VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes November 28, 2011

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2011
Call to Order
a. Krueger calls meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call
a. Total: 17
b. Present: Aune, Dahlberg, Dammel, Davis, Edinger, Faure, Hansen, Haugeberg, Henkel,
Jilek, Johnson, Krueger, Martin, Oakes, Oladosu, Rhyan, Pederson, Wright
c. Excused: Hoover, Rhyan
d. Unexcused: Shadlock
e. Quorum: Met at 94.44%
Approval of Minutes
a. Oladosu motions to approve the minutes. Edinger with second.
i. Dahlberg motions to friendly amend the minutes to ND HECSAP instead of ND
HECSEP. Oladosu accepts.
ii. Motion passes
Approval of Agenda
a. Dahlberg motions to approve the agenda. Martin with second.
i. Motion passes
New Business
a. Senator of the Semester
i. Each semester we select a senator for this award.
ii. Presented outstanding qualities or attributes to student senate.
iii. Nominations this week, select the second week.
1. Nominate Oladosu. Oladosu accepts nomination.
2. Nominate Davis. Davis accepts nomination.
3. Nominate Krueger. Krueger accepts nomination.
4. Nominate Shadlock. Shadlock accepts nomination.
5. Nominate Jilek. Jilek accepts nomination.
6. Nominate Dahlberg. Dahlberg accepts nomination.
b. Christmas Party/Community Service
i. Faculty and staff are doing bell ringing December 9th.
ii. Doing Linus project and making cards for soldiers.
iii. Monday the 12th will be the Christmas party and Linus Project.
iv. Have a regular meeting as well. Do this at the same time.
v. Tykwinski to come next week to discuss student ID card new system.
vi. Christmas party with hot apple cider, hot chocolate, and cookies.
c. Christmas Card
i. What picture do we want?
1. Cross out Village People
2. Construction votes – 9
3. Ugly Sweater votes – 4
4. Keep former pic votes – 3
5. Go with construction theme
d. Student Senate Meeting Time
i. What are the thoughts on 7:00pm Monday night meetings?
1. Keep it
Unfinished Business
a. Spring Blast
i. Encourage people to apply for chair and co-chair.
ii. Thursday is the last day to apply
b. Senate Apparel
i. Not here to present
c. Viking Spirit
i. Doing it this week and next week. Then it will be done for the semester.
a. President
i. Success 2015
1. Reviewed the strategic plan for University
2. Edited language
3. Adjusted a few things
b. Vice President
i. Faculty Senate
1. Approved a whole bunch of curriculum stuff
2. Next meeting is this Thursday for more curriculum to be approved.
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
i. Past Events
1. November 22nd: Turkey Bowling
ii. Upcoming Events
1. November 30th: Grocery Bag Bingo
2. December 2nd: Vikings After Dark
3. December 7th: Semi-formal Dance
4. December 8th: Christmas Crafts
5. December 8th: Tom Olrick – Wildlife photography
6. December 11th: Finals Breakfast
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. Meeting is tonight.
ii. Working on care packages
iii. Viking Visit day was last weekend
i. Athletics
i. Women’s Basketball
1. Were defeated by U of M Crookston 76-60 and Division 1 NDSU 85-64.
Play tonight at 7 versus Concordia College and also Saturday versus
University of Sioux Falls at 2pm. Both games are home.
ii. Men’s Basketball
1. Sekani Milligen was named the Association of Independent Institutions
Male Athlete of the Week. The team traveled to Florida over the
weekend and beat Ave Maria 69-58 and then beat Johnson & Wales 7466, currently at 6-3 on the season. They are in St. Cloud playing tonight
and host University of Sioux Falls Saturday at 4pm at home.
Fine Arts
i. Recital this evening
ii. Student show is coming up.
iii. December 9th is a reception from 5:00 to 6:30pm
k. Communication and Social Sciences
i. Kyle Vareberg is directing a show for his senior project called, “Life in the Fat
1. Open auditions for people of all ages on December 5th
2. For more information, look at the callboard outside Theater 320. Or
contact Kyle for more information.
l. Business and Information Technologies
m. Education
n. Science and Math
i. Had faculty/staff asked if they will have photography classes still
1. No Dark Room in the building
2. Going completely digital
o. Other Reports
i. Curriculum Committee
1. Last of the semester
2. Approved the music business minor to stay as music business, but it will
be for music production.
a. Not approved for state board
3. Approved ACCT 450
4. Changed the MATH courses for pre-college math courses.
a. Will be on campus instead of online
b. Did away with MATH 199
c. MATH 092, 093
a. For Christmas picture, would it be possible for the mascot to be in the picture?
b. Coloring club wants to know if they can still color with us for the soldier cards.
i. Along with the Christmas party
c. Joe Tykwinski will be talking about the new card system
i. New ID is through Blackboard
ii. Will work for food service, event access, door access system, tied into video
surveillance system, work as e-commerce system
iii. Very state of the art and sophisticated
iv. A lot of funds and a new fee as well as housing fees.
d. Approve money for the cards we are making for the soldiers
i. Paper and envelopes
ii. $400.00
iii. Henkel motions to appropriate the money for Linus project and cards. Pederson
1. Motion passes
e. Student center renovations are at a standstill.
f. Do Christmas cards next Monday, after the ID Card discussion and Deger’s SHRM
i. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.
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