the Puzzle; Concealing/Revealing 1;
Week 4:
Reading assignment:
Texture: Inventory; Architectural Alphabet.
Week 5:
Reading assignment:
Value: Concealing/Revealing 2; The World Is a Stage.
Week 6:
Reading assignment:
Weight and Balance, Scale and Proportion: Balancing Act;
Weeks 7, 8, 9: Reading assignment:
Unity and Variety: Architectural Labyrinth Visual Book Project
Week 10:
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Reading assignment:
Color: Inventory and Chromatic Quilt
Reading assignment:
Color: Concealing/Revealing 3, begin Dualities
Reading assignment:
Color: Dualities
Reading assignment:
Word and Image: Poster Design: research
Reading assignment:
Word and Image: Poster Design: roughs
Reading assignment:
Word and Image: Poster Design: final
The purpose of this assignment is to provide me with some background on your work and
to give you practice writing about your ideas and intentions. Write anything you think
necessary, two to three typed pages. Consider: How long and for what reason have you
made art? What were your major interests in high school? What major themes appear in
your work? What are the sources of your ideas? What do you want to accomplish in this
course? Under what conditions do you learn the most? What gives you most
confidence/motivation? Is there anything else you want me to know? The sooner I get to
know you, the more effectively I can teach you, so really give this assignment some time
and thought.