改善英語教學工作坊 議程表及報名表 主講者:Torben Nielsen 活動報名:97.10.15~97.11.4 報名方式:E-mail 至 peiling@ntcn.edu.tw 或傳真至 02-28264238 活動日期&時間:第一場次 97.11.7(五) 下午 2:00~4:00 第二場次 97.11.14(五) 下午 2:00~4:00 第一場次: Title: Building Dynamic and Visual Reading Classrooms with The National Geographic Footprint Reading Library 第二場次: Title: ‘Interactive’ Listening Strategies – The How & Why? 活動地點:國立台北護理學院親仁樓 B314(台北市明德路 365 號捷運石牌站) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 改善英語教學工作坊報名表 姓名 機關/學校名稱 連絡電話 參加場次 □兩場都參加(11/7 & 11/14) □只參加第一場(11/7) □只參加第二場(11/14) E-mail 至 peiling@ntcn.edu.tw 或傳真至 02-28264238 連絡電話:02-28227101ext3540, 3542 E-mail Title: Building Dynamic and Visual Reading Classrooms with The National Geographic Footprint Reading Library Presenter: Torben K. Nielsen, ELT Product Specialist for Grater China, CENGAGE Learning Abstract: This short presentation will introduce teachers to the amazing sights and sounds of the new National Geographic Footprint Reading Library, a brand new 8 leveled graded reader series from Heinle-CENGAGE Learning. The Footprint Reading Library is the first non-fiction reading series for English language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and DVD based on the National Geographic Digital Media videos starting at the elementary to advanced level. The 100 titles of the Footprint Reading Library, focusing on key vocabulary from the Academic Word List (AWL), are designed for both intensive and extensive reading and are perfect for supplementing coursebooks to bring your classrooms to life! Inspired by National Geographic, teachers can now explore English language learning and support graded reading through visual learning with the beauty of the world in which we live in. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Title: ‘Interactive’ Listening Strategies – The How & Why? Presenter: Torben K. Nielsen Abstract: Classroom instruction in Taiwan increasingly emphasizes the improvement of listening skills with listening comprehension being a part of the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT). However, we would be wrong to believe that by simply providing learners only with endless material modeled exactly on exams, and to insist that only “more listening practice” would adequately prepare their students. Instead, they will require step-by-step training to acquire the specific strategies they need to be skilled listeners and speakers. To provide superior instruction and keep learners motivated, students need a new paradigm through which to view the acquisition of essential listening skills. In this workshop, the presenter will describe how students must learn to carefully interact with the messages they hear in a variety of ways and circumstances. Workshop attendees will be introduced to how the teaching of selected listening & speaking strategies are necessary for learners to internalize to become ‘interactive listeners’ and achieve their ultimate goal: acquiring communicative competence.