4. Weather and Clothing read

4. Weather and Clothing
 I can read a paragraph about weather.
Use the worksheets about tornados and ice storms.
Have students read and answer the questions.
Go over answers in groups or all together.
 I can read a weather map, and ask and answer questions with a
Do the worksheet provided.
Place students in pairs. Pre-teach and model these questions and answers, then
have students work in pairs to ask and answer questions:
o Where will it be dry? It will be dry here (point, or use name of state or
o What will it be like in California? It will be cold.
Note that this depends on students’ knowledge of states. If they don’t know any
state names, you could use this opportunity to have them label a few, such as
California, Texas and New York. Make sure they know where their own state is.
 I can describe what people are wearing, and pictures of clothing.
 I can talk about appropriate clothing for different weather.
Have students work in pairs to describe what other students are wearing. (If
students don’t know the names of any articles of clothing, teach the words.)
Have students look at clothing pictures (or pictures of people), describing the
clothing they see.
Repeat the above activities, only this time make sentences in relation to the
This jacket and pants are good for fall or winter.
That top is for summer.
Your rain coat and umbrella are good for rainy weather.
Name a season, and have students suggest appropriate clothing items.
Circle game: Sit in a circle (have 5-6 students in a circle – make two if the class is
large). Begin by saying something like. “It’s winter. I’ll wear a hat.” The next
person would say something like “It’s winter. I’ll wear a hat and a coat.” The next
person would add another item, saying something like “It’s winter. I’ll wear a hat,
a coat and a scarf.” Make sure students repeat all the sentences, correctly. Make
sure correct articles and plurals are used (“a scarf”, “boots”).
 I can write about changes in weather or dress.
 I can read about changes in weather or dress, and write questions.
Use the worksheet.
Note that “used to” is used as a verb meaning a habit in the past. When there is an
auxiliary like “did” that already includes the past, it will change to “use to”.
Weather Events
A tornado is very fast, swirling, powerful wind. This
picture, taken in Indiana in1965, shows two
tornadoes, side by side. Tornadoes cause a lot of
Write answers in complete sentences:
1. What is a tornado?
2. How many tornados are there in the picture?
3. Write two sentences describing the tornado damage in the picture.
Ice Storms
Read about Betty’s experience:
“This is the worst ice storm we have ever
had! The ice is so heavy on the trees that
many branches are falling off. We have
been without electricity for four days. Many
people are freezing. Fortunately, we have
a kerosene heater. We can’t cook because
our stove is electric. No one can go out on
the roads because they are too icy.”
Write answers in complete sentences:
1. Why are branches falling off the trees?
2. Write two problems that people are having.
3. If you hear that there will be an ice storm, how will you prepare? Write two
things you will do.
United States Weather Forecast
Fill in the blanks with these words:
People predict the weather. This is called a _______________________.
When winter is not very cold, we say it is _________________________.
When there is not much rain or snow, it is ________________________.
When snow falls, it is ______________________.
Tell what the weather will be like in Pennsylvania. Write complete sentences!
What are they wearing?
Underline “used to” in this paragraph.
I used to live in Indonesia. There, it was hot and rainy. So, I used to wear
long skirts and summer shirts. I used to carry an umbrella everywhere I
went, and I didn’t use to own a coat! Now I live in Pennsylvania, and I have
to wear a coat and boots when it is snowy.
What does “used to” mean? Circle the best phrase:
One action in the past
A habit in the past
Ask a classmate where he/she used to live. Write the question and your
classmate’s answer here:
Question: _____________________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________
Answer these questions with complete sentences. Use “used to”.
1. How did you use to dress in your country?
2. What weather did you use to enjoy in your country?