I. VCSU Student Senate II. Meeting Agenda III. October 29, 2012 IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Call to Order a. 6:30pm Roll Call a. Present –Aune, Amanda; Brady, Bryce; Dammel, Kristine; Edinger, Erin; Halvorson, Michaela; Hansen, Liana; Haugeberg, Benjamin; Hecker, Garret; Hoover, Danae; Hinrichs, Ashley ; Johnson, Alyssa; Ketterling, Kyle; Mauch, Nicole; Gentzkow, Chelsea; Williams, Deandre; Anderson, Garrett; b. Not present i. Excused – Kennedy, Christopher; Lagodinski, Lindsay; Palowski, Adam; Pederson, Courtney; Rogers, Patrick; ii. Not excused - Hass, Tiffany(late) Approval of Minutes a. Danae Hoover moves to approve minutes i. Amanda seconds b. Approved Approval of Agenda a. Amanda Aune Moves to approve agenda i. Danae Hoover seconds New Business a. Special Guest - American Cancer Society i. Sell daffodils 1. 1 bunch - $10 2. 1 bunch in a vase - $15 3. 1 bunch in vase with bear - $20 4. Gift of hope - $25 ii. Want student senate for every step of the way??? 1. Student senate rep involved in process 2. Through the years the project gets passed around the campus to the various groups 3. Have a committee of 6 people coordinate the project 4. Get the schools and churches involved b. Apparel i. Danae check on process of polos and jackets and design by next week c. All-Senate Get Together i. Student senate is in charge of meeting for faculty, staff, and student senate get together 1. Liana Hansen and Alyssa Johnson in charge of getting rooms reserved and get food organized d. Student Forum i. Event to get the student body informed ii. Kristine moves to have a forum in the hallway during supper and dinner with date to be determined. 1. Danae Hoover seconds iii. Get answers for questions from students iv. Approved v. Danae Hoover moves to allocate funds to provide candy and that we give away our student senate bags at the forum 1. Deandre seconds 2. Ben asks if bags can be saved until next year for new incoming freshman IX. X. vi. New motion – moves to allocate funds to provide candy at the student senate forum 1. Ben Seconds 2. Garrett Anderson moves to allocate $50 to provide candy at the forum a. Passes 3. Approved vii. Amanda Aune moved to have the date - next Monday November 5 1. 11:30 – 1 and 5:00 - 7 2. Kristine Dammel seconds 3. Approved viii. ½ hour is required to work at the forum ix. At least two people at the table at the same time e. Campus Fundraising Unfinished Business a. Suggestion Box – Campus Gunsafe i. Election and Polls Committee – create survey ii. Legal? iii. What happened to old gunsafe? iv. Figure out logistical proof v. Premature for the survey vi. We must have more information vii. At next meeting we will form a new committee for the research part of this b. Finance Requests i. GSA ii. SHRM iii. DECA iv. Learning Center c. Campus Community Service i. DECA – No Texting and Driving Campaign d. Daffodil Sales e. Higher Education Day i. All invites went out ii. Everything is running smoothly f. Leadership Retreat i. Feedback 1. Good job on everything 2. Fun 3. Have this every year, yet at the beginning ii. Thank You's 1. For the people that helped out a. Have t shirts 2. William Woodworth a. Thank you and Coldstone ice cream gift card and bag of Cheetos iii. Goal Poster 1. Everybody needs to sign it!! g. Highway Cleanup i. Wednesday 3-5, October 31, 2012 ii. Two shuttles 1. 3-4 and 4-5 Reports a. President b. Vice President c. Treasurer XI. XII. d. Secretary e. NDSA i. Reserve rooms for ndsa on the first, November 1, 2012 f. VCAB g. IRHC h. Viking Ambassadors i. Athletics j. Fine Arts k. Communication and Social Sciences l. Business and Information Technologies m. Education n. Science and Math o. Other Reports Announcements Adjournment a. Amanda Aune moves to adjourn