VCSU Student Senate Meeting Agenda February 20, 2013 I. II. Call to Order a. 5:04 Roll Call a. Brady, Bryce; Dammel, Kristine; Edinger, Erin; Frazier, Talon; Gentzkow, Chelsea; Halvorson, Michaela; Haugeberg, Benjamin; Hecker, Garret; Hinrichs, Ashley; Kennedy, Christopher; Ketterling, Kyle; Lagodinski, Lindsay; Lenoue, Ryan; Mauch, Nicole; Palowski, Adam; Swanson, Lyndsey; Westby, Scott; Pederson, Courtney; Anderson, Garrett; b. Excused i. Dougherty ,Jamie; Giesbrecht, Caitlin; Pederson ,Courtney; Hass, Tiffany; Rogers, Patrick c. Unexcused i. Hager, Jessica III. IV. V. Approval of Minutes a. Kristine moves to approve i. Chris seconds ii. Passes Approval of Agenda a. Garrett Anderson moves to approve i. Kristine seconds ii. passes New Business a. Spring Blast i. Take a date to sponsor during spring blast ii. Ben moves that Student Senate takes Monday of the spring blast week for an activity. 1. Chris seconds 2. Passes 3. Talk as a group b. Mission/Vision Committee i. Looking for a student member to serve on the committee 1. Preferably a junior or sophomore ii. Meets at 7:30 in the morning iii. Scott Westby iv. TAKE THE SURVEY!! c. Senator Grindberg’s Proposal VI. i. Grindberg of Fargo was talking about creating an amendment to buy out the contract of Chancellor Shirvani ii. There is another bill to cut out the higher education board and eventually the chancellor. Education would be in the hands of the legislature. iii. President Shirley recommends staying neutral/abstain. 1. We have not had much contact with Chancellor Shirvani to bring up our concerns. We don’t have an informed opinion. d. Finance Request i. Biology students 1. $900 to attend the Dakota Chapter meeting a. They will also be presenting their research b. Cover the registration fees but not the hotel fees. 2. Kyle motions to fund their registration fees a. Chris seconds e. Laptop RFP i. Joe Tykwinski would like some input on how to go about on picking out the laptops ii. Have a vote/display for the student body. 1. Involvement would probably not be great but it’s something. 2. The best choice would be to have the student senate and TAC committee work with the computers to narrow down the choices and essentially choose iii. Garrett Anderson motions that we go with option 3(stated above) 1. Chelsea seconds 2. Approved iv. Kristine will sit in on TAC meeting for Nicole Mauch Unfinished Business a. Student Honor Code i. A way to address the behavioral problems on campus. ii. In theory it’s great, but students will probably not follow it. iii. Garrett motions to make the student code and support it 1. Talon seconds 2. Student Senate would write it and present it. a. We have to be willing to do this b. It can’t be based on whether the individual members want to write it, it has to be based on what is good for the campus. c. Fails! b. Senior Day Event i. Keep your ideas c. End-of-Year Campus Organizations Event i. An idea to get all clubs and organizations in front of everyone ii. Get ahold of the presidents of each club to recognize d. Constitution Committee i. Reviewing the constitution at 6:30 on Monday nights e. Polar Plunge VII. VIII. IX. f. Daffodil Sales i. Finished up taking orders about $5,000 dollars ii. Over spring break a truck will deliver the flowers iii. Over the week of spring blast we will distribute them from the student center. Reports a. President i. Say thank you for the flowers on Valentines Day b. Vice President c. Treasurer d. Secretary e. NDSA i. Leaves at 2 or 3 f. VCAB g. IRHC i. At meeting talked about no tailgating, keep integrity of staying dry on campus. ii. Talked about new regulations for violators or drinking in dorms h. Viking Ambassadors i. Athletics j. Fine Arts k. Communication and Social Sciences l. Business and Information Technologies i. SHRM conference this weekend. m. Education n. Science and Math o. Other Reports Announcements Adjournment